> Intergration of 2nd generation immigrants goed hardly any better than 1st generation
> In a poll immigrant blame the racist nature of the Dutch and their unwillingness to adapt to immigrant culture and values
> Intergration of 2nd generation immigrants goed hardly any better than 1st generation
> In a poll immigrant blame the racist nature of the Dutch and their unwillingness to adapt to immigrant culture and values
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Why does Europe keep bringing in immigrants from the Middle East and Africa? Wouldn't it make more sense to bring in immigrants from Latin America, since they speak a European language, are Christian, believe in hard work, and understand basic human rights?
> Understand basic rights?
Ah, never been to Honduras or El Salvador I see. Also tell me how about how great Northern Mexico is. Cartel warfare is the epitome of civilization from what I hear.
i knew el salvadorians who were here for like a year, educated too i think.
they both got deported
also i think the rest of their family were illegals in the us lol
They obviously have high crime rates and other problems (which is why a lot of them want to leave), but I'm talking about the beliefs and culture of the people. If you took a survey of Latin Americans, they wouldn't say shit like "apostates should be stoned", "behead those who draw Jesus", or "suicide bombing is acceptable". Some of the ultraconservative ones might say that all countries should be Christian, but that's hardly a problem in Europe of all places.
When will we kick them out
>tfw indo
>overlooked because we integrated so successfully people didn't even notice
also quite a few of them do come here but theyre not allowed to stay so they avoid deportation by living on the street and stealing etc
Hey Netherlands, psssssst
As a spic I can tell you
You could grab a drug dealer and give him a job in a place better than Mexico and he would be grateful
Granted you do not bring a whole bunch of those because that's the recipe for a little Mexico in your country
However, if you bring many of the most educated ones, your country can o ly benefit from them
We really care about work, family friends and what image we show to people
> In a poll immigrant blame the racist nature of the Dutch and their unwillingness to adapt to immigrant culture and values
Fuck them, nobody needs to accept them, nobody even needs most of them since they can't even get a job. I'm not even Dutch but you'll never see me hanging around with them.
Well, at least you don't have to deal with slavs. Enjoy your ethnic food and diverse culture.
At least most of the degeneracy is concentrated in the randstad. Hardly any problems down south. Get your shit together Holland
>hardly any degeneracy down south
We are plenty degenerate mate
Just not even near that degenerate
when you and your country dies, they will leave on their own
fuck off, spic
this im half latin american and nobody realises I am.
they all think im a full blooded dutch
Don't know where you live m8, but the people here still get shocked when they see more than one negro a day. Downside is the people generally aren't too wealthy
Maastricht reporting in, degeneracy levels off the scale.
Lol immigrants think others need to adapt to their culture. I hope Europe uncucks itself.
Fellow maastrichtenaar hier. It's not too bad except for the Fasos-commies.
The most educated Mexicans are all white Spaniards though
There are plenty here though. I don't even want to know how many there are in the Randstad nowadays.
This is what the left and the MSM are trying to convince them.
good, fuck them
Indos are absolute Bro Tier, every indo i know is far right
>leave of their own
They'll leave alright
you mean like they did in Haiti? :^)
Got me there, luckily they only hangout at the LBB with all the other vegan twats. Hardly see them in prestigious places.
>every Indo I know is far right
Understandably so
>arrive in country
>get treated like shit
>work hard
>entire group to become middle class
>new migrants arrive
>get benefits out the ass
>commits crime En masse
Does any area of that map have a good number of people that would vote for Trump if they could?
Google Kalergi plan.
Godverdomme, man.
2nd generation is actually worse in Denmark.
Indo's indeed are alright. They feel European to me.
Moroccans and niggers from those islands we traded for Manhattan (bad choice), and the Turks are causing most of the trouble despite being a relatively small portion of the community. We hate them so much
Is dit echt Maastricht?? Woon niet ver van jullie af..
M8 no need for trump is wilders is going to rule the world
They come to spain and dont go north. Fucking sudacas.
Eindoplossing wanneer?
Most of Europe and Japan has an ageing "Greying" population.
More people are dying and babies being born.
Result being Pensions and other services are beginning to feel the strain.
Are you a DUMBASS !
We need these immigrants !
Our population is ageing, or did they never teach you "demographics" in school !
Oh yes we have so much space
We need even more people
Digits confirm
there's a simple solution lads, we tell all the muslimes that we've made Flevoland their very own little caliphat in the the Netherlands.
and when they've all moved there we just break the dams.
they all drown, we rebuild and do the same with the next group of migrants.
