So this is what all the Trump-memeing here was about? You guys just wanted submissive Russian women?
Russian women
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Nice to see that the left has crossed the line into racism without even a hint of self-awareness.
Why is it on the news.
Are there any news headlines without "Russia" or "Trump" in it?
Shit we've been found out! Alert the manosphere!
Are they fucking joking? The average 'submissive' Russian woman would year an american chick to pieces. These dumbies mistake respect for weakness.
Men want respectful women.
This makes no fucking sense. That going through someone's mind while voting for Trump is incredibly unlikely. Do I need to explain?
To msm:
Non-SJW = "submissive"
Yes, and I am still waiting on my women, Putin!
>That going through someone's mind while voting for Trump is incredibly unlikely.
Russian waifus are just one more campaign promise he's backpedaled on. I think we made a mistake guys.
What even in fuck is this supposed to be implying?
Yes. Gibs submissive Russian woman like Mummy and it stops. Although she doesn't seem submissive.
>russian women
You gotta be manly as fuck to achieve that
So the 50+% of white women who voted Trump also wanted submissive Russian women?
Well, you gotta grab em' where it counts, you see.
Lol wut? I want a submissive kawaii nip girl. Fuck off vanity fair and Putin.
Anything wrong about that?
After I texted my FSB handler a pic of my ballot, I got pic related mailed to me the next day.
>tfw I already have a submissive russian woman
feels good man
What does that even have to do with anything? Who wouldn't want a submissive Russian cutie?
Where can I pick up my Ruski wife?
>slav women
Holy fuck, they are in for a surprise.
Yes, yes. You have it all figured out. Now go with your friends and laugh at how smart you all are... while we prepare. You don't see the fire, do you?
Wasn't there a study from a condom manufacturer that said Russian women are the third most likely to cheat on their spouses in the world? I thought the study sounded bogus, but I've never thought of Russian (or Slavic in general) women as 'submissive'. They do seem more attached to traditional gender roles, but that doesn't necessarily make them submissive.
>tfw I looked up the source for this
Dear god, they've completely lost it.
About that "Submissive" bit...
Today I'll also be texting to my cia handler to ship me some of that delicious American boipucci
They will realize they invited their own doom, but it will be too late.
Who is that clown?
It also showed me Alex Jones in Youtube suggestions, so I watched him for the first time in my life, and it's God-tier entertainment.
I am a Russian immigrant and I am legitimately outraged by this utterly sexist, racist, Russophobic, and xenophobic write-up against my people. Disgusting. How is this allowed? Imagine if someone wrote something like this about, say, African women?
I'd love for this cuck to say this to me in real life. For him to say this to any Russian woman. The average Russian woman would beat this nu-male libtard cuck so badly he'd never dare to write something like this again.
That's Keith Olbermann. He's a former sports reporter who thinks he's a political commentator.
Alex Jones is crazy, but he's definitely entertaining.
Anyone seen Danger 5 would know Russian women arnt stereotypical of submissiveness.
We want submissive women in general.
Your women are hugely underrated, or perhaps I was just lucky. Very humble and easy going.
Slav women might be submissive if you treated them like the average Russian chuvak and hit them like a brick, Idk.
t. Romanian
>russian women
fucking kek
How are your women Egypt? Do you really have gaysex cause Muzzies can't get any poon before marriage?
>How is this allowed?
Because your white and you have white privilege :^)
am with you man. my mom had a russian accent once the kids at school found out I was fighting all the time. you make kids hide under thier desks and tell them the russians want to nuke children at school and they respond by fucking with russian classmates. I actually refused to hide under the desk and told the teacher a half inch of wood aint helping if we nuked. got kicked out of class I was 8. learned how to fight pretty well though so everything worked out well.
Muslim girls just do anal to keep their virginity until marriage.
Source: some local Tatar girls.
Very offensive. Couldn't get a woman elected so they throw other women under the bus. Shameful.
t. plastic surgery the pic
Putin never offered me a submissive Russian woman. wtf I hate Trump now
A butthurt Jew
>Russian women
>this is what american media is talking about.
I was really hoping on the Federally funded "Slav Lovers for Americans Act". Now i,truly see the error of my ways. #WhatsALeppo
I want ANIME women you fucking normies!
First we all just wanted to impregnate anime waifus, now we are lusting after submissive Russian women.
Could they decide on one thing?
I want to fuck that wolf.
