>tfw the president of your country was not popularly elected but instead was installed by a foreign power
Tfw the president of your country was not popularly elected but instead was installed by a foreign power
Other urls found in this thread:
Prove it.
that's really depressing, now kill yourself.
post her feet or i will personally hack more niggers into existence.
Not true. Tell the truth.
Do you ever get stoned and wonder if st. Basil's tastes like candy?
Wikileaks reveals emails of Podesta and employees who frequent a pizza shop and make a lot of cheese, pasta and pizza references with some leaked images of weird art the owner of Comet Ping Pong likes
>"This is sick! They're raping and killing children in there!"
>"Why aren't we investigating! The pedo ring must be stopped!"
>"The mainstream media is trying to cover this up! They even sent someone with a gun to discredit us!"
The CIA and national security believes Russia hacked the election
>"Where's the evidence?"
>"You have no proof!"
>"Get mad libtards, Hillary lost."
>"Lol CTR shills in full force today."
>"I Don't see any proof that this happened. Just Hillary trying to start WW3!"
Trump supporter logic...
Remember to sage these faggots' slide threads. Just ignore them.
I don't know that feel..
Fucking trumptards
I forgot Detroit even existed. Can they even afford to print off paper for the ballots at this point?
Your entire point is moot the second you tried to link Pizzagate people with Trump people. 1/10 Bait
Remember to go back to stormfront and /r/The_Donald
I wonder why. It couldn't possibly be because the only places discussing it are Sup Forums and /r/the_donald, right?
>i'm angry that the candidate i supported wasn't installed by the same international globalist cabal that chose our last 3 presidents
That's wrong you dumb shill.
It's discussed in voat.co and youtube
The same people who make chem trail and flat earth videos? Why do people on YouTube who do "ILLERMENATI!" videos always have to put their stupid faces in them?
You didn't need to narrate the thing to let us know you're a dumb hick living in a trailer. Surely those people don't fit the Sup Forums and the_donald stereotype.
Also, wtf is voat?
Yeah, Israel. Trump is just a Jewish ploy to distract Americans so the globalists can continue with their agenda. I just hope he can lower some goddam taxes
>tfw the shills keep posting bullshit
That's only for the ruling elite to know.
I don't feel it.
Don't you ever use TayTay in your filthy threads ever again
Welcome to politics.
her feet
>tfw the losers of an election demand a recount when their leader conceded
did you read the article shit-for-brains?
no mention of russia, it says they recounted, and as a result trump actually got more votes than they thought
She never said that.
But ... I don't live in Ukraine where a democratically elected government was overthrown by a US back coup. Or Vietnam (Diem). Or Iran (the installation of the Shah. And many more.
Americans decrying foreign intervention is like the Madam of a brothel complaining that most young women are no longer virgins.
Prove it.
>or I will personally hack more niggers into existence
Fucking died laughing
>mfw either Yes or No we lost
No shit you fucking retard
welcome to pol
>Where's the proof?
>W-W-Well you see, Putin clearly wanted Trump to win!
>Right, but do you have proof of hacking?
>The CIA said so!
>Do you or they have proof of hacking which you would like to present?
>The important thing is that Trump and Putin get along! Look at wikileaks!
All fluff, unlike the proof provided by Project Veritas that Hilary actually did try to rig the election. All attempts to investigate voter fraud have also seen fraudulent benefits to Hilary, not Trump.
if hillary was elected it would have been the saudis who got their way whats your point? who wants the saudis to be happy? fuck them. they did 9/11
in fact thanks for reminding me i was suppose to push another one of their royal family down some stairs
The US had nothing to do with the Orange Revolution nor the Euromaidan.
Yeah show proof.
I don't get it
Who and why would anyone feel like this?
That looks like the chick from Grease 2. Michelle Pfeiffer?
dopey prince said wants to prosecute you with daddy's money - can't do it when i'm elected
Wikileaks reveals emails of Podesta and employees who frequent a pizza shop and make a lot of cheese, pasta and pizza references with some leaked images of weird art the owner of Comet Ping Pong likes
>"This is sick! They're raping and killing children in there!"
>"Why aren't we investigating! The pedo ring must be stopped!"
>"The mainstream media is trying to cover this up! They even sent someone with a gun to discredit us!"
I don't know that feel as I don't even have a president
shillary army pushing hard before EC meets in 4 days
Poor little plus sign will never know the joy of freedom. Stay neutral, buddy.
we have real democracy and freedom here though...
>what is density
>tfw we're entering the red scare 2.0.
Russia did everything! Trump winning, Brexit, rapefugee crisis, Nu Star Wars and even those annoying ads the bottom of this page, all done by those red scum. What's more, the commies are shitposting their propaganda right here disguised as leafs, aussies, burgers, just to name a few.
Do you know who you're shitposting with?
Report, Sage and hide all suspected commie threads and posts.
Keep Sup Forums and Sup Forums free and green.
sage and report
Been saying all along he's a Kenyan nigger.
Yeah but he's anti political correctnes ansays what he wants!
Dude, grab 'em by the pussy, lmao!
>he thinks tyranny of the majority is freedom
Yea, maybe that was the best we could do 4000 years ago... But we've moved on since then.
thank you mexico for this burrito, it is delicious and, hell it might even be nutritious.
>le mfw america gets a taste of what they did to other countries xDDDXD
ITT: OP and his delicious liberal tears, what a loser... lie more nigger!
Damn, what a pussy trump is. He just leaves his hand out there and it's up to the alpha to make it look good.
Either your a shill or incredibly stupid/naive
>elected by a foreign power
Oh are we discussing things that didn't happen?
TayTay for press secretary!!!
I declare it!
Well said, Greatest Ally.
There is a short list of behaviors that should Never be tolerated by a civilized society, and infringing the goddess like reputation of Taylor Swift is at the very top of that list!!!!
Fake and gay
>People see evidence in emails that something is going on
>Conclude that something is going on.
>People see no evidence of russia hacks, but instead are simply told to believe it
>Ask for evidence.
Wow really makes you think.
>Neon Trotsky
Fuck you pinko commie
more like...
sexretary :^)
>they still menaged to put one Renzi 2.0 power despite us voting because we hated him and most of the people wanting a new election
It's been like that since our founding.
Protip: it's not Moscow, think older
But he has green hair
>Hacked the election
Name one source that says votes were changed by Russian hacking. I'll wait
I thought this was just going to be gore or some shit but damn this is top tier.
>tfw the president of your country was not popularly elected but instead was installed by a foreign power
Are you an Ukranian holidaying in the US?
Shouldn't this be a picture of a latino? america.aljazeera.com
But this is accurate
I hope you're being sarcastic
Not all. Their Frankenstein has gone rogue, and he's pissing in their cheerios too!
A greeno commie then. Fuck off frog.
Yes in fact she said
"Gas the kikes race war now"
That was Katy Perry.
> hacked the election
No. They claim the Russians hacked podestas emails.
Basically the Dems are crying that they would have won if people didn't find out how dishonest and corrupt they were.
>we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling Russians.
They're literally a Scooby-Doo villain at this point. It's beyond parody.
There is definitely some suspicious code word shit going on in those emails. I don't think it's pedo stuff, but I do think it is prostitutes and possibly drugs.
I get screamed at for being CTR when I say that but I genuinely think something shady was going on and that the pedo stuff is just a red herring.
the CIA already did.
> Trump
> Right wing
He is literally the most centre president elect in history.
>tfw your Prime Minister just happened to be there
Now theyre watching me type this aswell