They are literally asking the electors to go against the will of the American people.
Et tu, Saul? Et tu?
They are literally asking the electors to go against the will of the American people.
Et tu, Saul? Et tu?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck all american actors. Round them up and shoot them head first into a ditch. Bce!
Seeing Saul up there genuinely made me sad. Why do even genuinely talented actors have to be such raging faggiots?
wow loretta swit is still alive in this timeline.
Because moneywood and only good goyim get the best parts.
literally who?
This is really sad. It is truly desperate. The American public is pretty dumb, but hopefully not dumb enough to agree with this.
Consider hollywood actors as the preachers of this cultural marxist heresy.
Swift death to evil
Deus vult
Fucking actors, just shut the hell up about politics and keep being a trained monkey in front of the camera instead.
no one is even fucking liking the video, the ones who are are just paid CTR shills. It got so much dislikes the comments were turned off
This is disappointing.
>easy to say if you got 7 digits on your bankaccount
But that's exactly what they're doing
>18500 dislikes
keep it up lads
>Comments are disabled for this video
As expected
But the like counter isn't...
Casey should close his channel before he's exposed. He's only half way there.
These people are so far up their own ass they think their opinion somehow matters more than others'.
>will of the people
>Hillary won the popular vote
b-but muh three million illegals!
t. drumpfkins that have literally no evidence of massive illegal voting
>the will of the American people
how's that popular vote total doing again?
Well yeah, i meant they should go back to entertainment instead of propaganda. Do they actually believe that they understand what life is like outside of their wealthy neighborhood in LA?
Wait, Martin Sheen is an SJW?
Trying to steal an election from the voters, banning independent media, making last minute power grabs, causing hysterics using unsubstantiated CIA claims, and using the corporate and media elite to influence the public.
That's MY America.
They keep going on about a "qualified candidate" needs to hold the position.
>35 years old
>American Citizen
He meets all the criteria.
Case closed.
No, he is TV president.
Actors know more than anyone else. They are uniquely qualified to comment on matters of state. We should take their advice.
>what is a constitutional republic?
(((caisey neistat)))
that's some really convincing arguments in that video desu
Seems a lot of people switched from an anti-war to a pro-war stance just because they were told to. We're an easy population to manipulate, especially now.
>spend all your time calling Republicans racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic
>"hey Republicans aren't all racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic. btw electors, do us a favor"
Fuck off.
>ugh, you guys know i didnt mean the ACTUAL will of the people, i meant the 100,000 or so voters in 3 states that cancel out the multiple millions of votes that hillary is leading by! DUH!
It's like those videos are made by exactly the same people in an exactly the same place. It's always a bunch of "celebrities" standing in front of a white background, paino music playing and when a celeb starts saying something, it cuts off to another celeb finishing his sentence. This is a fucking satire at this point, nobody's going to take these "famous people" seriously.
>against the will of the American people
lmao Hillary is over 3 million votes ahead of Trump. Fuck your electorial college and fuck the voice of methhead idiot hicks that or taxes have to support
>not knowing that US is a semi-democracy
Pic is unrelated. Neistat is also a shill, though.
The media takes care of that. With the help of others.
>"I am not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton"
>"Vote for third party candidates, anyone but Trump, so he won't have enough electoral votes essentially making Clinton the president"
>"So in short: make Clinton the president"
Do they think electors are retarded? Who the fuck are they trying to trick here?
I bet you have a portrait of Putin on your wall
I see the Jews are hard at work
The American Civil Liberties Union is run by a guy who pretty much worked for every big Open Border Jew and they also finance this shit show. They once turned down a donation because the requirement was that its not used to finance terrorist groups
Who's that hideous beast at 1:06?
twist in the wind all you want, to most people "the will of the people" refers to the thing that got millions of more votes than the other thing
>The Illusive Man is shilling for the left
I did not save the Collector Base for this kind of bullshit
Bob Odinkirk and David Cross are antitrump faggots. SAD!
lmao i saw that video when it had like 10k views
he basically killed his career in terms of credibility, like most of the leftists do nowadays.Cognitive dissonance much
>implying they're not one and the same
It almost looks like hostage videos.
What in the actul fuck is this? These actors are truly brainwashed.
>comment disabled.
wew lads
martin sheen
>father of aids spreading whoring coke sniffing degenerate
jesus some of these people are fucking gross, i thought hollywood had good plastic surgeons?
downvote this dumb shit.
The account that uploaded the video was made yesterday. They're so deeply concerned about the US Presidential Election Results, that they waited until now to make a shitty video.
>American Citizen
A little more complex than that but Trump fits the bill.
The down votes are going up in tens from second to second.
They got paid to do it by the Jews and actors are whores.