Aren't Russian women crazy ass bitches? That seems to be the stereotype not "submissive"
yeah its an ad for a plastic surgeon, but you gotta admit it is a god damn good plastic surgeon
They want alpha chad russia men
"submissive" isn't the right word
Traditional might be a better word
believe it or not russian women are all different. what a concept there are things called individuals in the world. the only russian women most americans have ever met are strippers and wimpy american males just mad they spent thier paycheck on "submissive" ruskie stippers.
[This comment has been censored by Her Majesty's Government for potentially violating legistlation pertaining to hate speech and/or antisemitism.]
[All citizens are to be reminded that antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.]
Someone will have to explain to me what's so bad about Russia, anyway. They're not actually DOING anything. They're just there. The cold ware is long since over. The US is doing more questionable shit by far, and people have a lot more to fear from the US because of our warmongering. I have no problem being bros with Russia.
And yes, their women are hotter. Which is probably why liberal women are so scared of them.
>Russian women
What fucking bizzaro dimension do you come from where Russian women are submissive?
What the fug is a tobago? It sounds like a RV shaped as a condiment bottle.
This meme that eastern european women are submissivesuper and sexy is fucking bogus
They are not submissive, they are loud, violent and drink like a sailor. They start balding at 40 then dye their hair red to hide it. Oh butwait if you put them in their place they will be nice - yeah, just like feminists who date wifebeating mexicans. And she will cheat on you all the same. She wont write a blog about it, she wont say it's good but if she gets bored, she'll fuck the neighbourfree
And beauty? You can go to Uganda and pick out twenty nigresses that look hot, doesnt mean the entire continent is attractive. They have an average mix of sexiness - and they will give their father's caveman genes to your kid anyway
Someone needs to morph That
With this
A parasite island ruled by my fellow niggers that survives on gibs from the main island without offering anything in return. E.G. We give them 100 million and they generate like 2 million in revenue.
> submissive Russian women
Oh, so like Detroit. Got it.
Right on the money my superior American friend.
>russian women
Yeah, good luck with that
I want mummy to dominate me though.
[This comment has been censored by Her Majesty's Government for potentially violating legistlation pertaining to hate speech and/or antisemitism.]
[All citizens are to be reminded that antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.]
>Submissive Russian woman
There is no such thing.. those demanding cunts with little Tsarina syndrome are anything but submissive...
They bend over for a rich American very easily.
Slavic women in general aren't submissive at all.
>Russian women
Hahahaha no. Old Russian women are not to be fucked with. I assume it's only very slightly different when they're younger.
This is the worst fucking meme
Also, this.
>submissive euro women
in your dreams burger, in your dreams.
implying you cant just buy one
so strong independent wowo
This Russia hating and Russophobia has got to stop, it only inspires vulnerable Russians to become KGB Hackers.
Check your divorce privileges.
They bend over for a rich anyone easily.
Feel free to go for it if you are comfortable with introducing a literal psycho vampire into your life.
>Russian women
Get used to this shit mate, you have 4 years of it to come. It hasn’t even hit the full depths of craziness yet. Liberals will literally make up anything and convince themselves its true. Its like a big circlejerk of sorrow for them.
You are the one bending over. They get free money and citizenship. What do you get but fake orgasms for a couple of months?
If you think that russian women are like that, you should see them here in Split.
why would i care if a woman is faking an orgasm or not? as long if it feels good to me i dont give a fuck
Didn't you British get brexit? Why is there now more censorship and less freedom?
>Russian women
Literally pick one. Russian men are literally the only ones that can handle them.
Uganda sure has some hot nigger women.
Brexit was just a vote to split from the EU, will never actually happen.
>russian women
Literally what?
I want burger to explain to me why is there conflict with Russia even though they no longer are commies. I guess back in the Tzar days there was this conflict before as well.
>slav women
When will this meme finally die?
I make 10 000 USD per month by dating and not fucking Ameritrads who come to Russia looking for a wife.
t. submissive Russian woman
Both major political parties are very pro-state surveillance.
Most of the third parties are even worse.
all eastern europoorens and russians lose their virginity at 4, and are literally prostitutes by age 10. nobody wants them.
>watch American tv and movies
>ruskie women are always depicted strong domineering women
>Angry Trump supporters want submissive
What the fuck did I watch Hollywood?
In what universe are russian women submissive? They're hot as fuck though
Nice try robot! I'm reporting!
Where did this super pro surveillance come from? Are they afraid of the commoners? The Irish? You guys got cameras everywhere and want to track everyone down and stop porn. But your police carry truncheons. So confusing. Are you a police state or not?
Not all are hot, I know friend with Russian girl, she's like a 7.5, not as tall as I would like and has stereotypical average Russian face. Hotter than most girls but by euro standards still not too worth the cross cultural pollination.
>Russian women