"...if you ever run across a blue life, kill it."

"...if you ever run across a blue life, kill it."

Other urls found in this thread:



forgot link

So progressive

So they're openly calling for the killing of an extraterrestrial species? They are openly calling for an intergalactic war?

I hope some crazy user see's this and ends up killing the idiot who made this article

>they don't exist
>kill them

This can't last. In the next few months Liberalism in the us is going to either die or metastasize into something truly cancerous.

Blue lives are police, numbskull

I hope some crazy user sees this and ends up killing a cop, citing this idiot's article as inspiration

Why not both?
Max chaos

Is it a crime to openly tell people to kill policemen?

>blue lives don't exist
>if you come across a blue life, kill it.

Yeah, it's a crime to encourage or incite criminal acts in general. Calling for the killing of a cop is just heroically stupid.

>a philosopher of race

No surprise the article was made by a nigger.

Dont fuck with the cookie monster

The joke went right over your head bud. Because no idiot could possibly be stupid enough to say "durrr don't hesitate to kill cops derp" he must have been talking about aliens because the alternative is a felony

That's pretty ironic. If we humor the first statement they are basically advocating genocide of a species of blue people. How is that any different from nazis with Jews?

abba dee aba die

>philosopher of race



And then they wonder why their neighborhoods are in chaos. Go ahead, keep inciting violence against the police and call for more dead cops, that means in the long run your own kin die.

archive that shit man

So once again liberals want you to judge people solely on the color of their skin and not on the quality of their character and the actions they do.

How is that not racism again?

>literally advocating for people to kill cops on sight

While I do respect people's free speech, this is illegal. Someone report this shithead.

T. Didnt read it.


>black people's lives are worth more than police officer's lives
>if you support blue/all-lives-matter, you are an anti-black, confederate Trump supporter
>even though I know you're talking about police, I'm going to be a smug little nigger and claim your talking about an alien race
Quality journalism and truthful news are at it again!

>Search for Cuckpost on Goybook
>Pic related appears

If you ever come across a huffpo poster, shit in their mouth.

Seriously, stop reading shit that lowers your IQ. If you are going to post absolute crap, please archive it. You are making Sup Forums dumber by the hour.

post pics of isis throwing gays off roofs

so tolerant!!!



Those genocidal fucks, they are calling for unarmed blue men to be killed for no reason

Someone Has Got To Stop These Kikes.jpg

Can we get them in legal trouble for publicly advocating the death of a group of people with skin conditions

>leftards being so mad that they openly advocate for killing policemen
Kek. Let them try and see how that goes

>metastasize into something truly cancerous.

wtf is it right now ???

Wait, what?

>Blue lives don't exist



like you don't know that DAHNALD, THE DELEGATES has won that ez mode

archive.is is owned by the NSA.

That's a nostalgic picture for me

yeah i guess so

This is funny, because that's what Islam is

Converting people via fear and deception

>libs are calling for the death of eiffle
rip baguettes

Jesus Christ, headlines in 2017 will be even more retarded by miles.

>NYT: If you see Trump in person, kill him
>Trending on Twitter: #killallwhites
>Huffpost: I'm going to kill myself tonight after I kill my white husband, here's why you should too


I live to see the day when all cops are replaced with quad copters equipped with mace and tasers.

... piloted by real cops at the station because fuck yea job security.

reported to the FBI

Blue lives are a choice and black lives aren't

So should we judge a person instead on the color of their skin or on the merit if their choices. Is this article pro racism?