Ah yes
The ponzi scheme that is pensions
The solution is simple
Less old people
Not more shitskins
Same. I know this Indonesian girl who's into weed and art, basically a liberal.
Then she starts mentioning the Rothschild kikes, globalism, how the world is nearing its end thanks to the left.
I actually had to defend her in class because the teacher didn't believe it.
Welk dorp/stad mijn beste. Het verbaast mij keer op keer hoeveel zuiderlingen er op Sup Forums zitten.
You can't "integrate" across racial lines
And most importantly, there is nothing to integrate INTO... because the non-whites rapidly become majority populations whereever they live.
The whole point ofc, is to genocide whites and turn the country into a brown shithole
All leftists have a burning hatred towards their own race
better introduce some welfare leechers, that will remove the strain.
it's because they are in close proximity.
spics go to murrica.
indonesians went to Oz (not anymore).
Middle east scum goes to europe.
Don't complain, think of all the tax revenue those sudacas are bringing in-oh wait...
Been there. Done that.
Yea because unemployable muslims & africans pay so much fucking taxes... Because they exist to benefit us..
Maastricht is just about the worst Limburg has to offer. The small villages are a lot better. The town neighboring to ours just got a set of migrants though, some Muslims. So badly integrated, they didn't even know what a schutterij or vlaai was.
>not EDC'ing a Luger
>not ordering Hans to get the MG-42
I get that. But why Muslims? Why a group of people who speak a language not even remotely similar to yours, follow a different religion, come from countries with completely different systems of governments, hold radically different ideas about the law and morality, etc.. Wouldn't it be easier to put out some advertisements in the newspapers of Mexico or Colombia or Venezuela and say "hey, you can move here if you'll work and promise to learn Dutch". You'd have all the immigrants you'd want, and none of them would try to impose Shariah Law or carry out suicide bombings.
It certainly sounds alot better
>Does any area of that map have a good number of people that would vote for Trump if they could?
Pic related would be a god guess.
The truth of the matter is
We didn't know
We had no idea what we were taking in
When we employed Turkish and morrocans in the 60s we assumed they would just leave when the work ended
This is the most accurate map of Netherlands that I've ever seen, kutjes :D
Niet hem maar
You're right. Maastricht as a studentcity has imported all kinds of sjw's promoting degeneracy. Luckily the muslim situation isn't too bad.
You're right in saying the small villages are better. All of those villages are pretty much 80-90% white. Hell, the one i was born has the highest percentage of PVV-voters in the country. I blame Maastricht's fall on the import of hordes of Sonderweg germans.
I think the gouvernment knew.
I think they also knew what the reaction would be, that they underestimated it with Pim Fortuyn and freaked out.
That the migrants would leave when the job's finished was one big con game.
/013/ hier
In dutchy's case because the dutch fears the spanish.
Other countries? Fuck I know, bbc fetish I guess.
Please remove yourself
>gr non-brabander
sets me on the thinking
Gemeente Valkenburg toch? Prima, hele mooie omgeving.
>> In a poll immigrant blame the racist nature of the Dutch and their unwillingness to adapt to immigrant culture and values
Have they stopped for a moment to consider maybe they should try not being immigrants?
Hardere brabander dan u
Als er 2 plaatsen zijn die nu meteen van Brabant verwijdert moeten worden zijn dat Tilburg en Roosendaal
>Dutch fear the Spanish
>nicked the silver fleet, bankrupted Spain twice, fought for 80 years, shat all over Spanish troops worldwide
Nice little projection you've got going there.
>Het verbaast mij keer op keer hoeveel zuiderlingen er op Sup Forums zitten.
>Hoog wapenbezit
>Staande militie
>Landelijk met veel protest tegen AZC's
Eigenlijk best logisch.
>Gemeente Valkenburg toch?
Schinnen, leer kaartlezen.
The gouvernment did a study to their integration as well, saying that about half of all second-generation immigrants feels strongly Dutch, and that at least three quarters of all second-generation immigrants strongly feels Turkish, or Moroccan.
Now either that doesn't mix, or some people are lying about how Dutch they feel.
ga maar gelijk atje bleek trekken jongen
BoZ maar goed
Veel plezier met je ""stad""
/0541/ hier
Zwarte Pieten discussie heeft geen effect gehad. Iedereen hield de traditie in stand
>bergen op zoom
My town, Oldenzaal, re-opened the gates after the Spanish defeat to let them back in, since they'd let us be catholic instead of the Dutch protestants lol
>bad kids get sent to spain
Its ok dutchy boy, you can accept this or seem even dumber. Enjoy achmed, he'll make you wish it was Alonso.
