Can anybody redpill me on RT news

Can anybody redpill me on RT news.

Is it a reliable news source?

I get it's obviously pro-russia but are they honest?

Thanks in advance.

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I like RT better than Breitbart: Its writing is less inflammatory so it reads most like a mainstream news site. Not being allowed to criticize Putin is a caveat but it's still better than the alternative and their reporters are pretty ballsy:

>I get it's obviously pro-russia but are they honest?
Well, they were the ones reporting about how corrupt Hillary Clinton was, how Assad was not a demonic baby killer and how the whole "democratic" coup in Ukraine went down while every western MSM were lying as much as much as they could

Thanks user,
What's her name?

As reliable as CNN or Fox. Maybe more these days. Doesn't matter anyway because it's gonna get banned soon.

The correct way is reading both sides of the propaganda and ultimately decide who is being more close to your general viewpoints. In struggling times both sides can be right, it depends on who reads it.

They're like Vice before Vice went full liberal SJW.

They don't really have a bias, excluding not being allowed to have any criticism over Putin. They cover US news better than any US MSM.

Pretty reliable, but always keep in mind that this is not a place to get any criticism of Putin and Russia from. Always be a sceptic.

It's a good source to see Russian establishment's view of international politics.

If you want to read it make sure you balance the issues with some western propaganda. Truth is always somewhere in the middle.

They were the first media channel to send reporters to Aleppo after its liberation, and the only ones not reporting that "100.000 people are being massacred there by evil Russians and Syrian government (in a fucking 3 square kilometer space".

It's pretty legit. Reading everything is a must, even fucking CNN. Be aware of what your enemy thinks.

Their Ruptly channel is mostly raw on-location footage.

It's pretty reliable.

>Doesn't matter anyway because it's gonna get banned soon

Really? How?


It's like a shitlib mainstream media in all respects except when it comes to Russia.

Ironically, the one thing at which they are good at is where they are supposed to be bad and unreliable/biased - news related to Russia and conflicts with Russian involvement.


RT is reliable when talking about a country that's not Russia or America

Better coverage of Syria, with actual journalists there.
Well call out shit about moderate rebels and white helmets.

Decent coverage of EU

Anti-Clinton but she was anti Russia
Regularly give US shit a roasting.

It's ok, but it shouldn't be your only source.

the thing to understand is that they tell news from the Russian's world view.

In terms of accuracy and factuality, much more reliable than anything with a sizeable audience you can find in the west, though

I'm sick of their "muh great patriotic war during WW2" and all the shitskin topics. but they're ok in general.

6 of 10 would listen for background. Also some decent documentaries.

This is the only guy I watch on there


Their coverage of migrant violence is absolutely a lifeline for EU people. We are completely shielded from it by our own media.
If everyone watched RT EU would be done

why should we support your info mining into opposition CTR

>RT is reliable when talking about a country that's not Russia or America

They're pretty reliable about America man. Pulling their shit stained pants constantly.


>If you want to read it make sure you balance the issues with some western propaganda.

The problem with the western propaganda is that it lacks facts or just attempt to be convincing. Everything is about emotion, dumb manipulation and fear mongering.

the truth is somewhere between RT and CNN

Wouldn't trust them for anything directly related to Russia, but overall better than anything inside America right now.

Acknowledge it as a propaganda service
and keep tabs on it

See what changes in your eyes as you watch them

>pol links every second major happening to RT
>Videos of migrant violence , endless refugee streams
>Arcticles on an western backed anti Assad militants exposed as terrorists
>Videos of interviews with assange western media won't air because he expressed non-PC opinions
>Articles on general corruption our media doesn't report
>Basically every redpill is from breibartart, daily mail and RT

>Somehow RT can't be trusted and is LE russian propaganda

Pol's cognitive dissonance is staggering

Pic related based RT dropping tactical redpills

Very reliable unless it has something to do within their country or foreign russian military applications, far better than fucking CNN

is that revolver ocelot?

I love how RT bullied Jen Psaki into leaving the state department

RT is shit. They hire a few good red pilled western Journalists and they steal cool footage from other outlets. If you watch RT and don't have the mute button on you are retarded. I don't care what video it is. I remember when I saw the victory day parade one year, they kept having these retards on who keep saying how NATO is evil and how Russia won the war all by its self as the fucking parade was going. It's brain washing, they are funded by the Russian intelligence community for Christ Sake.

