Country gave the world the Renaissance with the likes of Da Vinci, Columbus and the discovery of the Americas...

>Country gave the world the Renaissance with the likes of Da Vinci, Columbus and the discovery of the Americas, the University, Galileo and the birth of Science, Napoleon the greatest leader in Europe the last thousand years, Volta with the first battery which sparked the electric revolution, Marconi with the radio and all modern communication, Fermi with the first nuclear reactor, Faggin with the first microprocessor which is the the brain of computers and electronic gadgets, not to mention Ferrari, good food, high fashion, etc.

>Italians are always portrayed by Anglos and Germanics as dumb brown criminals like they're Mexicans or something

Why do Italians get such an unfair reputation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because American Italian culture is embarrassing

>I made the thread again

Divisive Jew sorcery

America turns every culture into some sort of degenerate bizarro version


seriously it's like they're doing everything they can to make us look like the niggers of europe

I believe Sinatra more than makes up for shit like jersey shore.

Have you ever actually been to italy?

while that is a good point jersey shore is a big fucking stain

Have you oy'd so much you vey'd?

I'd say that German-American culture was pretty good until the World Wars came and it got squashed. Bit of a shame, really, but it was bound to happen here. Now we belong to a general, homogenized American culture, and save for a few steins in the attic, are just like everybody else.

t. midwesterner

Bc everyone thinks terroni = italiani

oy gevalt

Wtf Columbus wasn't Portuguese ?

>this redhead
So nice. Looks like irish one.

Because most people haven't been to Italy and are judging from the American diaspora.

Northern Italy and Southern Italy are two different places my friend. Similar to the US where all the negative American stereotypes come out of the South.

did they really tell you that colombo was portuguese?

>garlic is literary the best thing out of Italy

Memes aside, Italians are really good guys.
I've never met an italian guy that was acting tough or anything. Bunch of guys who like to have a good time and eat the best fruits of life.
They are kind of gayish but still cool.

And true, they are the biggest underdogs in today's society.

Sinatra was a literal mobster

Alexander the Great was a literal Greek, tho.

nope he was a catalonian jew. He probably started as a pirate in spain and later went to work for the portuguese, then when the portuguese stop paying him, he created a fake italian identity so he could work for spain.

I went to Italy and experienced that they cannot form a queue. They all try to skip it and yell at the cashier.

So I did that better than them too and went home to where people dont push and shove.

try taking a bite out of it

>Memes aside, Italians are really good guys.
appreciate that

Never experienced this

probably visited naples

did you visit naples?

>Why do Italians get such an unfair reputation?
Because those shitsacks, rather than coming to the aid of Christendom to fight off the invading Turks, they sacked Constantinople ushering in the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, then tried to pawn off the looted knowledge and tech as indigenous creations claiming to have started a "renaissance".

Fuck Italy. Especially fuck Venetians.

t. greek diapora
if you're greek than you should know well enough that we contributed to kebab removal as much, if not more, than most of Europe

>try taking a bite out of it


A stall to buy a ticket for a bus to the airport.
Everyone was doing that thing where you just gotta ask one quick question so no need to queue...then buying a ticket. Queue broke down completley.

sono offeso

Guess the Orthodox shouldn't have massacred the catholic venetians just because they were doing good business in constantinople

yeah, that's true enough

>Italians are always portrayed by Anglos and Germanics as dumb brown criminals like they're Mexicans or something
Only on autist central /pol

>Haha haha meds and Slavs is not white
>Le aryan ubermensch is me lelele

Non-edgy sperglords know that

.>Meds were the fathers of civilization
>Slavs are white and have contributed a shitton to science and culture
>Germanics and Anglocuck are white too but not any better than the previous two
>Nordics are the most worthless of whites and have contributed shit


Nice city otherwise. Lots to see and its cheap.

dai su, che ora ritornano gli investimenti della banca e ti tiri su il morale

at the first sunday of each month some museums open for free, some just for people from the province of Rome, but some even for foreigners

>good food

Have you ever tried to eat in Italy? The whole thing is meme.

belin non vedo l'ora


questo è lo spirito giusto

This desu. I went there one summer on a tour of Europe and it was BY FAR the most run down, ghetto-esque, shit smelling hellhole that I visited, and that's even after I compared it to France.


Nah, just a shitposting Texan of anglo-celtic-ish descent. :D

Like in my chinese cartoons.

Signore, ti ho dato tutti i miei shekels.

>Napoleon the greatest leader in Europe the last thousand years

Great leaders don't lose wars and get exiled to small African islands.

>Italians are always portrayed by Anglos and Germanics as dumb brown criminals

No, it's the Brazilians who get portrayed that way.

la banca necessita più ducati goy

Can anyone else confirm this? I'm interested because in America mexican food is good but when I visited Mexico is was complete shit. Tasted like you were eating cardboard. Italian food is really good in America though

Yeah we were told about that but we only had time for the vatican and its only €15 to get in. Its nice just walking around the city. Found some of the famous fountains by accident.

