ITT: Nazi Architecture
ITT: Nazi Architecture
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I hope you autists are getting banned. Go back to ifunny with your shitty forced memes.
Google: The 7th Floor Group or 'The Shadow Government.
The National Socialists had some good architecture but their more brutalist pieces I dont really like.
Hmm yes these are all fine pieces, the nazis certainly designed some of the most beautiful targets that red army artillery has ever practiced on
you even still can see where the swatiskas were in the upper area of the building
The nazis demolished some really beuatiful buildings though Sup Forums
>not shooting to slav mobs
stay pleb
No. Mostly it was collateral damage. Paris is still intact.
Besides the damage that niggers made over the last decades
No no, the nazis didnt demolish any of europe's architecture.
It just happened to be destroyed when they aimed and planted explosives at/on the architecture, and then fired and detonated those explosives to destroy the buildings during their murderous wars of aggression
The damage of 'niggers' is millions of times worse than when the nazis started world war ii and devastated europe.
they just destroyed good citys when they retreat
but the nigger destruction will never stop and last the next several hundred years
because it would be nazi to stop that street "art" :o)
>out of novgorods 2000 old buildings only 40 were left after the nazis retreated
Why did you do it Hans?
You really corrected the history my lib
so they cant establish a new close combat situation
This looks like a pagan ritual, what is this?
M8 you needlessly destroyed aritecture just as well as the Allies and Soviets did.
>muh Nazi exceptionalisms
>Hitlers plans for galactic domination
>harbor city
its the "we wuz roman n sheit" parade 1937
I'm going to guess it's a Midsummer festival.
See? QED
Germany should have been wiped off the face of the Earth after World War 2
To celebrate the middle of the summer, the longest night and warmest day. Midzomer
Fascist architecture is really, really bad desu
god I wish I was there :((((
>which is why americans like it
Still a thousand times better than so called modern architecture
Would gladly have fought - and died, if necessary - for this.
Ytmnd good times my leaf friend
>You will never walk in the streets of Germania
Almost like a triumph
Oh, jew
>Hitler's giant fucking dome that he used to jerk it to
To give an idea of scale and where the thing would have been, the Brandenburg Gate is on the far right. The Reichstag building is the building with the dome on the right hand side of the square in front of the Volkshalle.
You get to walk the streets of fucking Islalin now.
Berlistan? **
>ywn see and hear a hitler speech about taking on and winning against the international globalists in the congress hall
This, i can confirm
>implying it wasn't
>jews are secretly nazis
I don't like it. It doesn't look asthetic enough. I like baroque architecture.
right down to the facade eagle
would this be baroque enough?
not secretly
but you know the saying
too many cooks spoil the broth
>Zionism isn't nazism for jews
You guys shouldn't like it either. Or people will think I'm autistic for coming to a forum full of edgy tasteless losers.
No windows on the 7th floor. Really makes you think.
>graffiti is worse than this
germans are niggers of europe
what the fuck are you talking about
thank england for starting the shit with the civilian bombings
So people who can build civilisations are worse than your people who shacked up together in the slums of Europe.
Don't make me fucking laugh...
>i-it was Englands fault!
nice one adolf. The Luftwaffe was bombing the fuck out of Warsaw before the Brits were even in the war
thats right, keep sucking that kraut cock
Yeah but bombing a city when your ground forces are at the gates was actually legal, british civilian bombing runs were not. And the idiots in Warsaw refused 3 times to give up the city peacefully, even after their leaders already fled and the country was lost. Fkn genius.