>The latest meme ‘trend’ asks you to tag a friend on an image. This image is usually of someone who doesn’t necessarily fit with society’s view of ‘beauty’.
>doesn’t necessarily fit with society’s view of ‘beauty
>doesn’t necessarily
ITT: we post examples of liberal denial
Other urls found in this thread:
what they done with that one on the pic was fucking cruel imo, why encourage someone like that stricken with such fucking misery. Idiotic.
shoo shoo spooky skelly
It seems like it was a private group chat. I'm guessing they didn't even remotely expect her to see it.
I mean fact is though she's got a deformity. There's no getting around that. People make fun of ugly people all the time, but since this is a minor celebrity and a chick at that people all of a sudden care when I bet many of those who would shame the memers were no better. I bet the article writer made fun of kids in school all the time a lot less ugly than her. Special needs kids. Whatever. Liberals in general are hypocrites and shit people.
>yfw global warming melts your face
are there space worms coming out of her stomach?
>I can move mountains
You sure can.
Don't mock people for things they didn't choose.
She still deserves a minimum level of regard just for being human. It's not like she was born with a horrifying condition to personally inconvenience you.
She's gonna figure out why monogamy is a thing when she gets herpes
why does sh-, it need so much attention?
>Muh inspiration
>1 post apart
>I can move mountains
Bitch you ARE the mountain
That's a cute piggo.
Wow such beauty
And nice digits
rare af. where is that?
What the fug is thad?:DD
Wow I had no idea such there existed such ugly people on earth. I am very happy with myself now. Guess that's the point actually.
i literally gasped when i saw at least 2 people in this thread
Nah. Those are stretch marks. Generally it's a sign to start losing weight.
Are her eyes functional? Is she blind?
Jesus Christ, look at those stretch marks on her stomach. You have to be a true ham beast to get those there
Lol I'm half convinced that these fucking ham beasts are just bitter about the fact they're too ugly to be raped
What dark souls mob is this ?
jesus christ why would you shit on that woman for being ugly when we are swarmed by landwhales and hambeast SJWs that spread body positivity?
Mass media needs to chill the fuck out, also
>no bully
I wish she would just call them out and tell them to fuck off.
She's an adept of poligamy, it means that more than one crazy bastard is willing to fuck her. So, don't doubt it.
literally Canada
Any photoshop gods around who can pretty her up a bunch? I think it would be a nice gesture to show that we're not all a bunch of degenerate nazis locked in the basement. I would, but I'm a total fucking peon when it comes to graphic art.
Just an idea.
She was just fishing for compliments
Damn I miss adalia rose.member the massive butthurt on fagbook? That was the only reason I made an account
>Huma Abedin the morning after the occult party with Clintons
How could you make her pretty? She's already tried her best
> is thin
> wears make up
> wears pretty clothes
> has nice hairstyle
Grils do that to eachother all the time. Not really lib denial, i see right wing ones do it too.
This is why we need Islam, so she has the same cnces as everyone else
People use horrifically unattractive people on social media to make themselves feel like they've accomplished a good deed by complimenting someone who is so appallingly ugly.
I'm not saying that people who are ugly are unworthy of love, aren't good and beautiful people on the inside, etc. I'm just saying that to consider OP pic related person "beautiful on the outside" as in attractive, is an outright lie.
I have a 4 inch dick, I don't post it all over social media hoping that someone will say I have a huge cock that makes women quiver with pleasure the second it fills them.
These people posting "omg your [sic] so beautiful and gorgeous" are LYING to make themselves feel like they're doing good in the world.
>Thanks for not aborting me
god this shit is so surreal
Degrading people for something that they didn't choose to have is just wrong. I hate those tag this person memes on kikebook too, they just seem dumb and unfunny.
If you think a Chad is fucking these abominations, then you are wrong, sir. Actually it's pretty probable she's lying and that she-beast has zero partners and said she's polyamorous because she just wants some attention/not look as pathetic.
Also, checked.
>Over 95,000 people liked Lizzie’s post.
>she's still a virgin though
>australia having a heart
man the world really is coming to an end
But why do they do this? I don't mean they should call her ugly since she already knows that, but why outright lie like that? If I was her I would feel insulted getting false compliments like these.
idk giving her two matching eyeballs woul probably be a good start. Filling in her face a bit and lowering her top lip would probably help too.
