Abo General

Can we have an Abo appreciation thread?

Post you best abo pics, memes and stories.

How did they integrate in in the aussie society?

Is there a feeling of white guilt in aussies?

Are there already more chinks than abos there?

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Go sniff some petrol, cunt.

Why are non-australians so fascinated by abos? Please don't tell me you all fell for the dream time meme

If you lived here you wouldn't even give a fuck about them, shit they might as well not exist unless you're some cunt who lives in alice springs.

is that Bakunin

>ywn be abo
>ywn be a living fossil
>ywn split a kid's dick open and fuck it and call this culture
>ywn huff petrol all day because the white man conquered you, but didn't have the decency to kill you


so they are not everywhere?

Right back at you

is there such a thing as abo cuisine?


is there any abo celebrity in down under?

yeah take an animal and put it over a fire for some time

the furthest abos got pre colonisation in mathematical science was the number 5. and even then it wasnt a linear progression like sometimes theyd forget a few numbers and would rediscover 4 generations later

I assume Sup Forums finds them interesting because they're the strongest evidence that race differences are a genetic reality, not a social construct. They're literally retarded, think in a fundamentally different way and there's evidence they may even be a different sub-species due to being isolated so long (i.e. homo sapiens, but not homo sapiens sapiens.)

Why haven't you killed them all yet?

how did they figure this out?

with science, by science

What is more dangerous an emu or an abo?

>these primates are considered people just like me and you
equality ftw eh?


i find them fascinating

One playing a didgereedoo on a sidewalk in perth put me in a trance state, the low frequencies were super relaxing, and made kids stfu all around him.

The young halfcast ones were in packs quite a lot, those fuckers have serious anger and identity issues.

My favourite fact is that the soil record (ash layers) shows that they discovered fire, used it for slash-and-burn land clearance for a while, then forgot how to do it. Eventually they re-discovered it which is why the outback exists.


>the out back exists because they rediscoverd fire
did they burn it all to the ground?

hey bogans, how are abo girls?

They still practise incest also, fascinating!

>The initial ritual of Aboriginal boys is accomplished by throwing them into a trench called “The Old Woman” with a bull-roarer called “The Mother” (her womb), repeating their birth by going through a birth tunnel with an umbilical rope attached, being covered by “the menstrual blood that can cause you to die,” and then sub-incising them with “a slit made on the underside of his penis” that is said to create a powerful vagina.109 The men then have intercourse in the split on the underside of the penis, “like a split-open frankfurter.”110



No. In many of the more populated areas of the country, they're barely sighted. Or maybe you'll come across someone who claims they're 1/16th abo but they look white enough that you wouldn't know. Of course they still claim extra Centrelink payments and get special scholarships because dey dun been disadvantaged despite generations of their family living amidst the white middle class.

Only in certain areas, where they have their own remote communities, such as in the NT, are you likely to see a lot of them. They're rather sparse in the more populous cities.

Wasn't "aboriginal" art created by some white Australian guy in the 80's?


Sasuga, Belgian

There are a bunch of footballers and Cathy Freeman and that girl who has a really shitty TV show.

Hit the wall hard at 25

Australia sounds BASED

Yeah every second born child used to be pretty popular with them, along with semen and uterus blood(not from period from a X shaped knife cut, they gave the runoff mixed with the semen of men that had sex with the girl after they cut it open) for the elderly to keep them strong.

Posted stories a few times, but for the uninitiated, I can reiterate

>walking to party at night in North Perth with a m8
>have to cross park
>halfway through, see pair of abos enter park opposite and head towards us
>abos approach, high as shit
>"hey cunts, you cunts got a lighta?" (common request before smashing white cunts off their guard)
>m8 throws them his lighter
>abo lights a smoke in his mouth
>face catches fire
>runs around park screaming with his face alight

Must have been chroming or drinking turps

I can continue with more soon, driving to the gym in a minute

>second born child

You aren't kidding

>Most anthropologists do not just idealize childrearing, they baldly state without evidence that tribal mothers are “rarely abusive,” as when they say that children who are forced to eat every second sibling “are the favored ones who started life with no oral trauma,” and that eating one’s siblings believed to be demons “doesn’t seem to have affected their personality development.”12 Dozens more statements as bizarre as this are analyzed in the forty issues of my Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology.

Abo is best offense, emu is unkillable defense

Anyway I find them fascinating.
From two reasons.
One is .
Second is little strange.
Lets assume that Abo ancestors(like 15k years ago) were not retarded like now.
What happened to their population that after some catastrophic event they end like now?

