What's their endgame?
Hack the world
Civil war in the US
They're trying to make america great again.
Thanks russbros
Robot Stalins.
Easy - to destroy the United States.
They do not have an endgame. They don't meddle into international politics like US does, except maybe for the ex soviet republics. Russia is not evil as Zionists made you belive.
To trade with europe again?
To become the strongest country in both Europe and Asia like they were at the height of their power.
To prevent the west from collapsing.
flame on Dota2
Their endgame is to hack the living fuck out of the whole world
Honestly? Be like the US sorta.
The Cold War is long over. Let them fix the damage from that transgression and join the civilized world.
Nuclear winter
Get into Middle East -> Get leverage we need to make OPEC drive oil prices up -> Use oil money to build industry -> Help other BRICS together with China -> Make sure BRICS overtake western alliances in economics, military power etc -> WW3 -> NWO
Build a pipeline through Iran and set up a non-dollar trading system for crude oil.
Pretty sure Alaskans wouldn't be happy about it.
And neither would we, our country could barely afford the annexation of Crimea
Turn back into USSR
That's only the neoliberal cuck leftists. My mom is a traditional 1960s-era socialist and she is firmly Russia-friendly and despises American-Western hegemonialism and interventionism.
I would say Russia is already part of the civilized world. Or at least the most civilized in Eastern Europe/Asia
They just want to be independent in a world where everyone is USs bitch.
To not let this happen.
(They are losing at the moment)
Sad! Many such cases!
To piss me off in CSGO
go fast men ))
To remain relevant and avoid shit hitting their fan by parading around as a strong nation.
To regain their soviet strength and create a muti-polar world with a weakened united states, China and EU.
Keeping as big a buffer as possible between nato and russia's heartland, while trying to drive a wedge between nato members to reduce the organization's power.
It's pretty obvious.
When Germany was shafted after WW1, they expressed anger and resentment towards the allies which eventually led to WW2.
When Russia was shafted after the Cold War, they expressed anger and resentment towards the allies which will eventually lead to the Cold War 2.
>The Cold War is long over
To not let this happen.
(They are failing miserably at the moment)
Alaska is chock full of resources. Is too big for tiny America 1,717,856 km2. Can only live up to potential if under control of strong Putin. We need to make tis happen.
I heard a Russian hacker named Sup Forums wants to disrupt democratic elections in the free world.
To have a GDP greater than Shitaly.
(Just LMAO)
>not hacking to the gate(youtube.com
Step up your game, sempai!
It's not exactly the Cold War yet, when the SCO comes to fruition as an actual threat towards NATO and the UN, Russia stabilizes the Ukraine to their benefit and Russia finishes negotiations with Erdogan to have Turkey join the SCO through appeasement to Turkey's regional desires, then the actual Cold War will begin.
Now it's just wary sanctions by an arrogant America and I honestly believe it'll come to an all time high next year.
Why is CHYNA so rich, but still doesn't even have normal escalators ?
>post yfw you realize that Australia is as good as Russia
>What's their endgame?
This tbqh. We don't like foreign faggots treading on us.
That was the best game I ever played.
hey shitposter, when are you going to plantation your abbos
you could be growing so much more crops, hell the dutch are beating everyone in agricultural production except the US, yet your an entire fuckin continent and cant outproduce tiny Netherlands
Can I fuck your mom?
Russians are the good guys. Russia is an peaceful, white, Orthodox Christian nation. There is absolutely no logical reason for Americans to hate Russia. Russia does many things that people here want to happen here. Gay propaganda is banned in Russia, gays adopting kids banned here and for other countries too. They don't sell out their native white people to non-white immigrants like Europe and the U.S. do.
The entire MSM is lying and has been lying about Russia. Russia is fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda while the U.S. government and media support the terrorists. Russia is protecting ethnic Russians in Ukraine from being genocided by Israeli-Nazi government to make room for Jews.
I think Russia already has enough resources of its own.
Based flag
>GDP (Nominal)
Murica pls.
I believe it probably has something to do with production occurring within China and as such you have Chinese relegated quality control (which, is getting better over time mind you). Don't think these dangers weren't once present in other nations, I mean as the western world we had revolutionary housing development through the use of Asbestos (which is now banned in most 1st world countries).
Total, ruthless meme warfare.
>This is your mind on RT
You'd rather be poor than to be rich and have a good life at the cost of being America's bitch.