>drumpfkins that have literally no evidence of massive illegal voting
Note the legal phrasing here; there is no denial that this happened, only a statement of fact that because one's vote is anonymous inside the voting booth, actually proving it will be impossible.
Weasel words, weasel phrasing. The truth is known, however.
First one so mad it looks like he got parkinson. Also that long noses
are you fucking retarded?
Hillary could have had 5m+ votes and shit still wouldn't happen, because the US constitution predicted that some shills will try to brainwash all the population in the urban areas so they can fuck over the rural people.
"Muh will of the people 50%+ 1 votes".
US is not fucking switzerland, get used to it.
Transfering huge amounts of money to offshore accounts takes some time ya know
Ironic, seeing as we routinely elect majority governments where the winning party gets less than 40% of the popular vote.
But you're just trolling, so keep on at it friend.
Because they live in a vacuum, the Truman show.
Have you been following the news? Detroit is pretty cute.
Maybe you want a recount of California too?
you don't reach hollywood without becoming a jewish whore
>will of the niggers
>weeee mental gymnastics are fun! they let you call baseless claims "the truth"!
we also have 3 major parties and not 2, dummy
The way they cut it out and make one finish the words of others is making me cringe. Who thinks this is a good idea?
>Will if the American people
Uhhh I have news for you.
>I am not asking you to vote Hillary Clinton
>I am not asking you to vote Hillary Clinton
>I am not asking you to vote Hillary Clinton
Typical subliminal messaging. Reinforce what you want, don't mention things you don't want. They could have easily gone down the list of the other 3 major candidates.
>continuing the same tactics that caused the to lose in the first place
how fucking retarded are these people
do they just not learn
lmao enjoying life there son? ;-)
>19k dislikes
At less there's that
>comments are disabled for this video
fucking spineless cunts
wait isnt trump 100 % gonna be president? what is all of this, is there a slim chance that he wont go down as president?
Other Hollywoodfags who have also lost touch with reality.
these globalist shills really like to use the word 'demagogue'. They seem obsessed with the word.
>I stand with you
>But I don't stand with you if you don't oppose Trump
Fuck off. They are endorsing Hillary, they certainly aren't endorsing Jill Stein. The other Token female candidate.
Condescending rich snobs and their lack of self-awareness.
Do actors still think people are influences by their political opinions? they live in such a bubble
Some people reeeeeaaaaaally don't like democracy do they?
This. Bob hates democracy and freedom. Sad!
Normies think it's art
I'm literally shaking
>wait isnt trump 100 % gonna be president? what is all of this, is there a slim chance that he wont go down as president?
do they not know, if they won't vote for Trump people will lose trust in them and will never ever vote for them?
how retarded do you think they are, voting against the will of the people?
yeah, how could they not want the elevated level of discourse that we're seeing in this thread?!
because words have definitions and that one applies to trump?
Are they fucking serious? This is some totalitarian shit goddamnit
Maybe there's a reason for that. Maybe they are brainwashed from the start, kept in line.
its not all hollywood just a few random c-listers
Right, the 60%*320 million Americans who voted overwhelmingly voted for Trump.
>electorial collage
then why bother with this whole voting shit when it's a handful of plutocrats that decide who gets to be the next kike puppet?
Time for a bloody revolution and announce a permanent General to lead this great empire without putting on any bullshit shoahs
The electoral college had nothing to do with demagogues you fucking pricks. It was to stop crowded metropolitan hellholes from deciding the fate of the country forever. This is a textbook example of the electoral collage doing what it was designed to do.
Someone repost it so we can have comments.
I'm an elector in Penn and will never in a million years give my vote to Drumf, and I have secretly convinced one other in my state to also go faithless.
To all faithless electors, me and my friend stand with you.
>being so out of touch that you're demanding a civil war because your fee fees were hurt
Liberal scum needs to be purged.
>muh electoral college was meant to keep unqualified people out
No it fucking wasn't you pieces of shit.
Leftist scum have absolutely no concept of history except for when they intend to revise it.
Why are leaves so fucking stupid?
>mfw when Bob Odenkirk is in character and shilling for money.
Yeah its a large majority. How many outspoken conservatives are their in hollywood?
That's because it's in the american constitution.
Electors got the right to vote for whomever they want, even if their state votes 100% for Trump they could just vote for Hillary because they feel like it.
Which is why that system is hated and fucked.
Whats this creature
btw, Trump likes to keep a list of enemies and loves to get even, so well done for sticking your necks out, idiots.
Recognized only Illusive Man from Mass Effect and Moby.
This video is too much cringe. "Bunch of rich celebrities from Hollywood bubble telling you what to do". This is 3-rd video of this kind, they even edit them in the same retarded way.
Who funds this group?