I am only attracted to women, I act straight and I think straight, but I sound like a fag. Does anyone else here have this problem? Should I drink alot of whiskey in order to gradually destroy my voice? How do I "fix" this, Sup Forums?
Any other straight males here with faggy voices?
It's OK your swedish.
People expect you to be a fag.
Nothing you can do about it.
I also have a pretty weak voice and I tend to talk very quietly.
It doesn't really bother me though because I stopped giving a fuck about anything years ago. My life is only memes now
Stop sucking cock
if you stop deepthroating those refugee fucks than you sound less faggy. But still being a swede
this is me too
We are one, sheepfucker bro
great thread
I fixed my gay voice. It takes exercise. The most important thing is speak from the diaphragm. And you need to record yourself.
join the military and they'll fix your faggy voice by making you yell a lot
Take up smoking?
Okay, thanks. What else can I do?
Train in front of a mirror, record and listen to yourself.
Never had a problem with my voice but I know somebody who is a lot happier now after following this advice
I am only attracted to women, I act straight and I think straight, but I look like a fag. Does anyone else here have this problem? Should I drink alot of whiskey in order to gradually thicken my hands, wrists and facial bone structure? How do I "fix" this, Sup Forums?
My life too, honestly, but this really bothers me sometimes. A muslim at work imitated my voice the other day and it made me feel like less of a man.
start smoking user, it'll deepen your voice a bit
been smoking winny reds since I was 14 so I don't have this problem
You could always kys.
ah, already been mentioned.
works though user
Mike Nolan?
Low dose Clomid, daily.
The Muslim was right to mock you, Sven.
Smoking is degenerate and bad for your health, I don't want lung cancer, so that's out of the question. Anything else?
Adopt the IDGAF attitude. A friend of mine is constantly thought to be gay when people meet him for the first time.
He smashes more pussy in 3 months than I have in my entire life, and no, I'm not a wizard.
I have a friend like this. When I first met him I assumed he was gay. According to him he gets that a lot. He just has kind of an effeminate lisping voice, plus he's good looking and fashion conscious, so that doesn't help. Not really much you can do about it, just try to be aware of it and act a little more masculine in public I guess. If you dress well, try not dressing so well. Let some stubble grow on your chin. Let your apartment or room get messy and gross. Maybe cut down your showers to once every two to three days. You just have to make sure people see you doing things that a gay man would never do.
then do what another user in the thread said, practice speaking from your diaphragm.
voice training, it might take a while, but it eventually has an effect on your psyche and the way people think of you
>Smoking is degenerate and bad for your health, I don't want lung cancer, so that's out of the question. Anything else?
Squats and oats. Lifting and eating right will add test. Your voice will deepen as a result fo your new hormonal balance. Also, quit buying feminine care products. Like fuck, you Swedes buy more of that than the average north american woman does.
id start by working out, building testosterone, eat some eggs. you should go slow at first and have rest days. go big or go home for a newb will only lead to burnout. or you could just smoke, but workout too, smoking surprisingly doesn't cut down on testosterone. it might have an impact on your larynx developing if you go the high T method, can't say how much if at all.
Italian/Norwegian master race here.
I have one of the deepest voices I've ever heard. People comment on it. I feel like a deep voice compensates for a lot of other things (lack of muscle ect.).
If you have a high pitched voice, it's alright. Just gotta lift weights and compensate for it right
Better than sounding like you deserve to be executed by Islamic religious police