Putins dog barks at journalists

Putins dog barks at journalists

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Based dogger

who is a good boy


Russia is a shithole and will always be a shithole. Because their statism, nepotism, corruption and mediocre justice is the Russian way no one complains. Literally Best Korea.

wew lad

Look who's talking, beaner.

That's not Putin's dog. His dog is a black one. This is a Japanese doge type doggo.

Where's your maple leaf gone Canada?

Dogs are filth, they don't have a right to exist.

Some Ruski stole the Peruvians girl or something

whatever you say you subhuman mongrel, dogs are the white mans best friend

he was a few dogs

>dur hur,Trump is Putin's lap dog.
You liberals need to get over the fact that you lost.

Of course you would say that. Your Asian and Asians hate dogs.

moscow is pretty nice desu

>you can only own a single dog
also that big black doggo was from ages ago. big dogs don't live very long

japanese gifted japanese doggo to putin, now it's putin's doggo

what the fuck are you some rotated austria

Oy, yu get yur nasty selv back to swedistan where yu belong, nigger.
Finland is for Finn bros.

why they let dog inside? it is animal, you build a shed for it in the backyard and only take it for jogs and hunting

post the fucking video then


It was a dog gifted to him by the japs, so he brought it out to be shown how its grown since it was a interview by jap journos.

what kind of shit country


I just want to mention that this is Obamas dog. Putin is so based.

That's one good dogger

daww what a good girl

Putins dog would destory Obongos dog

finally, ty Dutchbro

> Bitches be like, "but he's asian..."

In Russia, the dogs sleep indoors. In Sweden, the Finns sleep outdoors.

Really makes you think

Putin's dog looks like it has autism

This is actually one of the greatest redpills.. so many still think dogs have worth. They should all be exterminted. Yes, even your cute little golden retriever you call 'the pupper'.

Only in the last 40 years have dogs begun to be accepted indoors. For the last 30,000 years they've been outdoor/work dogs. This is a pretty recent thing.

KEK, Allah would be a great name for a dog.

what a disgusting beast.. shoot it now.

Dog knew the journos wanted to eat him

>you build a shed for it in the backyard
Do they at least let you inside at night?

Horse shit. Dogs work more than some members of our community. This is my herd guardian. 1 of 3.

lmao can you imagine if this is how you met putin?

guys a total fucking loon

this is the strangest video ive ever seen

why are you lying on the internet?

ask anyone over 50 where their dog slept when they were kids

>y in the last 40 years have dogs begun to be accepted indoors.
Wrong. Maybe in America, but in Britian hunting and kitchen dogs have slept indoors since they were first used.

In fact, the entire idea of not letting animals indoors is pretty recent. Farmers used to sleep with farm animals indoors for warmth and keep chickens indoors to kill bugs.

Based Ivan Doggo

Is this big doggo there the same doggo as this little doggo?


Putin seems like he has some sort of autism. And that dgo was vv cheeky

Painu vittuun Ahmed

Good boy

Doggoroonis are the greatest, fuckwads.

stay alert, doggo

I know the comments say something about you hating dogs because you're "Ahmed" or "Muhammad" (no I haven't looked at them, I just know), but you're absolutely right.
The horse is more useful than the dog and is practically phased out, yet we still have to waste time and resources on these stupid fucking animals.

Its an akita inu, thats just how they look

On your way to sweden ahmed ?

This board is contrarian to the point of total retardation.
I would be not surprised, if nobody is paid here to shill for Czar Putin. They do it for free.
>Media are against Assad/Putin? These guys must be so based! USA-RUSSIA UNION WHEN? PRAISE DA KEK LOL! LOOK AT THIS DOGGO, HE BARKED AT JAPS!
Actually, this Sup Forums-obsession with retards is kinda useful - reminds me to think with my own head, when I visit this place (5 times a day, goddammit).

Now I want an akita bad... real bad

good thread, leafy


aww he grew up so fast


Yes, it grew up.

If you don't like dogs, you're sub-human.

>In Russia, the dogs sleep indoors.
Because if you live in commieblock you have no other choice, genius. In the country we still chain dogs/

so cute omg

Sorry what flag is that? I don't take HISTORY LESSON

Fuck right off Finland, go drown yourself in energy drinks you mong

Hi James.

putin is a well known animal lover, he should give trump a dog as a inaguration gift haha that would be classic. Trump will name it Gorbachev, digis confirms or denys keks will

My pupper sleeps in the same bed as me
He's a krautpup too

Don't get offended ivan, the dogs sleep indoors in England. It is a sign of civilisation.


Isn't that also a Japanese dog?

Merkel doesn't

no, what happened to the big lab?

anyway that dog is cute as shit, anyone know what race it is?

This is the reason i stopped coming to this shithole. Thanks for reminding me.

Easy there champ.

yeah, akita inu. Shibe's cousin.

Contrary to some misuided beliefs, japan has never eaten dogs and dogs were a sacred animal in shinto.

I have one, but is a little more lab-like. Has wavy hair instead of nigger hair like that. Labradoodles are a naturally ugly breed but at least in my dog's case, you can shave her down and she looks very nice, like a lab with a pointier nose.

Also, he named his dog after an asshole. I saw him at a blues concert once many years ago, before Obama was even president, and he was just a fucking dickhead telling everyone to put away their cameras even though they've been happily filming all day, it's not like a fucking bootleg movie for fucks sake. And he barely even did anything, his band played all the music and he plucked a few strings here and there. He's dead anyway so who cares.






Opinion discarded
Can't wait until your excuse for a country is split between Russia, Belarus, and Poland

>says torn-asshole flag

Shiba Inu I think

It seems that intimidating people with his dogs is Putins main hobby.

And she's awful. QED.

woah calm down friend
you might start think you're relevant

My my my my my, now what do we have here?

those beasts grow up to 80 kgs, they are great guard dogs. I think our PM made a good choice when he gifted this doggo to Russian president.

t. abdel el Abu hajaar

Based doggo loving Dictator vs leader of the free world Islamic bitch Ferkel who hates dogs like all mudslime

It's fucking cute.

My sides are gone.

It's bulgarian?

Looks like a memedog


>Dog of Fake News removal
Based doggy

said Bulgaria

>Syrian "refugee" from Afghanistan
Opinion discarded
>Can't wait until your excuse for a country is split between Russia, Belarus, and Poland
Me too. This is the perfect plan to destroy Russia, Belarus, and Poland after a year or two.
Laughed out loud.


It really is just other Sup Forumslocks trying to push someone's buttons half the time. No real reason to come back until something starts happening

Does anyone have that webm of the mutant long limbed dog being chased away by the other dogs?

Putin's dog's face looks just like that dog.

>We gift him a dog

Its a good dog. It grows big and strong, we used them to herd sheep and scare kebabs off our lands