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I can't stand the amount of muslims in NY now.
They're all whiny rape whiste carrying muslims too.
Liberals might have mastered victimization but muslims invented it
I don't even know what to believe anymore
this is a pic of her in court.
wtf happened to her hair. parents gave her some of that cultural enrichment for her drinking?
Undoubtedly. This is moderate Islam to a T.
I believe in those digits and that tache.
you think there is room for hair under those scarves?
The thing that bothers me most about all this is that 95% of people will never see this followup, because that's not how the MSM rolls.
Based parents, thats how you teach them cunts
Parents probably roughed that pussy up a little bit too
>trusting mudslimes
Parents cut her hair and told her to get humble. This puts pity in the minds of the judge and jury, so she escapes any punishment for her hate crime (she smeared the white race, and she lied to police out of her hate)
>This is moderate Islam to a T.
Well given that didnt hot Iron her face I'm ok with that. May you should learn a trick or two from them when they are doing good job.
What the hell is going on with her hairline?
And thats where we come in
I just plastered it all over jewbook
Do your part
This radicalizes the Muslim.
Remember that most Muslims who go attack the US are bad Muslims who don't obey the tenets. Ones who go and drink and womanize.
Related similar story.
Did she turn into a dyke or something
They upset she is dating a Christian
>Reading is hard
Them semitic genetics.
Basically any story that involves Trump supporters attacking people or defacing property is complete bullshit.
>Parents cut her hair and told her to get humble.
i have no sympathy for her hate crime bullshit and she deserves to get socially tarred and feathered for that but i can't get on board with that other shit. seems too fucked up.
So that's what they look like..
You can put back the scarf now.
What other shit? What the fuck are you talking about Bruce?
Conservative Islam would have involved killing her, so I guess this is an improvement.
Read the article that user talk about something he didnt even skim over
The one's that did San Bernadino were described as a normal couple. Quit lying to cover for your buddies you stupid sand nigger.
>Police have charged Seweid
shaving her hair off. i know i sound like a nu-male saying this but it just seems needlessly cruel m8. you can never humble a person through an act of violence - you can suppress them just fine - but it takes an act of love to truly humble a person.
>women are lying sacks of shit
lel, what else is new?
she went full-on trans to make the judge look racist and sexist
Shaving her hair off causes no physical pain, it embarrassed her, it will grow back, and she normally wears a head scarf anyway. It's pretty much a perfect punishment.
Fucking skinhead nazi.
there are cunts literally throwing acid in bitches faces so i'm not trying to be hyperbolic and make it sound just as bad as other shit going on in islam. i know. i just don't stand for it is all.
>wasting FBI time
lol I hope she got fucked
and then she burned a picture of the pope
Love it
So, moderat islam?
>muslims are lying faggots
stop the fucking presses
>shaving her head
>an act of violence
holy shit, please leave you pussy
well done
Well gee, call your local imam and give him a piece of your mind. Alternatively, kys.
I don't get it. pool?
I bet she made fun of Trump's hair too.
>support this tenet of islam you haram pig
no thanks, mohammad.
>leaf wanting me to kill myself for criticizing islam
the true voice of canada.
Nice cherry picking, faggot
That story does not negate the thousands of other instances where hijabs were ripped off by Trump supporters. Kindly fuck yourself
No, I want you to kys for being a huge pussy. You're an embarrassment.
>supports islamic law only when it enables him to vicariously live out his elliot rodger revenge fantasies on women
you're the fuckin loser here cunt. go defend islam some more. watch a few videos of them stoning bitches. i'm sure you'll get your bitter (((rocks))) off to that.
They most likely cut her hair because they can't beat the shit out of her in America like they can in the Middle East
getting swagged up for jailtime
You're the one defending her (Muslim) parents for shaving her head. It's a perfectly fitting punishment. Hopefully she gets jail time as well.
>You're the one defending her (Muslim) parents for shaving her head.
no i'm not. what?
This has potential.
We need to meme how young muslims are being corrupted by the west and tricked into turning away from islam.
Maybe this will make them go back.
>It's a perfectly fitting punishment.
and it isn't a "fitting punishment" btw. not if she lives in the west. the girl should be both subject to our laws but ALSO protected by them.
this is how sharia law bleeds into secular society. bit by bit.
Is this the first lesbian muslims feminist?
