>american war strategy
American war strategy
>leaf war strategy
>american war weapons
Dont forget about juno beach, stupid ass leaf. you should be thankful americans handled the real work of operation overlord
Not our fault you retards fucked up your plans. Tell you Navy to learn how to aim next time.
Man, you leafs are really fucking annoying.
Not offensive, not great trolls, just annoying.
>russian tactics
>It Aint Me starts playing
We were reducing our carbon footprint before it was cool
Occasionally there is a good zingger that comes from a leaf, but not often enough, I call for mass rakings.
quality leaf post
>americans couldnt even land in the right spot
Also canadians took the second hardest beach
the last 100 ft by drowning while riding a bicycle is negligble from the thousands of miles traversed in a black smoke belching cargo ship
A leaf condescending about the British and US navy, these goddamn leafs man
you are now aware leafs were the first to give maps to infantry men.
> utah was the only beach where we landed in the wrong spot, and it turned out for the better
> gold, sword, and point du hoc all harder than juno
Youd think a leaf would have no trouble washing ashore but they even struggle and complain about that. Next you'll complain that you can't drift aimlessly on the wind cause americans /british didnt make the wind blow
>The greatest naval invasion in the history of the world
Has leaf signposting gone full circle and now turned into complementing other countries?
>"Canadians didn't participate in D day"
>Canadian education
>japanese tactics
more like leafs were the first nation that had to
You should have some respect for those who's lives have been erased in the name of war
Then agian,respect is a tall order for a leafcuck
Australian war strategy
be hard cunts and bust your ass for your country while heavily outnumbered
how can anyone compete
Emus compete.
You're fucked mate, when this fence breaks 100,000,000 Emus are going to swarm into your cities and bring about the end of the Australian people.
>Quantity vs Quality ideas
leaf nonsense aside, lately Ive been thinking that overload and the breakout were actually fairly sizable fuck ups.
Why invade normandy and go through the bocage right at the moment when you should be breaking out from the beach head and beginning the deep and suddent thrusts into the enemies rear areas
Fucking glorious.
Just FYI the red army was better than your army in every way by the end of 1942, and the quantity vs quality argument is bullshit
>canadian war strategy
Allies just won by zerging
Those bikes allowed us to achieve all our goals and more.
Maybe you yanks should have had a few to get off that beach you're always going on about.
I was referring to the video
Britbongs fucked you over at gallipoli m8, you could have done much more good on the western front desu
>American war strategy
>Three Brit one of them armored and a single Canuck division
Yeah, "you" sure made it off the beach
>theyre actually defending them using BICYCLES
fuckin oath mate some dumbfuck Brit forget to set his watch to the right time leading to the absolute slaughter of ANZAC's at the nek
Lmfao only a leaf could belief that a bike would have helped secure omaha. good think you weren't in charge
>mfw there was almost nobody to defend the shores
Only Hollywood considers it as a major battle. 6th June is a propaganda event.
>american war strategy
Yeah this pretty much if we're being honest
The airborn operations against local security forces makes for fun reading though
where is your god now Japan?
>By the end of D-Day, the Canadians had penetrated deeper into France than either the British or the American troops at their landing sites, overcoming stronger resistance than the other beachheads except Omaha Beach. In the first month of the Normandy campaign, Canadian, British and Polish troops were opposed by some of the strongest and best trained German troops in the theatre, including the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend and the Panzer-Lehr-Division.
Do you guys learn anything about any other country besides your own? ever?
Only an American could write a sentence this atrocious.
English speaking Russians, okay.
The a bomb and in general the bombing campaigns in japan and europe was the beginning of technocratic control over the US military
It all reflects an unwillingness to fight and die or risk anything, which is what has caused the US to lose all of its wars since WWII
> inb4 some tiny invasion of an isalnd off the coast of south america or something
> inb4 desert storm, which doesnt count since the iraqis werent trying to fight back and were told to retreat since saddam only invaded cos he thought the US said it was okay
>written by a canadian author
To all the rare PePes that were at the wrong place at the wrong time; who fell as pawns in other peoples machinations.
.... we successfully coordinated an invasion of mainland Europe and our troops took the points of densest resistance?
"victory is won before the battle is fought"
Who really gives a fuck about Nazi military prowess and tactics if they had no strategy to win? Krauts are dumb, they lost. We won. Get over it.
>American military prowess
>Gets BTFO by natives armed with sharpened sticks.
im sorry did you say something?
