Red pill me on Murdoch Murdoch.
What are they meaning by this?
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autism many such chases
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queer normies trying to capitalize on popular sentiment, just like TRS
just like sam hyde
They're pretty good except for the autist sitcom-type episodes.
Based as fuck.
Almost as based as the Young Prince.
the ones with the 3 main characters you mean? those are the best ones.
Though there are a few stand alone ones that blew me away like last son of the west and hold back the night
>redpilling themselves through memes to the point of being incapable of making any distinctions between irony and sincere political beliefs effectively sliding into the blue pilled stage again.
Watch this, very inspirational. Murdoch Murdoch loves us as we love the Redpill.
There are a few ok episodes but most are really cringey. Some episodes try waaaay to hard to push all the 14 word stuff. And you think it would be Murdoch chan, Dr. Murdoch, and Murdoch Murdoch in all of them but they're in like 3. And a few of those are mostly William Pierce because I guess they think that's funny or they give a shit or something.
It's just kind of disappointing, honestly.
They're pure autism, forced memes and all the characters except for dr. Murdoch suck.
I still don't get it.
Some episodes are clearly satire. Some are just edgy as fuck. It actually seems to me like they only want to promote national-socialism but don't want to live under it.
Not a bad review Nate.
Trs is not normie tier. Ur thinking of Gavin mcinnes or milo
9gag tier Sup Forums freebooting.
Should have used pepe instead of wojack.
it's entertainment. that's all. and as a bonus you get to see the makers artistic talent. he's really good with visuals.
Maybe you just wanted something different than entertainment?
Don't call me Nate here. On Sup Forums I'm the Silver Bullet.