/sg/ - Syria General - Pay Respects Edition

Everything you need to know

>Sappers clear Aleppo

The Lies of Syria


>Newest Interviews with Assad

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>Interactive military map
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>Aleppo Dec13
>Mosul Dec12
>Palmyra Dec11
>Al Bab Dec11
>E Ghouta Nov29
>Latakia Nov25
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 29

Developments Dec 14
>Buses evacuate Fouah and Kefraya of wounded
>VBIED destroys Shi'a militia HQ in Aleppo
>SAA and Spetznaz retake hill country, abandoned armor battalion outside T4 Airbase
>Nusra terrorists attack Aleppo evac embarkation point

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

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First for Suheil.



I will bake you.

russia/saa supplying, usa training, iraqi army irl experience for isis.

only based Turks fight against them.

>Twelve Syrian girls were photographed in in support of the representatives of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

First for based boipucci-lover


>tfw one of G-d's chosen people
>tfw master-race

>Wanting Somalia

>heard a guy on my cucked state run radio station say Assad has basically won at this point
Feeling good lads

I don't think Suheil al-Hassan is gay. I think he just likes to look after himself, also, men like hold hands n stuff over in that part of the world. Maybe that image of him with the 2 guys is just a cultural thing, no?


news say we ll whalecum """"80k"""" people from aleppo. they ll literally join turk-fsa in n.syria.


How do I get a qt redhead irish gf that will take me to drink black guiness?


>I understood immediately that you have serious intentions

sorry to ruin your dreams.

>timed explosives
Do you think that if they could into timed explosives they would be using them instead of people as triggering mechanisms ?

>So, the rebels and ISIS are the one who wants Sharia law, while the syrian government wants to keep things like they are, correct?
Yes, except the rebels want different sharia caliphate than what ISIS wants. And even that is not quite correct as there is no unified "rebels" just a bunch of different jihadist factions that can only agree that infidels need to be beheaded but not what shape blade should be used which has caused bloody infighting at times


he's not gay

You mean buy oil from them? And that's captured equipment dumbasd.


just bee urself :)

I want an Assad t-shirt.

I want to trigger normies on the metro.

>run away from enemy instead of fighting
>leave fucking missiles and a fucking city to your enemies

nice tactics m8.


>redhead irish
most have dark hair


What a cool name. I would marry her just because of it.


sort of want

>Muh Arabs meme
Pretty funny out of a greasy Greek fucker who's been under Turkish occupation for 400 years.

No one wants to blow up the busses. They're needed to finish the war. Whoever spread that shoot the bus meme actually caused it to happen in real life, and it's caused trouble because Putin got pissed off.

Control the autism /sg/, Syrian soldiers are actually reading this thread.

Do argies even care about Syria?


those are nice

>tfw government supports not-assad while i sort of support assad

>Whoever spread that shoot the bus meme actually caused it to happen in real life
the german autist yesterday did something?

Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 10min

1st batch that left east Aleppo was those who were wounded/sick. Process of evacuating militants began moments ago

Yeah some insubordinates started shooting the busses which delayed the expulsion of terrorists for 2 hours. It resulted in an angry phone call from Putin and now Russians are escorting the busses themselves.

>>SAA and Spetznaz retake hill country, abandoned armor battalion outside T4 Airbase
anyone have link(s) to more information on this?

"and I offered to you move to us in Tartous..."

did anybody of you actually see this guy doing naughty things with the same sex?

Most don't even know about it.

But i'm sure some fat sjw could get triggered.

>uhhmmm excuse me, do you know the guy on your shirt bombs babies and tortures anyone who opposes him?

Uhhhhggg just thinking about it makes me rock hard.


>za rodinu

Mild kek. Now I want to see planes with "za stalinu" on them.

>tfw no qt nationalistic turkish gf with ak-47


>hammer and scythe

why hasnt russia supported the kurds yet?

I believe if you have hi-res Assad photo you could print it yourself just as i'll did. Did'nt there in your cities something similar to our print-on-shirt agencies?

So guys what do you think , where is SAA going to focus their forces now? Maybe going for Idlib clearing that part of land and Hama or Going for IS , Palmyra and Deiz ez Zor? Since they liberated Alepo now they can transfer forces stationed there to some other areas.