[spoiler]Imo Abbos ancestors had high civilization that was totally destroyed by electric discharges of the some celestial body that also burn Australia, wiped out mega fauna end ice age and cause gigantic flood. [/spoiler]

Is that leslie jones?

I find them interesting because while you can stubbornly insist black people are human (and to some degree western blacks are, due to distant white breeding) you really can't argue aboriginals are anything like you or me. Scientists claim they're searching for the missing link between man and ape but it's alive right now in Australia huffing gasoline fumes.

I was working in Australia, last year. Me and my mate were jumped by a gang of Abo teenagers, got a few punches in but there was too many so got a bit banged up.

It all started after an Abo girl punched me for no reason. I punched back and the abo boys then attacked me for hitting a ''woman'' but I honestly thought they were all male. Couldn't tell the difference.

not abo but kanak since i just return from Nouvelle Caledonie
Kanak are utter scum they will attack you just for being white, but always 5 v 1 they will only insult you and taunt you until they reach the 5 to 1 ratio
they are violent, noisy and still have canibal ritual. if i m back in France it s cause i had to put down 3 of them because they came armed with guns and machete in my home and now my familly was no longer safe, my daughter got stabbed at the elementary school by another kanak kid as a retribution, thanks fully she ll only have a scar next to her midrif
they are abo tier if not worst.

This sounds kind of endearing to me.
>ywn have a pet abo
>ywn dress it up in people clothes
>ywn let passersby take photos with your abo because they've never seen such a thing
>ywn laugh and pet its head as it feebly and fruitlessly attempts to comprehend the world around it
>ywn keep it cleaner and healthier than it would ever have a chance of being in the wild
>it will never enthusiastically babble and make clicking noises at you when you get home from work
>it will never attempt to feed you grubs it dug up in the yard as a sign of affection

interesting! i had no idea about 2nd born on barbies.

Read the article in the link here if you want to get refilled on how fucking degenerate the people from that whole region are. If you think genocide is never morally acceptable you will question that conviction before you get half way through.

love abo stories

will do

What the puck did you just say about me you cunt? I'll have you know I learned about the dreamtime from Aunt Telma and I've been involved in lotsa diffrunt break and enters on houses owned by cunts like you, cos I'm aboriginal and I can take your pucking stuff. I've got over 300 DVD players.

I'm trained at throwing spears at kangaroos and I'm the top boomerang thrower in the Woongacoonganooga tribe. You are nothin' to me but just another white cunt to ask for small change. I will come up to you and invade your personal space with a smell the likes of which hasn't been seen on earth for 40,000 years, mark my pucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that pucking shit to me over the internet? Think again, pucker. As we speak I am contacting my nephew Moreton who is stealing someone's iPhone so I can trace your IP so you better prepare for a storm of VB cans, cunt. The cans that wipe out that pathetic little thing you call your life. You're pucking dead, cunt. I can be anywhere, any time and I can kill you and take your non-colour-dyed metho, puck your dog and take your thongs.

Not only am I extensively trained in glassing pucking cunts, but I have access to boomerangs, spears and dat pucking thing we swing around to make loud noises, which will bring the entire population of the Woongacoonganooga tribe to your lawn and wipe your miserable cunt arse off the face of my continent. If you could only know what pucking retribu.... retribut... retributi... .... revenge your smart-arsed comment was gonn' bring, you'd have held your pucking tongue.

But you didn't, you couldn't, you're giving me two pucking dollars you pucking idiot. I will vomit Coolabah and port over you and you will drown in it.

You're pucking dead, cunt.

>Are there already more chinks than abos

Dude, they didn't even come up with their own native art.

Some white dude saw some real shit dot paintings in a cave and figured he could teach aboriginals to scam tourists.

You can find hot ones up until they get to like 16. 18 at a push.

By 18 they've usually had their first kid to some meth addicted white trash bogan whose in his 30's and fresh out of jail.

He'll stay married to her for that sweet gibs and government housing.

how many finger do you have.
once they ran out of finger they couldnt keep on counting.

why is the dream time traveling abo so superior to the typical pink skinned drunk bogan?

is the source of their superiority genetic, cultural, spiritual or all three?

Why are the abos so much more primitive than other native people?

Like, they were way more primitive than the most primitive of even African tribes. And how the fuck did they even survive that long?

>dream time

I think it's like people slowing down to look at a road accident. It's sickening yet morbidly fascinating, you cannot look away.

Source? Amazing if true.

What is this "dreamtime" goyim? Just a fever dream caused due inhaling gas fumes?

Why do abo not have typical nigger hair?