The food is like heaven

If paying the local warlords to behave is cheaper than fighting them then why not?

Sounds like the Italians were being more efficient.

>Italian food is really good in America though
Most of the "italian" dishes you eat in america aren't even italian so that's hard to tell

Rome, the eternal city, in my opinion any white man should be required to visit it at least once in his life

You went you the wrong place. Everywhere has a shithole. You idiot can't even mention the name of a city.

Its really not that great. In my brief experience it seemed that Italians are more interested in a bargain than superior food.

Good food for the price but nothing amazing.

OK, Do quattro terroni con spaghetti e cucchiaii.

I liked the monument to Republicanism on the top of one of the hills.

Some guys fought the monarchists and asshole slave monarchists troops from other countries came to put them down.

Real heros.

Way too many cats.

schiavi terroni?

that's Sicilian culture brah. Not italian.

ah but you can't post a comment like that to a photo of the king

don't forget the seagulls

I like Italy, at least in the north you're clever and carved yourself out a good lifestyle. Naples scared the shit out of me though.
I haven't been for a few years, I think you've made a big mistake stemming from your love of the EU and communist sympathies, thinking you can let a tide of africans travel through your country. At some stage Germany will leave you holding a lot of black babies, and if you think that your mafiosi and hard men will keep the niggers in their place, well, good luck with that, I think some places in the US thought that too.

You are the mother of Western Civilization, people look upon you as a great empire. Christianity and white people are tied to you.

As such you have to be put down so nobody will ever look to you again.


italians literally brought all the evil of the state DIRECTLY to the seat of the papalcy

fucking hell lads

Fuck off, Sup Forums, i'd give anything to be an italian. Italy is literally the greatest country in Europe by far.

do you have a traceable italian ancestor?

The republican monument is not as grand but it had a nice little plaque saying why men fought and died and it spoke to me more than the huge monument to the king.


Charlemagne created the concept of the university/college at Aachen.

>Given unfair reputation
You're giving them unfair reputation with this autistic post. Italians ARE THE NIGGERS OF EUROPE. They are worse than the Greeks, they are worse than the Swedes, they are worse than the Portugese. Turkey-tier nation. Them fucking out of Europe would be a great favor to any proper decent European.

i'll always be a monarchist, which is why the vittoriano feels so glorious to me, i felt so nostalgic while taking these pictures, the thought of the 1000 fighting for the unification, the huge statue of the king, the plaques commemorating our victories, the resting place of the Unknown Soldier, glorious

of course a slovenian monkey would say that

If Slovenia was still italian you would be in the first world.

Because the south really is full of dumb brown criminals for the most part.

they'd literally be connected to some of the richest areas of Italy, they should beg us to become italians

No. Also im not a gypsy so i can't just come and start leaching of your social system.

Its painful.

And i want so much to be 100% ROMAN from ROME.

>The food is like heaven

If you're an American probably yes, but the standards in Europe are higher.

But you are the niggers of europe.

Yep, that sounds like Italy.

What is stopping you form moving there?


and you are the albania of slavic countries

strict citizenship laws i guess

I remember you How are you doing?

>And i want so much to be 100% ROMAN from ROME
i can imagine how you feel, i am romano de roma

>why are they treated like niggers
southern Italy
>where did all these achievements happen
northern Italy

>Richest areas of Italy
>First world
I've been there, Giovanni, I know better. When you cross the border, first thing you see is niggers, then the disfunctional highway, the most shitty urban planning in Europe, abandoned factories, car sales shops right next to the shitty highway, nobody can speak even Italian, let alone english or any language at all.

In Padova even countryside is disgusting, let alone the cities.
As you go south to Tuscany at least the countryside gets less cucked, but the streets are filled with niggers selling random shit not paying taxes and numales acting worse then Sweden feminist faggots.

>strict citizenship laws i guess

Everything that he needs to do is to move and live for 4 full years in Italy, then he can apply for Italian passport without a problem.

Nothing is stopping him from doing this.

>eyeties on full damage control trying to defend this disgusting country and the lazy people that inhabit it

Italy is a cesspool, italians are trash.

Name one country that didnt get an increase of mafia or crime from italian immigration: Italians are niggers.

Stop this WeWuzRomans WeWuzRenaissance
meme, as if something good that happened centuries ago has any relevance now.

Copy paste the above for future threads like this one

i always hear the same shit from slovenians, it's like you put propaganda posters in your cities, sorry, in your single (if you have one) city, stay in your "country" and don't bother coming here, rightful clay.

alright then


It's the Switzerland of Slavic countries Shaniqua

I don't know who that is lol


>It's the Switzerland of Slavic countries

Because they took all those accomplishments and pissed all over them and squandered them.

Much like my country today.

I'm pretty sure all the awful hipster stereotypes come from Seattle or close to thar

These stereotypes are glorified by the media though, southern stereotypes are abused by it.


Hearty kek. Pasta niggers have been irrelevant ever since we cucked them after the renaissance.