Tfw to intelligent too win

>tfw to intelligent too win

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Same logic as

> if you kill your enemies they win

>clinton staffers are smart enough to not want hillary as predisent
Thanks for supporting trump, I guess?

>play chess while they playing checkers

The cognitive dissonance here is off the charts.

yea because it takes a lot of knowledge to resort to name calling every one knows that nigger

This meme is one of my favorites :^)

if you let them win the election, they lose

Holy shit when our psycho bitch of a president lost we got the exact same meme. And this was a person that several years ago said that Argentina had less poor people than Germany ( pre-refugee germany ) Bitch literally didn't know what H2O was.

>Alienate the opposition by calling them uneducated, racist, sexist deplorables
>Surprised that they didn't vote for you
>Really overstimulated their neurons with that one



If you beat your enemies they win.

Hillary is playing 29D underwater scrabble

> too intelligent.
> got outsmarted

My neurons are firing.

I'm beyond the point of disputing kek.



DidnĀ“t Zach Snyder say the same thing?

>I know from reading NYT that I have the correct opinions.

>I perfected my snarky above-it-all expression, I was like a character in The Office.

>I did the dab!

Hardly anyone is stupid enough to vote for a racist bigot like Drumpf. The Russians hacked the votes. It's anuddah Pearl Harbor.

Really? She has the corporate media, Hollywood, and the Intelligence Services working on her behalf. They are ready to provoke a major superpower without giving evidence. Apparently it's not over yet.


them quints tho

>cat ruins the slice with pineapple



>to intelligent to not like Madame President

>if you're smart you outline no policy especially not domestic

yeah, the part of her campaign where she said she carries hot sauce wherever she goes to show she was just like the black folk, mmmm, too smart for me.

>tfw to intelligent to vote for Drumpf

>tfw to smart to campaign in Wisconsin

>tfw to intelligent too win the popular vote


Her campaign was heavily data-based.
Trump's campaign was based on gut feeling.

>memes really are becoming real
Never ceases to amaze me. Praise Kek.

/r/Politics, /r/Atheism, and NeoGAF: The Thread

Think any of them will grow up?

Anti-Podesta kitty

>We should raise the minimum wage
>we should tax millionaires
>we should have open borders
>we should have free healthcare and education
>we should continue to support proxy wars
>we should go to war with russia
>we should punish american industry for the crusade of global warming

Data based.

>Mutually Assured Destruction

Top kek you literally can't make this shut up, what a great timeline we got ourselves into

>data based

Yeah based off the data collected from campaigns run by a charismatic black man. Then they wonder why it didn't turn out well for them. This is what happens when you hire based on quotas and not competence.

>when memes leak into reality

So storing her email server besides her toilet was actually some kind of brilliant chess move that went underrated?

Lets not forget the fair weather Trump supporters that stayed home because the lugenpresse told them he had already lost for months on end.

>MFW Hillary Clinton drops out of sight and now the ENTIRE WESTERN MEDIA IS CRYING MUH RUSSIANS!!!

The media will never get over this traumatic event

>Head full of hot air

really made me think...

I didn't expect him to win but went out and voted as a matter of principle. I suspect many of Trumps votes came this way.

Conversely, I imagine many would-be Clinton voters stayed home thinking the election was in the bag for her.

The article actually isn't THAT bad, it's mostly about how they were too focused on running a data driven "smart" campaign that they may followed their algorithm, even when their ground team told them they were losing.

Considering how Target can figure out if a women is pregnant within a month of conception (often before the woman herself even knows) just from the products she buys I think they probably just had shitty algorithms.


Same. I live in California, so even I knew my vote was essentially useless, but I went out and voted to show my support, and to justify wasting a year and a half on this fucking board

Who could have known in advance it would be a bad idea to insult people you wanted to vote for you though?

hindsight 2020 you know

Quints = /thread


>raped and sacrificed hundreds of Haitian children in the name of Moloch
>underestimated the depravity of the Rust Belt
>alienated half the voters by calling them racist sexist deplorables
>thought that more money raised = more chance of winning
>put your emails in a private server

>too intelligent

It's not over yet. She's not letting it go. The Bush/Clinton family likes to win.

She's got more energy that Jeb.