"I already know how to hold this summer..."

>Pretty funny out of a greasy Greek fucker who's been under Turkish occupation for 400 years.
It was barely 350

is this picture from T4 ? and was it taken recently in like last few days?

yeah pol did that. or its simply impulsive arabs who cant fucking control themselves.

russians know k*rds are literally shit tier opportunistic people who suck whoever has the biggest dick in the neighborhood thats why.


Here is the actual shit "the fate of my Palmira in your hands"

suheil has pleasured my boipucci more than once. but i did not see it as i was bound, gagged and blind folded.

Fucking retards.
>tfw all those jihadists on twitter get bussed to idlib and blown away when Gronzy comes around

>wanting a shit skinned gf.

Someone yesterday posted a tweet about them deciding for pocket in east of Damascus and/or the one between Homs & Hama.


>can't into cold war sloganeering

>Blame le Arab meme
It's never happened before in the last 5 evacuations.


>dat comfy soft tender Syrian pussy

"this is not your aircraft carrier is parked?"

I sweat the God if they're not fucking after this.....

wheat skin is best skin color imo.


Many an Ivan is going to fertilize the Syrian next generation.

They are already clearing that pocket in Damascus , but i mean for a bigger offensive , like that one in Aleppo i guess Idlib would be primary target now if they take that province rebel terrorist will lose big time

here when you want to buddy up with somebody

Car Jacking has a better shirt.

Gonna translate all this shit, cause I have no life.
CALENDAR: To Russian Officers form Syrian Girls.
I immediately knew that your intentions are serious. (Rasha Dib, Latakia)
January. Active military operartions by Russian Army on the Syrian soil (more than 300 Syrian villages liberated)
It was your holyday, but I was the one recieving gifts. (Maysaa Sal`man, Latakia)
February, 23. Day ot the Defender of the Fatherland in Russian Federation.
I was afraid we won`t see each other ever again. (Sara Saker, Latakia)
March, 14. Vladimir Putin orders Russian troops to leave Syria.
...and I offered you to move to Tartus. (Carina Junes, Latakia)
April. Bashar Assad offers Russian troops to re-base in Tratus military base.
I already knew how I will spend that summer. (Lujain Muhana, Latakia)
June, 15. Syrian-Lebanon border is under control.
Destiny of my Palmyra is in your hands. (Camilia Shearani, Suweida)
August, 26. Russo-Syrian agreement on placement of Russian air-group on the territory of Syria.

I can totally see people wearing the "too based to die" image or the "can't Mossad the Assad"

More than 13 terrorists armed factions exist within the rest of the eastern districts of Aleppo and they are :

1-Nur al- Din Al - Zanki movement
2-Nasra Front
3-Ahrar al - Sham
4-Army of Islam
5-Fastqm also ordered
6. Sham Corps
7-Brigades of Abu Amara
8-Soldiers of the Ottoman Empire
9-front Sham
10-band 16-Free Army
11-Front , Ansar al - Din
12-band elite
13. Other factions of the army free

>#Syria // #Homs // Russian airforce continues to light up ISIS positions near the T4 airport. Clashes also ongoing as of now.

>ethiopia out
goy/10, bake yourself

I like it

looks like my old best friend from high school
except he got fat as fuck

Isn`t that your aircraft carrier parked near Syrian shores? (Mari Said Omar, Aleppo)
November, 12. Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" arrives to Syria.

This is the last word

WorldOnAlert @worldonalert 13min

#Mosul report: "#ISIS is making its own ammunition almost as fast as it can fire it ".


Any news gains yet?

>Civilians from besieged Aleppo have arrived to rebel areas.

>Isn`t that your aircraft carrier parked near Syrian shores?


thx bro

for what purpose are they leaving government land?

Haven't really kept up with Syria since 2014, how many Syrian soldiers are currently active?
It feels like the strategic lines are being weirdly drawn because of the lack of manpower.

>government-appointed war kot


They're salafists.


Families of militants.

>future widows and orphans

Suheil is not gay, he has a wife. Stop spreading this meme!

Dammit I got banned from a sekrit isis telegram for being 2 edgy

all I said was that I want them to stop removing/editing out the audio when they execute their sandnigger cousins because I want to listen to their screams