Food for thought..........
Food for thought
Looks great, time to do the same everywhere else.
>Being a (((christian))) in the current year
m8, those animals were domesticated in Mesopotamia; and the house was build by either Jews, Arabs or Africans. Actually, the whole scenary is in the Middle East.
A more accurate pic would be pic related
And now show where it is written in the Bible that Europeans should have their nations decimated by endless waves of people who would rather shit on Christianity than follow it, and all the other "delights" they have given us over the years?
"arabs" are actually a mix of white, black, and australoid
sign me right the fuck up for that timeline please
>we wuz god and shit
so you're saying that the arabs, Africans, and refugees were the pigs/goats/horses? Check your privilege.
Your gods are weak..
this is also the most historically accurate nativity scene too be honest but fuck jews arabs africans and refugees
t. fedoranazi
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
>Mary and Joseph
They were traveling to Jude'a for the FUCKING census. They were in their native land the entire time. At no point were they ever refugees.
>being a jew, arab, african or refugee
>not being the Son of God
Fucking heathens
Where is British on your chart?
None of them were arabs
Who was a refugee? Mary and Joesph lived in Judea.
It's beautiful
> herbew=jew
> without africans > that gay kangaroo
I don't know ... that cow smells a bit jewy
>the birth of Christ took place in the middle east
>that means you need to let the entire third-world into your country
flawless liberal logic right there
>Jesus was born in the middle east so you should welcome in those who pervert and dismiss his core teachings and who want to murder those follow them
Liberals are the fucking worst
yay animals. this is great
>nobody worshiping a kike sky wizard
>nobody worshiping a dead kike on a stick
>nobody worshiping a half-kike warlord
and to top it all off
>Hitler undeniably did nothing wrong
>calling persians africans or arabs
I kinda hope Sup Forums gets redpilled about christianity being a foreign presence in the West. Some day. I'm pretty certain that many of our ancestors rejected it until they couldn't any more (as it was forced on everyone). It isn't the religion of western civilisation, nor of ancestral or even recent Europe, considering humans have been in Europe for most of 1 million years. Embrace atheism and reject dogma in your lives. And don't meme about me being a fedora or some shit, that's the last thing I am. Just frustrated seeing so many people go through their whole lives blindfolded.
I'm atheist, I still hate muslims even after that incredibly clever picture.
Wow looks like I love arabs, Jews and refugees now
Reminder that Hitler believed in Christ.
Do you even know the real reason Hitler hated the Jews so much? I bet you don't.
I don't get it. I don't store my jews and refugees in a barn.
We are going to make, Christianity Great Again!
>the refugees eventually went back
really makes you think
>be Christianity
>build western civilization
>faggots consider it a foreign presence
>pre-islamic (presumably north) Africans and Arabs
Didn't North Africa used to be white before it was invaded by muzzies?
tell me pls
>Liberals in charge of the Bible
>embrace atheism
>reject dogma
It's almost like you don't even hear the shit you're saying. Original Europeans were pagans, not atheist. And Christianity was the rare religion that did not pillage and burn villages of their history to spread it, but rather absorbed pagan ideas and explained how the Christian God had been the one true God they had been worshipping all along.
Can't say I'm surprised, most atheists haven't seriously researched Christianity. It's funny, yours is the religion of non-belief, the belief that you are yourself an accident. Amazing really if you think about it.
so peaceful and not rapey
just like the west should be
Wouldn't have anything to do with the attempted Jewish communist revolution in Germany, right?
Why is this white?
It should be black without the jew god creating light.
Because they killed Christ.
I kinda hope you embrace a muslim cock in your ass
only a braindead liberal with the ability to use cognitive thought for 3 seconds, could think a point has been made here?
is the point that a refugee could be the next Jesus Christ? if not, then no point has been made.
you may as well have said, "you don't want to be raped by a crazy white guy with a beard? santa claus is a white guy with a beard!"
and yet i'm starving
Jesus and his family weren't fucking refugees reeeeee they were literally citizens getting counted in a census
True, kikes did indeed kill Jesus and hate him so much that they say that he is boiling in shit in Hell or something fucked up like that.
man it's like i'm really scrolling through facebook, thanks op
Jesus and his senpai weren't the Jews of today. They were judeans. Jews of today were the Pharisees of biblical times. In other words they were the assholes. Jesus was the king of Judeans. It got (((lost in translation))).
If god is so powerful, why could he not have impregnated Maid Marian with a white son? If Jesus could perform miracles, being boren white from an Arabic mother should be easy.
Probably had something to do with Christ telling them that they are of their father the devil and defiled temples turning them into "a thieves' den" and that they were no longer God's chosen people. Hmm mom turns out Jesus was the first antisemite hmmmm really makes you think, doesn't it?
Only Joseph was Judean. Mary was a Gallilean.
This is so beautiful I just shed a single tear
Did Arabs back then look brown or like a Mediterranean color? I've always imagined them as modern day Italian/Greek looking people, not full on Akbar camel fucker
Do you identify more with a bunch of Celts living in mud huts and worshiping trees than with the Christians who built civilisation?
Crypto-Jew detected
She wasn't an Arab. Christ was white.
This. Modern Jews are the Pharisees that got thrown out of the temple by Jesus himself.
The translation only got corrupted recently because Martin Luther realized that modern Jews were bad news.
Arabs were still in Saudi Arabia back then, they would have been the whiter Levantine people like Assad's family.
The region got blacked by the Muslim conquests.
Fuck Jesus and Fuck Jewish People
wtf I'm an athiest now
Jesus wasn't a modern Jew. Modern Jews are the Pharisees he kicked out.
Hebrews weren't white
ur dumb
It looks cozy.
Hebrews were whiter than the modern Palestinians. And they would have mixed with Romans and Greeks rather than shitty Bedouin tribes like modern Arabs did.
There were no Africans in the Nativity story.
Replace passport with a smartphone, then we talk
The three wisemen gave goldme to Jesus, not took it from him
Didn't Odin get his power from semen?
How exactly would that disqualify the magi? They should be in the stable trying to figure out where everybody went.
>no wise men
>implying Mary and Joseph were arab refugees
>all these great responses
Sometimes Sup Forums isn't completely worthless. God bless you lads
Good. We don't need christcuck slave morality.
Actually Christians have made contributions but I would argue the scientific revolution created modern civilization. And I reject the idea I have to believe in a Jewish wizard man in order to create an identity for myself.
I only believe in Kek
This. They were law-abiding subjects of the Roman Imperium.
The kangaroo on the left should also not be there.
Reminder that atheists are worthless
The other thing to remember is that cultural regions move over time. Now, the Levant is in a completely different cultural sphere than Europe, but then it was still part of the Roman Empire, because the massive cultural and demographic transformations that accompanied the arrival of Islam had not yet occurred.
It doesnt have any white, asians, or Indians either
>Reminder that atheists are worthless
There's a difference between "fedora" and "this spray-tanned nigger is lying to everyone and would be a disaster".
Jesus was not a Jew he was galilean
Jews wasnt even. Word back then they were called judeans, modern Jews do not worship the Old Testament they worship the Talmud, they also have no genetic connection to judeans as they come from the khazarian empire
t. subhuman ms paint fag