My autistic ranting aside, if it's an issue dealing with Russia, NATO, Ukraine, Donbas or the economy they are probably lying their asses off or subverting your opinion with a feels peace.

You should be at the point where you fact check everything and you get information from first or secondary sources. Don't let the (((middle man))) in the media lie to you.

something like /this

Everything that RT does is done for a geopolitical reason. These people are playing 5D chess. While the msm can't even get past Trump.

RT's good and they play a good middle man, there's just a lot of retard on Sup Forums who probably make up the basis of those shills in the comment sections of their videos posting rhetoric and refutable bulshit because they've got an anal pain against russia.

They're also pretty much the last bastion of journalism with a level of integrity, anyone who says they're the right hand of kremlin probably doesn't fucking understand half of their reporters are british or american.

>RT's good and they play a good middle man
I don't think they fall in the middle

>Sup Forums who probably make up the basis of those shills in the comment sections of their videos

On youtube yea, I have done my share of shitposting on there whine i think they are lying their asses off about a subject. Although if you ever go on their comment section on its full of RIDF.

>They're also pretty much the last bastion of journalism with a level of integrity,

Of Journalism? Yes, Integrity? No. Even with American/Western Journalists they are highly controlled and censored. A number of them have left over the years and brought this up. Most notionally over the Ukraine happening. The FSB was feeding them stories, hit pieces and censoring anything about Russian troops or anything that didn't fit with the agenda. It was 2003 Iraq war Fox News coverage bad.

They're the Russian equivalent of CBC

>Uses the term "RIDF" and complains about the ukraine civil war
Mmm, I'm sure you are bothered with RT's journalistic integrity, and not just butt blistered because the west doesn't look good as a result of it's abhorrent foreign policy.

>inb4 muh ukranian soverignity
They got fucked over completely when the USSR fell and they basically became the west's proxy location for about 25 years.

>Really? How?
The Obama administration and its puppets in Europe have been trying really hard to destroy RT, from considering them fake news in the US to some british MP cucks actually demanding all the people who give interviews to RT to be declared foreign agents. Not to mention the RT channel was banned in Argentina and the cable companies that carried the channel here in Mexico were asked "nicely" to stop broadcasting RT.

>A number of them have left over the years and brought this up
Could you back up that claim user?
I only remember the stunt that Liz Wahl pulled 2 years ago with the help of James Kirchick and that british reported who after she left RT and coulnt find another job tried to come back to RT

no news source is reliable.

it's as biased as western media. but it's biased the other way, and seeing that you spend 23 hours 57 minutes a day taking in biased media of one stripe, it's good to see the other side.

It's good for non-russian issues
Don't rely on it at all for accurate portrayal of Russia
Don't rely on it as your sole source of news
Ruptly is good
Outright disregarding it like most people here do/wanting it to be banned, is fucking retarded

I still can't imagine how could someone ban them. This would be the beginning of an enormous scandal regarding the freedom of speech etc.

Not to mention that it is technically and legally impossible.

>I still can't imagine how could someone ban them
Just claim they are harmful propaganda trying to destroy the west and many retards (mostly americans) will have no problem with that

Yeah, sneak them under the same blanket ban as ISIS propaganda is what EU did.

>Maybe more these days

It has always been better than CNN or Fox what the f*** are you saying? That CNN or Fox are legitimate news sources? kill yourself

>"100.000 people are being massacred there by evil Russians and Syrian government (in a fucking 3 square kilometer space"


Haven't they been banned in Latvia already

Even my gf, who is massively anti RT, thinks that's bullshit

Twitter. I mean if it passes for a credible source on UNSC, why not here, am I right,

The only reliable news are the memes

It's only reliable as the disinfo coming out of infowars. Which means it's not reliable at all.

Trust them on their coverage of western word.

Take whetever they say about Russia with a grain, of salt. Actually make that a spoonful of salt.

in my opinion, one of the most reliable sources. Unless its about russia

Actually RT is nothing more than putinshill propaganda nobody in Russian actually watch it.

most reliable mainstream news source there is atm T B H

>Just claim they are harmful propaganda

We don't have legal instruments for doing this. It is impossible.

If you watch it russia will hack your eyes and cause you to vote for right wing extrimists or some weed dude

They are pro russia no doubt about it, but they do it transparantly imo

they always seam to be on point in most things and try to be unbiased
i mean i have seen anti putin stuff on there so they arent completly censored by the state

lastly they come alot closer to portraing whats actually happening in the world then any other news site i have read

How much they pay you again ?