Japs, please explain

Japs, please explain


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Wait....Trump was serious about actually making anime real?

They've been working on Personal Assistant AIs for some time.

Are they available in the US?

They decided that 2D waifus weren't enough

That show sucked, why was it popular on Sup Forums?

I can't wait for the Australians to get their hands on this
>"Oy ya cheeky cunt, you slept in an hour late because I forgot to wake your arse up. Best get a move on if you wanna keep that job m8."


Excitement and sadness fills me

The more real it feels the better, right?

My wife realizes she now has competition. Time to wife even harder it seems. The free market thrives through competition.

It's sad that it's come to this, but it's better than having nobody... right?

Pretty sure their only selling 300 so you better preorder fast

I can finally have my ai gf, thank you based nippon

are there male characters available?

i'm glad they gave him the school mass shooting haircut

When women find out how easy it will be to get replaced with a waifu they will really need to step up their game.

Women all you had to do was be kind, cheerful, modest, and loyal, and you could have had your pick of any man you wanted

Instead we had to invent your replacement

jesus christ that's sad. no wonder japan has such a high suicide rate

Of course they will have husbandos available

But why the fuck a woman would want this since they live on easy mode?

eh, gay people will have to wait

oh you meant for woman? those wont work, woman only care about status and money, ai cant bring those

I would consider suicide after getting redpilled about Sweden being a swede

all women need someone to cuck, be it real or virtual

>Implying that they will be self improving instead of just bitching about it like usual

I miss the patriarchy so fucking much

>Women all you had to do was be stronk, fierce, independent and 'funny'
FTFY shitlord

I know it's hard to belive if you spend 12+ hours a day on Sup Forums, but women don't always have it easy. Fat women especially have a hard time getting a bf (at least in first world countries, larin America seems to love their women obese).

wow. just wow


It's Japanese engineers not some low brow shit flinging ape

it is getting reinstated (>implying it ever existed) with robot wifes. Women's value are gonna go down by alot, possibly triggering a shift in the "sex game"

This seems oddly familiar

>It's Japanese engineers not some low brow shit flinging ape
buttblasted bernie weeb detected

This. Husbando when?

forget husbands. I want a sexy little brother.

not to sound like a poor fag, but no way in hell am i pre ordering an untested product that costs 2,600 usd. I can wait

>fat women
It's not that hard to work out and not stuff your face with cake

Fucking christ.

>mfw people resort to dating their weather app before trying to talk to a real life female

Isn't Japan's birthrate dropping like a rock or something?


this really made me sad for some reason. Poor nips

Seems like an alarm clock with preprogrammed text messages.
It will be interesting to see how far these things go with better AI.

Its increasing,it dropped really hard during the 90s


miketsukami kun is my husbando.

its just holografic chatbot

Men aren't doing much better in the obesity department.

Honestly though I would buy this if it wasn't $3k.

L-lewd! I would too, though.

Women are becoming increasingly obsolete, and that's a good thing.

Once women will have to start competing for attention with AI, the quality of women will improve.

As it stands women can be fat lazy pieces of shit who will cheat on you the first chance they get. That shit isn't going to fly once men start replacing them.

i'm really looking forward to modding my ai waifu,
just think about all the crazy shit you could do with her.
>use smart bracelet, she sees that you are not feeling well or at least that something isn't right
>she asks what's going on
Thanks big data.

>tfw anime is becoming real
may KEKs wilde ride never end

Where's he from?

>tfw when want to make fun of
>tfw remember what it was like before being married and coming home to empty house

No, they had a dip but it's been going back up since 2005.
Birth rates aren't meant to increase exponentially anyway, it's just the jews trying to enact replacement migration again.

No, Japan's birthrate is actually back up to replacement.

It turns out the problem works itself out and you don't have t import millions of non-working shitskins to expand your "labor" force.

Actually, it's going up now. Very slowly, but it's going up.

Real life is kinda tiresome. All this effort for so little in return. You literally invest hours of your life and money for what can be achieved with 10 min fap session. Well maybe i'm biased and sex is that AWESOME for other people.

Women dont want to talk to me

you realise how immature you look?

>plz be my AI gf
Meme magic everyone

>not knowing ”inu×boku”


>tfw coming home every day 6 days a week from a 12 hour shift
>there is nothing at my home but crippling loneliness and an overwhelming feeling of emptiness as I continuously ask myself why I keep getting out of bed every day

Please tell me these are coming to the USA with customized personalities and improved AI learning.

user, I don't watch that much anime.

Can I have a luka that sings from time to time?

the power of memes

>Please tell me these are coming to the USA with customized personalities and improved AI learning.
I don't think you would want that
have you seen the move "her"?

but, what is the difference between AI waifu that texts you and friends you make online?

>not wanting a Len

This is why you stop that slut from going to the Cloud

>not some low brow shit flinging ape
I found the perfect song for you:
Please no cry

They are but you'll need to learn japanese or deal with a localized independent American women.
Aka you had better have a spare 50k to buy your robot a gender studies degree or it'll accuse you of rape.

>Well maybe i'm biased and sex is that AWESOME for other people.

No trust me, when you get old enough you will realize and admit to yourself that sex isn't as fun everyone else portrays it.

There will be custom user scripts that you can download, yes. You will be able to customize her however you want as long as somebody has made behavior for it

Little boys are made for getting bullied by older ladies and nothing more. Especially not for other dicks.

inu×boku was gud anime.

watch this kyun-kyun last...

I want Yumo.

best grill coming through

most autistic thing i've ever seen

Cute boys are not for impure sluts.
Are you a grill?

But user, that was the exact movie I had in mind. Sam was perfect.

>tfw i will finally be able to have a dominatrix sexbot that looks like katy perry

This product started as a an overly polite, slightly annoying alarm clock and then it just became depressing.

Holy shit this is fucking sad.

You sure that the police officer is the "impure slut" in that picture?


but that ending tho

>using that hair on Len

aren't these supposed to cost 3 grand?
sorry, I'd rather buy another scar 17 before I buy a holowaifu

>Are you a grill?

wait.arn't you a girl?

:^( The eternal Jap

only 2,600 usd


Who the fuck needs this, at least I will always have the CHAN

The biggest redpill is probably that sex isn't really that satisfying except to that part of your instincts to fuck and reproduce.

It's alright, but life really does get easier once you get laid and don't have to worry about not ever getting it and being thought of as a Nerd Virgin without the job at CTR making shit memes for pennies.

So these cunts are real now?

>the ending
Didn't happen. They stayed together and had 3 little toasters.

Because that's how Kaito and Gakupo enjoy him the most.

It's like $3000, why the fuck would anyone bother.

pls be my AI gf

It's not just about sex. The porn jew has gotten to you friend.

When you are with another actual human being, you find warmth and comfort in their love and presence. You don't just fuck and that's it (unless it's an fwb or something).

But that in itself is kinda empty. Only true companionship can fill the void in our collective hearts.

Wtf this is real

We had this thread yesterday.

I'm this Jap

Feel free to peruse my comments on the matter.

Basically women are going to become obsolete and the waifu age is upon us.