Well Sup Forums? You shouldn't be violent to other people now.
Well Sup Forums? You shouldn't be violent to other people now
Why? Because they were sent to the men's prison?
Saying anything that conflicts with my worldview is violent.
You shouldn't be violent to other people.
Tell that to the third world.
Correctly gendering a trans person is violent.
>Fight me faggot.
Words aren't violent
Trannies are mentally ill and now apparently stupid.
Reminder: If you're being misgendered, you're doing it wrong.
T. tranny who never had those worries
> people all over the world dying horribly
> "misgendering" a moron who mutilates himself is "violent"
> these people are the ones that talk about other people's privilege
They should send these morons to the middle east, I hear they love islmic people
I self identify as a skeleton
attempting to make me feel is violence
Blaire fuck off
I identify as a 900 year old lesbian. I have a penis and have only lived for 29 years in this biological form, but my soul is that of a 900 year old woman who loves other women. Some women have a penis and are way older than they look, get over it.
We consider such a behaviour as stupidity.
We mock them mercilessly, and muslims simply toss them from a cliff
You got to be fukin kidding me right!
Misgendering me !!!
You soooooo means to me.
It's violence.
Stop it your hurtsing my feel.
Sad face.
It time for this shithole planet to grow the fuck up.
Don't ya think?
Shit lets be violent.
What muslims?
>non-violent things I disagree with are violent
people have stopped caring if they're called racist, you think they're going to start caring if they're called violent for using the a fucking pronoun?
And person who draws these are cartoons doesn't look like a nice normal person like that, they look like a fucking freak.
They look like Riley J. Dennis.
Go to YouTube if you don't know.
Because they are not racists and not not giving a fuck about demands for special treatment is not violence.
The words/thoughts = violence thing isn't new. Liberals have been trying to get people to swallow this one for a while now.
Sticks and stones you alphabet queens
>words don't mean anything compared to feelings goy