ITT: Leafs and Burgers pretend they beat Germany in WW2 while the Red Army did all the real work
>f-france won it
>we don't even learn about it in school lol who gives a fuck haha
Canadians are far better soldiers on a per capita basis than Amerilards. Prove me wrong.
Canada has never won a war
Man you are stupid.
Yeah, he said your country relies on other people to win their wars.
It wasn't just France. It was also Spain and the Netherlands. They saved you from complete and humiliating defeat.
They burnt down our White House, then got btfo and ran home. But they'll only tell you about the part where the burnt down the White House.
>>we don't even learn about it in school lol who gives a fuck haha
I did, the teacher went into a lot if detail on foreign intervention of the Revolution. Didn't say a damn thing about all the Natives and Euros who supported the Confederacy.
Also Britcucks and Frogs couldn't take Vimy Ridge in WWI, they had to call in some alpha leafs to do a man's job.
>somebody helped the us in this one battle so that means the us didnt actually win
Would you happen to know who Andrew Jackson is?
And there were plenty of Moore's creeks too, it'd not been easy for the British to win.
> ignoring point du hoc
> ignoring counter attacks against the british after the beach heads were secure
> not counting US airborne troops when assessing progress so you can pretend you made it further
> juno resistance may have been stronger (arguable) but it was LESS strong than what was expected
juno is the only beach that encountered LESS resistance than was planned for (except for utah since they landed in the wrong spot but this fucked them up in other ways), and still failed to meet its objectives
no debate about quality of resistance met during the drive further inland, no one argued that.
only a leaf feels like he has something to prove about how all our nations fought on d-day
"Oi m8, what ye got there is a real piece of shit. Now this here garand is a real sheila innit."
>go fight a war for someone else that has no effect on your daily life
>call them cucks
Cool wiki page of an inconsequential skirmish with total losses amounting to 154 people, mostly wounded.
Again, wars are won with strategy. We had a better strategy and we won. You lost. Facts. You outwitted, rused, fooled, boondoogled, deceived, and defeated by our wily Yankee knowhow. Eat shit and die loser.
Indians hade muskets dumbass
It might be true, and I even said americans make for poor soldiers in my post about the a bomb.
But as anyone who understands war knows, all that matters is who wins.
The only people who talk about "oh man for man these soldiers are better" or "oh well we would have won if the other side had fought fairly" are the losers, or people with something to prove
Burgers are historically bad at defeating peasants with sticks and low quality weapons
America hasn't won a war in 70+ years
inconsequential skirmish of an inconsequential war ostensibly fought to protect diplomatic travel rights, which principles the British would eventually completely renege on during our Civil War*
ya but atleast we won wars
>surrender unconditionally despite outnumber your enemy 50-1
Tell me some more about how you won in Vietnam. Do it. Or I'll burn the White House down. Again.
nah im right
>british fighting prowess
did u kno that british soldiers put up american flags and pretended to be american to scare france off
You seem to forget that God himself unleashed a freak tornado that put the fire out. Do you want to test the wrath of God, bong?
Only the craziest people claim america won vietnam.
You wont ever burn the white house down again because your empire is lost to history and your country is barely relevant : )
Britbongs indubitably, invariably, inconsolably BTFO
Who's the author? Let me guess, a Jewish leaf?
uhhh yeah it's inconsequential
Neat little crusade. All you faggots left.
Vietnam's a red herring argument. Speaking of losing to dirt eating barbarians, where'd your whole empire go?
Also, no one gives a fuck about the capital because we're a democracy and surrender would not have been guaranteed through such a measure. It was a poor strategy.
do it and we'll double its size and make it even more awesome than it was last time. again.
and who the hell is saying that we won nam? who?
Did you even read the comment?
Lmfao remember how your nation had the most undeniably powerful navy in the world, and now its terrible, and even its glory days are nothing compared to modern powerful navies. Like who could have predicted back in the days of the crimean war that russias navy would be completely dominant over you lmfao
too bad you guys got no further than Caan for months while U.S. forced brokout with a much easier time
>2nd Hand Job Specialist: Canada
how those things usually went
James Wilkenson was literally a paid Spanish agent America only lost because he purposely sabotaged the battle
>he's holding a FAL
>Eh let's overextend ourselves for glory instead of cautiously approaching things, consolidating our gains, and accurately expecting an almost year of rough Nazi resistance!
>"Canadian soldiers fought bravely and gloriously to the death against thick, well-trained Nazi regiments throughout France"
i hope youre talking about the other gun, cause the one the guys pointing at is an m16.
L1A1. Imbel. Doesn't really matter. I want both. Need to get me a HUEHUE kit since L1A1 kits are unobtanium.