Immigration DECREASES a country's average IQ


(well except for maybe Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Macao and Singapore)

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I don't doubt it , but I'd like to know how they calculated this. For arguments vs. bluepilled fags or normies, of course.

Kek, people wondered why germany sucks more and more each time in those PISA tests. And i think noone ever dared to adress the obvious reason for this is that there are TOO MANY FUCKING FOREIGNERS HERE.

Fake News
All the immigrants are doctors, engineers and shit

That's kind of a retarded analysis. Yeah, so mexico has a lower average IQ than the US, and they're sending lots of immigrants here. That could still actually raise the US average IQ. You can't simply look at the average IQ of the source country since oftentimes our immigration policy only lets in people with great qualifications (which will correlate with high IQs).

The overall conclusion could still be right, but desu that's just a dumb way to try and illustrate it.



>Only Qatar and UE get IQ increase cause the get european engineers to desing their roads and buildings
Makes you think

you have to go back

Lord have mercy, this is much bigger than people imagine. If the trend continues we are doomed, say goodbye to space exploration or higher civilization, what we have in this map is the end of civilized men. This is much bigger than global warming, the average human will be functionally illiterate and incapable of simple math. Sorry bros, but this is to big of a problem and it will make dealing with other problems(diseases, global warming, nuclear war) impossible. This is the end Sup Forums, :(

It gets worse. There will be 4 billion niggers on this planet by the end of this century.

Don't worry those 4 billion niggers are only capable of getting anywhere near that because of europe, but europe will collapse or go full 4th Reich long before that.

"our immigration policy only lets in people with great qualifications"

If you moved to my country it would turn black in this map instantly. YOUR ENTIRE ELECTION WAS ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and you still can't understand how much it is lowering the fucking IQ of the country? It's the fucking illegals gaining amnesty from democrats(who are doing this only for votes) who are lowering this IQ into oblivion. Also, look at the birth rates, you don't needso much illegals, you just need them to breed.

It won't be that bad

is absolutely terrifying though, I think a lot forgot that it isn't just white births declining but in many parts of north east asia birthrates there are declining even faster

Let's hope so, because otherwise we will see a mass megafauna extinction in Africa in our lifetime.

IQ is going down because stupid republicans are anti education.

I know, I know. How will the post-intelligence world looks like? Elysium looks like a good scenario, black muslim Idiocracy is what I expect. Anyway, it's to late.

It's interesting how the Republican states in the north (North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Nebraska etc.) have some of the highest IQs in the states then

Please be satire.

Are you guys just pretending to be retarded? Are you really not understanding the point I'm making?

Even though Mexico has a lower IQ on average, there will still be a small percentage of people there who would be above average in the United States. If an immigration policy primarily let those people in, the destination country's IQ would go up even though it was accepting immigrants from a country with a lower IQ. Get it? Since there is no proof in that graphic that the immigrant average IQ is the same as the country's average IQ it's worthless.

It would be better to actually perform IQ tests on legal and illegal immigrants rather than trying to estimate IQ changes like this.

Get ready for a dose of Mexican intellectuals

>Education can't make IQs higher
>IQ is mostly inherited
>How can you stupid "it's the republicans" theory explain Europe, South America, China?

It's the third world immigration you dummy, and it will get much much worse, look at Nigeria's demographic projections. Thanks God I have high IQ and a lot of money, maybe I can move to Dubai until Elysium becomes a thing... poorfags are doomed anyway.

and then these talented ten outliers have children that are much closer to the mean lower IQs of their race

Why would you deprive a nation of its most intelligent people?

Are you even white?

sorry bro, not pretending to be retarded, but if you can't see that your average illegal alien has a very low IQ you're probably retarded. Yes, legal immigration policies have the goal to get smart people in the US, it's not the legals doing this, its the illegal wave. But not all countries care about immgrant's IQs, Europe is opening the gates for the dumbest of the dumb.

UAE, and Qatar rise due to rigorous selective immigration, and immediate deportation of those who break certain laws. Doing it right.

I'm not talking about the actual effects of immigration on IQ. Like I said in the first post I made, the conclusion that immigration lowers average IQ in all these countries could be (and probably is) correct.

I think that the "evidence" he uses to show that this is the case is totally garbage though, since the immigrant performance may not be exactly the same as average performance in that country.

Can confirm. My uncle (and his family) were able to live in Dubai for a few years because he works for the Royal Dutch Shell.

It says so in the image: they took the average PISA score of the country's 15 year olds and converted that to an average IQ.
They then took the average PISA scores for only natives of that country, converted that to an average IQ.
The two IQs compared show a drop (or a boost in the case of Qatar etc.) in the IQ of the overall population compared to the IQ of the natives.
In theory very simple.

You might interested in this data:
It's a good indication of how many immigrants your country is raising right now. For example for Denmark we're taking in less NEW immigrants, hence the drop in first-generation immigrants students (from 3,4% to 2,8%), but the ones here are still breeding so there's an increase in second-generation immigrant students (from 4,2% to 7,9%!).
Especially this one:

Your upper neighbour has been hit particularly hard by immigration when it comes to school achievement. Page 32
>However, some national data show a different picture. For example, when looking at students’ grades at the end of Y
ear 9, the data show a gradual increase since 1998. Grades are based on the goals students are expected to achieve at the end of Year 9 (according to the curricula), using the established grading criteria. Students’ merit ratings are calculated before selection to upper-secondary school.
>The rating is the total of grade points in the 16 best subjects in the student’s final grades (under the old grading scale, Pass equalled 10 credits, Pass with Distinction equalled 15 credits and Pass with Special Distinction equalled 20 credits). The maximum possible rating is 320 credits. Average merit rating has steadily increased between 1998 and 2012 (Figure 1.7). In the 2009/10 school year, the merit rating declined to an average of 208.8, but it has increased continuously since then (NAE, 2013).

Great, so not only are they declining internationally, they are also causing grade inflation at the same time.
Thanks, neighbours.

I am personally escorting you back, Paco

this is fake, it says USA lost 1-1.5 points of IQ but that's clearly impossible as you can't have a negative IQ score.

Except your being facetious and pretending that mass immigration regardless of IQ testing is not taking place and that the overall reality of the situation is somehow us picking only the brightest people from each country.

hueueue so funny, comedy is good

Related to thread for those that havnt seen this,

Are you white?

Mixed AF, look white though, why?


Good post. Really put things into perspective.

>implying nuclear fire isn't an option

>Muh third worlders are just as intelligent and capable as first worlders!
This is what Leftists actually believe.

>our immigration policy only lets in people with great qualifications
This is true. Half of Asian immigrants have a college degree, compared to 30% for the country at large.

That's only true for legal immigration though. Half of hispanic immigrants don't even have a high school degree, and many of those are Reagan amnesty recipients. Their kids fare better, only because they learn English early. Improvements basically stall in the third generation.