Anyone who ever watched any scifi movie would know that was bound to fail.


If only there was some way to harness incredible lack of self awareness as an energy source

>STILL calling the voters stupid, now indirectly


>smart enough to waste $1.2 billion on Clinton's campaign and the $227 million that Sanders got
>smart enough to not appeal to blue collar workers
>smart enough to not rally in key swing states
>smart enough to attack a fucking cartoon frog
>smart enough to call a fourth of the public deplorables
>smart enough to delete 33,000 emails then wipe the server clean with BleachBit
>smart enough to use rape allegations to achieve political power rather than actual justice
>smart enough to leave traces of getting debate questions from CNN
>smart enough to admit about birddogging and voter fraud to questionable interns for Democratic Partners

Obama promises jobs in swing states.

Hillary doesn't campaign in swing states.

Trump promises jobs in swing states.

Swing states swing.



>so smart you can't understand how smart

Thanks for posting the unedited version.

>too smart to win

>strategically small rallies

>barely spending any money in the rust belt

hillary was too next level, a candidate too far ahead of her time to win

>give the population everything they want
>shit my pants on public televised debate for them
>sexually abuse them by calling them bigots and less then humans
>spread white lies about how russia will touch them in their pee pees if they don't vote for me
>they don't vote for me

wow it's nothing

>strategically small rallies

Obviously their approach was far too sophisticated, just crazy out of the box smart and I guess we're just not ready for it. They did nothing wrong of course it's society that's the problem, so smart, losing is smart.


Too smart to hold onto working class whites.

>they didn't vote for you

Oddly enough Trump spent more money on polling than Hillary did(he also spent more on travel than she did, the only two areas he outspent her on, she dominated in every other major category).
Her mistake was relying on that data and forgetting that her supporters in the media spent months shaming people for supporting Trump so they lied on polls about their support for him.

The other problem was the one that mentioned, they took the outcomes of the Obama elections and then assumed the same levels of support/turn-out from the Black community and the working class in support of her(forgetting that the White Working Class didn't really like Romney much because he was a rich White guy with no charisma who made his money by playing with money not building stuff like Trump). Maybe they expected a similar thing to the Obama vote where black people who'd never voted went out and voted in record numbers, except this time with women. Which didn't turn out so good for them.

Based on those things she was right to think she was winning while actually losing.

This is the single best reaction image from Trump's campaign

>Clinton Campaign loses with more votes
>Too smart to win

Top lel this.

Why are butthurt Trump supporters so upset when liberals speak the truth? I thought they were all about saying it how it is, well that's exactly what Clinton did.


Its almost like she was aiming to win the vote in the wrong year.

>Too Smart

These people are literally insane

The Clintons won the primary in '92 because they relied on some insane algorithms that showed them the cheapest places to put ads on TV to get the largest markets maximising their outcomes while minimising their spending.
It got their ads on shows that weren't typical for political ads(usually put in #1 shows and the news) and spread their message around a lot while also standing out.

They probably thought it was a sure-fire winner again 24 years later. Given the amount of money she had this time I'm amazed that they were trying to be so spendthrift.

Fuck off Canada your weak banter is no match for quints.

Day of the rake when?


>illegals and feminists call all the shots here
>didn't care, voted anyway
>my guy wins

>never went to Wsconsin
>too smart

There were more votes than voters in Detroit. Funny how CNN and their friends didn't report on that.



Didn't know they hired this guy for damage control.

Democrats should have been more politically correct.

Did the same but in Jew York.

>felt like I was adding a log to fuel the witches pyre

>make sure Ohio isnt a swing state anymore

>spend money and time in Arizona and Georgia

While I wouldn't have used the word smart, they did rely way too heavily on analytics, data models, and focus groups. It was probably the most "high tech" campaign ever, but that's where she and the dems failed

Presedencial elections are won on emotion

Ive been trying to find the wiki leaks email where some dude just destorys hillary's campaign for being the dumbest bid for president. he described what was wrong with it so perfectly. said something along the lines of running for obamas 3rd term when the country wants change is the dumbest thing you could possibly do and how the whole campaign was devoid of any emotion or message.


I like pineapple. Not my favorite but if done right it's good


yes, she was def the biggest loser in at least 117 years
