Apart from the annoying as fuck music that get's older then an unused grannies dry vag I learnt a thing or two: >Stalin was a fuckin monster >Hitler did art for a bit >Reconfirmed my understanding the nazi's weren't that much worse than the allies in "evilness" during WWII
Recommend a progressive watch to others I guess, except there are better doco's for purely debunking the mass gassing of Jew's.
History's always written by the winners. It's sad that most people view Hitler worse than Stalin. Even if you include the holocaust, Stalin is still much worse in my mind.
Nolan Allen
i make a conscious effort to argue with leftists that marxism did more damage than nazism.
it really activates their almonds when you mention death tolls
Julian Bell
>watch one mediocre documentary >Fuck guise I'm so redpilled now , I finally know THE truth!!!!!
Pol's Autism is unbearable sometimes
Austin Hughes
>kraut talking about being redpilled mehmet pls
Jace Bell
The argument I get back is always
"Hitler was worse because he carried out the SYSTEMATIC killing of a specific ethnicity. Sure stalin may have killed millions more, but he didn't discriminate who he killed."
Fuck leftists and their logic
Mason Reyes
>Stalin was a fuckin monster
He was so awful, I think it's safe to say people across the entire former USSR are still dealing with the psychological scars.
I mean, the cruelty was so massive it seems as though it has ripped shreds through time itself.
Jackson Turner
Dude if you have a minute care to tell me? Sounds interesting is all.
Aaron Long
just respond that the great purge and the great leap forward were entirely systematic, planned and carried out by the marxist regimes.
the best they arguments iv heard from leftists was >MUH HITLER RACIST to which you can just respond
"thats hardly enough to compensate for the hundreds of millions of dead people under marxism, a great leap forward killed 55 million alone"
Logan Turner
efficiency is all the difference it would seem. not how many or how cruel.
on a different note.... whats with the lefties praising Castro? are they just doing it to be contrary?
Hudson Hall
leftists love revising history to suite their own political means.
ask a leftist how many stalin killed and he might answer 10 million, the real answer is closer to 60. same with the chink mao, leftists will purposefully ignore the horrors that dont fit their narrative.
but understand that this is where they want to take us, right back to the fucking horror of murder and cannibalism
Jayden Reed
Canadians are nice. :)
it fucks my head in that people (lately on the left) will try to sabotage an entire democratic social way of life, purely because they dont like the leader chosen by more than half of the population... they would rather run their country into civil unrest (possibly worse) just out of spite? its a terrible mix of stupidity and ignorance.
>your thoughts on where america is heading?
Ayden Russell
leftist thought that they had won the culture war, being right wing became socially unacceptable in their eyes after obongo won.
turns out a bunch of mudslime rapist invaders into europe and other acts of mudslime terror, deleting emails and most of all jobs lost to globalism will make voters vote right wing again...
>your thoughts on where america is heading? tough to say, it all depends on how much trump gets done in his 8 years. he needs to build a wall and he needs to deport millions of spics. ontop of that he HAS to restore white pride, not necessarily white nationalism because I think thats a bit too hopeful but we need people to be proud of their whiteness and racially aware again.
if it does not happen now it will never happen and the white race will go extinct within around 200 years, this is what the demographics are indicating. extreme shrinking of the white race and massive expansion of african niggers.
if white people dont wake up europe and america will be lost, then its all over.
so to answer your question i guess its heading in the right direction, but with how much pace is tough to say
Aiden Taylor
Where would you say we're headed?
Isaiah Nelson
Why niggers? They've lived off government welfare long enough to not pose too much of a threat as far as eliminating whites.
However, Indians, Chinks, and Spics pose greater threats, just due to having a better work ethic than niggers, as well as reproducing faster and in larger quantities.
>Implying Stalin did ANYTHING wrong at all Stalin was a winner, Hitler was a loser and his crybaby followers are still butthurt from the massive ass pounding Stalin gave to Shitler.
3 billion niggers are expect to join the global population in the next 80 years.
they have no skills to compete in our workforce, they have no resources or technology to trade with us. they also struggle to feed themselves and are constantly in civil war.
what do you think the end result of this will be? I can tell you the answer because its been happening for the last year: >millions of niggers flooding into europe
thats going to cause problems. either the europeans shut their borders and survive, or keep them open and drown in a stinky black tidal wave.
there is going to be a race war unless white people become very right wing and this has to happen very quickly. there is no other option that i can see but would love to hear alternative viewpoints.