I've seen what some of the graphic gods around here have done. It's far from impossible user, and it would be a badass thing to do.
what's the difference between self love and narcissism?
If you're good looking = narcissist
fat and ugly = self love
For a second I thought the were keeping that thing in a cage.
>27 years old
This girl is actually pretty based. She looked even worse as a kid and grew up with basically 0 self esteem you faggots would kill yourself in a year if you looked like that
What exactly is the fat cunts project?
How to be fat and have your picture taken whilst naked to ensure people are shamed into not fat shaming you or some other doolally sjw idea?
>How could you make her pretty?
Put a bag over her entire body. It's called a "fursuit".
Hambeasts who engage in poly can usually only fuck with 1000 beta losers
i-i-is that HUM A. WEINER?
>Hey sweetie this is what you'd look like if you weren't all fucked up!
That sounds cruel to me.
>The metro
People only read that rag because it's free.
If the prettiest women in showbiz are regularly photoshopped then why not this devil's abomination? I like your thinking user. Somebody do something remove her piranha eyes and horse teeth
this is basically just admitting they are ugly but being nice about it
Imagine being the person who this happens to, knowing this information.
she has a cuck boyfriend
not kidding
i thought it was a pig from the thumbnail
>Implying I wouldn't just have been the same as I was as a moderately umnatratctibve confidentsless teenage boy and crywanked myself to sleep every night
Huh, wonder why she moved out of Silent Hill
>Any photoshop gods around who can pretty her up a bunch? I think it would be a nice gesture to show that we're not all a bunch of degenerate nazis
we already did that with fat people. They didnt think it was a nice gesture.
>is thin
Her entire condition revolves around her body's inability to generate fat storage. She consumes 8,000 calories a day and still weighs 64 pounds, and if she doesn't eat every ~20 minutes she begins experiencing actual starvation
Which makes me wonder how she sleeps, although I guess that's a bit of a reprieve since her metabolism should slow down
I am almost positive this chick has a boyfriend
>parading your sacks of meat
don't they have basically the bare minimum of brain function? like, they can only keep the heart beating and the lungs breathing. That's all.
The one on the left literally looks like an actual cow
>Jesus Christ, look at those stretch marks on her stomach. You have to be a true ham beast to get those there
It just indicates a sudden weight gain/loss.
Yeah, looks like it
I mean from everything I've seen the girl seems incredibly nice, like the kind of absurd "kid with cancer" ultra-saccharine incapable of ever being negative Shirley Temple euphoria, but still
Could she even do anything sexual without dying? She keeps her one foot in a cast 24/7 because it keeps breaking from the pressure of walking.
This meme phrase describes it pretty well - Virtue signaling
does this spic/chink really love her, or does he want a green card?
What the fuck is the story here?
When it comes to horribly deformed people, generally it seems like the public actually try to be NICER to them than they would to regular folk
It really made the whole "people scream/throw up/run away/say vicious insults when they see Deadpool" thing look totally absurd to. I've seen worse burn victims in person.
this shouldnt be so funny but it is
>>The latest meme ‘trend’ asks you to tag a friend on an image.
And its a horrible meme that only normies tag shit in.
This woman is obviously fugly and bitches writing something like
>Omq u are so gorgeous *___-%*
Are obviously retarded.
But unlike whales like this it isn't in her Power to Change her appereance.
One should Go with the Old saying and rather speak nothing when you can't say something good regarding girl in the OP.
>girl is deformed
>trying to live as normal a life as possible
>post pictures of moments that make her happy to share with the world
>get compliments on the looks she's trying to hide
People want to boost her confidence but instead continuously remind her of how different she is by talking around the obvious.
If I'd suddenly meet them in a night forest, i'd fucking die.
Doesn't look a day over a hundred and fifteen.
haha good one Bruce
> She keeps her one foot in a cast 24/7 because it keeps breaking from the pressure of walking.
that's because you're seen as a monster (no pun intended) if you attack someone over their looks. which is odd because only some things get a pass. look at how horrible women treat short men.
Social media is a kind of cancer. She really needs to not be on that because it will not improve her life.