"If you go to north-east Arnhem Land there is [a trace of Islam] in song, it is there in painting, it is there in dance, it is there in funeral rituals," says Bradley. "It is patently obvious that there are borrowed items. With linguistic analysis as well, you're hearing hymns to Allah, or at least certain prayers to Allah."

the abos are so fucking lucky that the british culturally enriched them. without us australia wouldve been an aboriginal islamic caliphate

kinda the same feeling as when you see money

half caste here
I grew up in a massive mixed anglo-black fulla family, and I can get why people have a fascination with our culture. It's genuinely interesting in my opinion. Some of the stuff my grandfather knew was fascinating, and he took a lot of the knowledge to his grave. He was the last person in our region to know the location of an ancient sacred burial ground where the bodies were stuffed into trees.

But fuck me though, no matter where I end up in life, no matter what I do, I'm never living within 10km of black fullas. All my life I've lived around them. It was fine when I was around my family, but when I moved away I realised how shit black fullas are when they're not your own mob. Drinking, fighting, yelling in public, neglecting their own houses and children, picking fights with everyone. They don't care that I'm koori, to them, I'm just another white dog.

Fuck off kike.

Abos believe the world was created in the dreamtime (long long ago), by the rainbow serpent. It's more than likely they combined a God figure and the Aurora Australis.

>aboriginal islamic caliphate
truly australias most powerful form

more abo stories needed

The early infanticidal childrearing mode of Austrian Aboriginals has been arguably the most abusive and neglectful of all tribal cultures. It is possible that the poor environment of the Australian desert is partially responsible for their lack of progress in childrearing, though New Guinea was nearly as stuck as they are in early infanticidal mode childrearing and they have had a far better environment than Australia. The origins of the very violent personalities of Aboriginals are, of course, in no way caused by genetic differences, only developmental. Thousands of Aboriginals have been removed from their parents and brought up by modern city parents and they turn out to have personalities indistinguishable from others in their adoptive families.

> way caused by genetic differences, only developmental
>have personalities indistinguishable from others in their adoptive families
WTF i hate pol now

>australia pays their prime age white males to bugger abowhores and then remain married to them
Top femecuck

Thats why the white man invented second hand

Deep stuff

Too advanced

What did they mean by this??

>they turn out to have personalities indistinguishable from others in their adoptive families.
Any anthropology study that doesn't conclude this will be refused from publication. Either you outright lie on your data or you tweak the experiment to reach this conclusion no matter what - doing otherwise will get your paper rejected.

>working in Karratha
>local park is abo hangout
>mate at work has empty vodka bottle
>fills with methylated spirits from chemical store at work
>leaves under tree in park
>drives past next day
>ambulance, police at park
>two abos on the deck
>one is dead
>other is almost dead

Might have gone too far desu

Do any good looking abos exist? And I mean pure abos, not mixed.

No, they do not

They wouldve done the same to you

You went to school in the 1980s, hm?

Where can I buy that book? Abos are too much fun

Bump for more takes from the outback.

Too bad abo hunting is not still legal.


I fantasize about taking one as my second wife, and having her les out with my first one. This girl @ age 18 would be perfect.

Blowflies trapped in a VB tinny placed over an open fire.


Unusable. You need the 2nd hand to count the fingers on the first one.


that is pretty fucked up. dark

did they really invent the boomerang? are there any other cultures that has?

I'm serious about the book/paper btw

Will be dumping some abo stuff meanwhile

I don't know. The site lists all of its sources, so you can try googling them.


Do you think Clinton has Australian connections and that's why they do what they do.

Also on a serious note, it isn't really clear they were doing all this weird violent and sexual stuff before encountering white people. We just can't say with certainty that these people were like that a century before European discovery

>pic: flora and fauna
>classified as plants
I'm sure they were seen as fauna ("the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period").

A lighter one:

>at pub in Broome
>solo wasted abo approaches
>abo: "hey... do you believe in Criss Angel?"
>me: "...the guy from tv?"
>abo: "yeah, do you think he is for real?"
>me: "no, it's all tricks"
>abo: "nah cunt, I'll prove it to ya"
>does some abo slight of hand magic with a napkin
>talks about how he hunts pigs with a crossbow
>leaves to wander around aimlessly

Can't say I was prepared for his "do you believe in Criss Angel" angle

J-just a prank bro. No big deal.

As a last resort

>it isn't really clear they were doing all this weird violent and sexual stuff before encountering white people.

There is no rational basis for this line of reasoning.

Tasmanian here , ("""Inbred""" White paradise Island)

We literally genocided our 2 legged fauna(abo) problem here.
These fucks were so stupid to not invent fire at any point, relying on thunderstorm to light trees on fire.

Never seen an abo in my entire life, feels good man