Matthew Howard
Can we now talk about how Hitler was right and the holocaust didn't happen but it should?
Joshua Hernandez
This is not a bad argument at all, I don't why you would sperg at them. If the Nazis indeed had a whole industry of death engineered where they killed Millions of Jews and turned them into human soap and human matresses, then that is indeed more repulsive than just killing them.
What you need to do is say that there is no actual proof of the gas chambers even existing, the humanskin lampshades and human soap has been debunked and therefore the notion of Holocaust as "an extermination industry" is false.
John Thompson
I highly suggest you watch the first link I posted if you haven't already if you want to understand how the Holocaust narrative and modern day migration tie together.
Thomas Wood
bullshit documentary, leaves out the occult side of hitler
you can't understand hitler without knowing how he got trained by certain occultists in austria
Kevin Thomas
That is definitely a possibility, and Europe is certainly not trying to solve the problem, or even acknowledge it.
What concerns me is how much china has been trying to expand these recent years. Chinese immigrants are also welcomed by western governments to increase "diversity". Unlike niggers, most chinese can thrive in a modern day workforce, leading to more and more chinks in western countries. Don't get me wrong I really hate spics and niggers but I can't stand the chinese. They make niggers look well behaved, they have no concept of anything else but there own well being, but worst of all they're so self centered these bastards don't even understand the concept of waiting in a line.
China is rapidly expanding (as is India) and they are trying to establish their world presence.
You are correct that if Europe doesn't fix it's shit soon we're all in for a bad time. Nobody believes it, but the white race is being persecuted against. It's either Trump follows through or a race war.
Have you told this to a normie? It doesn't work. Denying the holocaust is about as bad as saying nigger in public
Carter Foster
>Chinese immigrants are also welcomed by western governments to increase "diversity". Unlike niggers, most chinese can thrive in a modern day workforce, leading to more and more chinks in western countries. Don't get me wrong I really hate spics and niggers but I can't stand the chinese. They make niggers look well behaved, they have no concept of anything else but there own well being, but worst of all they're so self centered these bastards don't even understand the concept of waiting in a line.
true and believe me i am entirely a white ethnonationalist. i just dont think its plausible to get rid of chinese when they are technically not doing anything wrong. calling for segregation because you cant compete with the chinese is nigger tier logic, the only valid argument i can think of is the fact that whites deserve an ethnostate like the chinks have, they have china, japanese have japan, africans have africa. white people have ??? thats the only valid argument i can come up with for booting out chinese.
all the other races are shit tier and cant compete with us, indians work extremely hard desu and can make it in our societies but i dont think they can dominate the west, they dont have the intellectual superiority.
also dont be fooled, chinks know EXACTLY what a line is, they just also happen to understand that white people are too cucked for fear of being called RACIST to tell chinks to go to the back of the line. i have spoken to chinese people about this in person and its sort of an inside joke among chinks that they can pretend to be fresh off the boat and not understand english or how to queue and get away with it when they actually understand everything perfectly well. they are just greedy fucks as you say though.
Kayden Williams
Hitler was an amateur, it took him a decade to get to allegedly rounding up the alleged 12 million alleged civilians of whom an alleged 6 million were allegedly Jewish. Stalin killed multiples of that in under 5 years.
Ian Lopez
They literally hate the United States.
Jonathan Sullivan
>Have you told this to a normie? It doesn't work. Denying the holocaust is about as bad as saying nigger in public
its true, you cant deny the holocaust.
a better approach is to argue that we live in a post "ist" world, leftists and marxists have overused those pejoratives to the point where they have lost all meaning.
you cant just call someone a racist or a sexist to dismiss their arguments anymore, that doesnt work
Joseph Sullivan
Socialists look at the Soviet Union as an example of the utopia built on prior human achievements. Because it failed horribly and they couldn't bear the thought of being wrong, they decided that the only way to implement real socialism is to build a utopia without the backlog of human achievements.
In other words, they want to destroy the entire world, kill everyone who disagrees and build the perfect communist society on the ashes.
You can imagine that this will fail seriously.
On the matter of Castro, lefties generally are unaware of the fact that he was proportionately worse than Mao Zedong in the cultural cleansing department so they view him as the last socialist gentleman who literally dindu nuffin.