>Legal scholar Patricia J. Williams wrote in 1991 that the teenager "has been the victim of some unspeakable crime. No matter how she got there. No matter who did it to her—and even if she did it to herself."
Damn 12 replies and no one mentioned this. Wtf Sup Forums?
A useless piece of fabric.
Barber- What'll it be?
Yasmin- Just Haram my shit up
does the pool have AIDS?
it was muzzie punishment, none of the press will point that out
> nicest girl you'll ever meet.
> twsted fucking psychopath.
To shave a womans head as form of punishment is very comen in the middle east
>Seweid's strict, Muslim-Egyptian parents allegedly forced her to shave her head over the incident and are upset she is dating a Christian.
I said it happened so it must have happened! Supply evidence you complete cuck.
>She has reportedly been having problems with her family in North New Hyde Park because they feel she's becoming 'westernized', a source told the New York Post.
translation: honour killing is just around the corner. also why the fuck did they move there if they fear westernisation???????????
Im assuming she is a massive hipster and full of shit so she is nice muslim girl sometimes and radical grrrl arteest other times.
Whatever suits the psychopath at a given time.
look at the copyright logo in the photos. first is copyright Facebook. second is copyright pool.
yeah, it won't work like that. if anything, it will give them more incentive to come here and disrespect our laws and customs like they're doing in europe right now. mudslimes are scumbags, the only way to stop the US from turning into the middle east like Europe soon will be is to not let them in to the country in the first place. if there's one thing trump doesn't go back on I pray that it's muslim immigration. what's happening in europe is scary as fuck and I don't want it happening here when I'm about to marry my gf and start a family.
oh i see, thanks bro.
I saw so many endless faggots screeching about this one. I saw one woman citing it as proof of the hate crimes engulfing the nation. It was enraging, because it was an amazingly blatant lie.
>Three men surround you on a packed subway car
>Screaming Trump in one of the most liberal, anti-Trump locations on Earth
>In one of the richest cities on earth with one of the largest concentrations of personal smart phone and camera ownership
>Where they literally photograph their feet on the train or what they are eating 24/7, millions of photos and videos a day, and constantly uploading them
>No one filmed it. At all.
>No security footage, from one of the most heavily surveillance camera covered areas on planet at Earth. No footage.
The fact that liberals parroted this without even breaking a sweat proves they are lying scum or too retarded to be given any thought.
>pity in the minds of the judge
She'll never see a jury. At most a year probation on a plea bargin. you can bet De Blazzio didn't even want them to make the arrest.
>parents gave her some of that cultural enrichment for her drinking?
To be honest this is what should happen to coalburners. The greatest punishment for woman is public humiliation.
I keep hearing so many reports about people who claimed to be harassed by Trump supporters and then coming clean and saying that they made it up.
Let's create a pastebin of all this and drop it on libcucks who claim that Trump supporters are the worst.
Doesn't mean she did.
How many MSM headlines did her initial report generate vs. how many are reporting that it was a hoax?
I'd like to compile Headlines About The Attack Vs. Headlines About The Arrest.
This got national attention in Sweden. We also had a rape case going on at the same time but who gives a shit.
But its all ready truth now, it doesn't matter if they retract it because people all ready believe in it.
fucking kek
she admitted it though
hmm that is exactly how minitrue works 1984.
Parents shaved her head as punishment, including punishment for dating a Christian.
I bet she made that up too. Seems like a professional victim.
Somebody please stone this creature.
Yeah, i've read it.
I mean its not on that level but people are so fucking ignorant and have the memory of a goldfish so it really doesn't matter. They media puts it on the first side and whines about it for days and if it turns out to be false they just ninja the arcticles on the internet and MAYBE put a little postage stamp retraction hidden somewhere. But that won't stop people from repeating that article as truth years later.
>Remember study that....
flag confirms
Hear me out.
She should be charged for making a false report, obviously. But it's not necessarily her fault. We need to think big picture. SJWs enable this behavior. Anti-Trump, anti-male, etc rhetoric. Look at the UVA Rolling Stone rape story that turned out to be false.
By the way, if you get a chance, you should watch "Fantastic Lies."
She's a qt
Do all leafs shitpost this blatantly because they're aware of their own flag?
Right, letting them doing what they want with their family is only the first step to bring all their own laws in our respective country.
+1 upboat for you m8
Also reported here