They weren't immigrants. They were repatriants. They had to leave Indonesia because they were Dutch. They were the elite in dutch east india and obviously feel better than shitty inbred peasants from awful countries like Morocco and Turkey.
Of course we send bad kids to Spain. Why would we punish them by sending them somewhere good?
>he'll make you wish it was Alonso.
We know how to deal with Alonso though.
>they were the elite
Most weren't
They were just half breeds that would get killed if they stayed even if they hadn't had any formal education
The ones that were had to leave everything behind
Why yes, I would love to have my place in Utrecht be right next to the beach.
Ja maar dan zit je tussen de inteeltboeren, sociaal leven is kut en de hele tijd dezelfde chicks
>dutchy so stupid he doesnt understand jokes
No, they were. They were considered better than the muslim population. You don't have to be extremely wealthy to belong to an elite.
>Sociaal leven
Ik zit op Sup Forums.
>Dezelfde chicks
Heerlen en Sittard binnen 10 minuten rijden.
Die heb je ook in Valkenburg. Inteelt is beste teelt.
Which is called inundating and is a military tactic we have been using for a long, long time.
All according to plan. We knew one day we would have to deal with gibsmedats because we are so prosperous, so we built Flevoland specifically as a containment zone to one day get rid of them.
It's actually something like a giant gas chamber. Hitler was small time.
It hasn't failed because we are racist it's because these people will not learn the language or participate.
Your avarage arab or nigger refuses to do so and because these programs are run by woman thwy mostly get away with it.
>Be me
>Work for the state
>some roach woman gets 10+ years welfare
>discover nothing is wrong with her
>can barely speak english let alone Dutch
>read up on integration reports
>state subsidized project worth €100.000 a year
>revolves around drinking tea and folding boxes 1 time a week
>be Dutch
>on welfare
>have to apply for 5 jobs a week or face the wrath of the state
Basicaly we are slaves working to support an ever increasing number of lazy rude shitskin vermin
Yup, always keep this in mind when you hear the ungrateful bastards call for sharia law. They'll have it, right before the flood.
Just remember when they day, comes and the US complains.
Because they will, they love muslims, make sure to kill a thousand of them for every complaint.
And when they come to bomb you make sure you can attack the children of US politicians.
Ik kom van origine uit parkstad en ik betwijfel of dat het sociaal leven is waar je op zit te wachten. Paupers en proletariërs zo ver je kan kijken.
>Hij was bang dat Donald Trump na een eventuele verkiezing zijn werkvergunning zou afpakken. 'Daar ga ik niet op wachten.'
>Want iedereen heeft het altijd wel over de Mexicanen, maar de Nigerianen zijn ook geen lieverdjes, in de ogen van Trump. Tijdens een toespraak in januari maakte hij hen zelfs tot specifiek mikpunt. 'We moeten de Afrikanen het land uit krijgen. Niet de zwarten, nee, de Afrikanen. Vooral de Nigerianen. Die zijn overal. Dat kunnen we echt niet hebben! Als ik president word, sturen we ze naar huis. We bouwen een muur langs de Atlantische kust. En dan gaan we Afrika misschien opnieuw koloniseren, want ze hebben overduidelijk geen snars geleerd van de Britten.'
De nepquote is inmiddels verwijderd, maar het artikel herschrijven met de insteek 'Nobelprijswinnaar slachtoffer van nepnieuws' was toch een stapje te ver voor de Volkskrant. REEEEEE
Zegt het al. Het enige wat nog linkser is, is het salaris van Matthijs van Nieuwkerk
I think the NAM needs to increase production.
And spread them around the country?
At least that way there will be fewer leftist regional governments.
>since they speak an european Language
So just like maghrebines speak french or iranians persian?
Tilburg here. Not so long ago there was a blacky in the park high on drugs who stripped naked and harassed people with a screw driver. I don't know if he was a (((refugee))) or not.
Also there is an anti Geert sticker near my house REEEEE
Pretty much everyone in that region speaks Arabic as their native language. But yes, I guess Algerians and Tunisians would be good candidates based on language alone since many of them speak French. There's still the problem of the religion and the culture, though.
Last time I applies for a visa for Germancucks they issued me a visafor 2 weeks. And they let in mudslimes visa-free.
Last week I applied for a visa to the Netherlands for a week and they issued it for a year. And you don't see wild nignogs there like anywhere else in yurop.
This is why Netherlands is a good thing.