>when your GDP is shit but everyone acts like you're gonna invade them
> Restoration of internation power (accomplished)
> Securing warm-water ports (accomplished
> Securing multiple export lines for natural gas (underway)
> Re-establishing a Russian dominated central Asia (contested by China, but underway due to Eurasian Union)
You're in the fact we have a literal whole continent full of resources ready to be mined, and soil to be used for farming.
But yeah nah yeah we just can't be fucked, just chill aye it's no biggie
>Australia could become next superpower
>Nah can't be fucked.exe
Some say that hacking god is impossible, Russians see it as a challenge.
Russia can use all the resources. Best nation in world.
Do look up Russian 90s fella.
Ex-fucking-actly. That's how it's been for our whole history. That's why we're enemies.
I want Russia to regain its artistic prominence. And to wash out degenerate promotion.
This is the most bovine shit I've ever seen. I didn't know cows could use the internet.
"I'd rather be a slave and be treated well than be free and have to work for what I need."
ugh, then again im the odd one out
i masturbate to sattelite maps of farmland, and trust me, the Netherlends get me rock hard
You sound like a fucking cuck. Why would you want to give away a part of your country to other country? I bet you have Swedish ancestors
Becoming a super power requires the population and infrastructure of a superpower.
Currently we have a low population and our infrastructure can barely support said population.
Maybe if our government didn't still have a 3rd world mining policy (by allowing international companies mine our resources under the pretense of developing our Mining Infrastructure with their state of the art mining tech and yet still not nationalizing the sector despite already being completely developed, something which even Saudi Arabia has done and is the supposed plan when you allow such infrastructure plans to occur) and actually planned infrastructure instead of doing it reactionary despite Australia being a New World nation, we wouldn't be in the shit pickle we are now.
I'd just designate it to the fact that being this incompetent is beneficial to US interests as it prevents Australia from actually turning into competition against America for control of the pacific.
100% Hard.
holy shit
please user tell me you have more, im tired of fapping to google maps
Are Iraq and Lybia rich and having good life at this moment?
Doesnt look so.
Hack the time!
When will the pepe ransom ware be deployed?
Takes time. Look at South Korea vs North Korea.
Alaska is rightfully Russian soil. Trump will MAKE ALASKA RUSSIA AGAIN!! Thank you based Putin and russbros.
What's up with this cuck mentality? I can hardly remember anyone saying something gayer than your post.
why donrt you start a campaign to get people reproducing and fucking
>look at the states we prop because they are useful in our war against Russia and China
>don't look at the states we either don't need or intentionally destabilize
Gain MUH GEOPOLITICAL INFLUENCE at the expense of freedoms and wealth of its citizens.
we really need to stop using the term left and right because it doesn't accurately describe the opposing parties anymore
globalists and nationalists would be closer to the truth, though still simplifying it
Stop this
world peace
Watermark is gay
Britain become a superpower in the 19th century and it had a population of like what, 30,000,00?
You're right about the infrastructure tho, we're mass, bigger land mass than mainland europe as a matter of fact.
I guess we just need to uncuck Australian mining policies and re-start that Eureka Rebellion.
We're literally selling our bodies here like prostitutes.
>Thank you based Putin
Fuck off Kremlin shill
What's wrong with me tonight
Would you also return Texas, the rightfully Mexican soil to the mexicans please?
We all owe so much to strong and virile Putin. Lets stand behind him as he saves the West and help him MAKE ALASKA RUSSIA AGAIN!!
Might change once they'll reveal the world the largest attack on petrodollar up to date along with China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria.
Our governments might be run by lunatics and thieves, but at least we're going to be working and fighting together - if Trump is serious about reversing American policy.
Rule the world?
>strong and virile Putin
more like old and senile
>saves the West
the delusion on some of you folks I can't even
No, fuck those cockroaches. We conquered that land. For your recent support we call Alaska a loan. It is time to MAKE ALASKA RUSSIA AGAIN!!
You forgot to turn your proxy on, leaf
Watch your words. Because others are.
Whats wrong with you
>old and senile
Putin is younger than Trump :\
64 vs 70
I get your point, but you're going too far here.
Yes, Trudeau and Putin are both commiebros.
I said
>Our governments
Naturally Soviet Canuckistan follows the Americans lead in everything to do with war