What would it take for muslims to do for you to treat them as normal human beings Sup Forums?
Would you ever?
For them to behave like one
once again fpbp
looks like a Sith Talkshow
Religious reform like Judaism and Christianity. Otherwise they can fuck off back to their 3rd world.
firstposter strikes again.
are those photos from the Nazgul meet up?
Go through stricter vetting processes before coming into the country. Comitting to integration, this includes: knowing English or being able to prove that you are learning English ESPECIALLY if they plan to claim welfare. Must be able to hold basic conversation within six months or they are deported. Also, any laws they have in sharia or otherwise that directly contradict the laws of the land will be abandoned or, you guessed it, fucking deported. And their families too. Integrate or fuck off. I understand Islam is a religion and can be whatever you want it to be but you follow the rules of the country you're in and you speak their language or you leave. Simple.
Hold themselves to their higher standard instead of imposing it on non Muslims via force.
But the Sith are White Supremacists.
According to canon.
Are they any worse than chinks at integrating?
stop stoning rape victims to death. stop demanding special meat if you want your special meat stay where they make it.
and if you really hate the west and israel why dont you destroy saudi arabia and israel? why bug other countries in the region? get your shit together and kill the jews
I don't know how many terror attacks the chinks plan that we thwart so yeah I'd say so. Mind you I think these rules should apply to all immigrants and refugees but Islam has proven itself to be the most dangerous and should be treated more strictly than others in my opinion.
So much worse. Chinks can speak English fluently ~90% of the time within a year here (innaprairies so we get a lot of flips and chinks)
>I understand Islam is a religion
Then you don't understand Islam.
Islam is a civilization. Religion is only a small part of it. Islamic culture can not co-exist with western culture, period.
they should stop being muslims, simple as that.
I actually have moderate respect for shitskin christians.
I want them to all go back/stay in their own countries.
I don't want to get into an argument about this because I understand your point entirely but even you have to admit that there are peolle who call themselves Muslim that are genuinely good people and everyday citizens like you and me. These are outliers, yes, but it's entirely possible and I believe it can be made more prominent through stricter rules on integration.
>abandon sharia
>get rid of the "women must only marry muslim, men can marry anyone" hypocrisy, either keep the men marrying muslim to, or let the women may whoever
>accept their place as a very- tiny minority, and in doing so, don't make us change our ways. Instead, they integrate to us
That's literally never gonna happen though; which is why Islam must be destroyed.
go back
Have you never met a good muslim?
Renounce Islam, plain and simple. Otherwise, GTFO of my country you filthy flea infested subhumans.
Sex helps desu. The one Muslim girl I banged was the smartest kid in our program at school, she was a great lay, she was somehow hiding a six pack of abs underneath her muslim garb, and she was just cool as fuck.
We moved to different cities after uni, I'm still right wing but I can't support politics that's just being mean to people like that.
The one on the left has a nice eye slit
I have, but he'd probably get killed by other Muslims because he's basically assimilated. There are no good Islamic Muslims.
25% of muslims are radicalized
60% think that those 25% have to do what they have to do, including killing in the name of Allah
75% want Sharia law. Of those in your country and mine, and they plan to work to get it in both your country and mine.
We aren't talking about the 'good people'. Minority distributions are kind of irrelevant.
Came here to post this. FPBP as always.
>but even you have to admit that there are peolle who call themselves Muslim that are genuinely good people and everyday citizens like you and me.
They are good people because they are not good muslims. If they were good muslims they would not be friends with you.
For example I have a "muslim" friend who, doesn't pray, doesn't fast, has never read the koran, eats pork, smokes, gambles, does tons of coke and drinks like a goldfish. He is a good person at heart despite his degenerate habits but he is most definitely not a good muslim.
The opinion of the kuffar as what it means to be a "good muslim" is of no consequence. For instance, if I were to describe my friend to an Imam the response I would get is, 'No, you're friend is not a good muslim. He is a terrible muslim'.
Convert to Christianity
they look totally fucking metal
>Minority distributions are kind of irrelevant.
This. The left keep on using the outliers as examples of #notallmuslims.
Move back to their country.
No, fuck off molenbeek.
leaf pls
Every dead muslim seems OK to me as it is.
I like how diverse this forum is, or rather its opinions. On top of a page, I find a thread discussion how awful women are, and how technology will make them obsolete. Scrolling down, I find this thread, which chides Islam for mistreating women. It seems that the hatred for Muslims surpasses Sup Forums's hatred for women, but only to the degree that it facilitates that hatred.
I know Sup Forums isn't a hivemind, but it is odd to see these types of thread pop up constantly, side by side on a daily basis.
Haji, please.
Islam is the redpill
Based Bong
The hatred of women is stupid and unnatural. Most of them are mad because they're faggots who can't get laid, they'll grow up and man up eventually.
them developing tolerance of opposing ideals, and not having a propensity to spawn snackbars.
It's not halloween anymore. And ghosts are white, not black. Fucking dumb kids - they must be burgers.
Wherever you have come from, please go back.
This. Having lived in GCC countires for 20 years, can confirm that faggotry and pedophilia is rampant in the middle east.
At first glance I thought that was a talk show full of Nazgûl.
Kill all the imams preaching that bullshit. If the muslims come together to kil all the religious leaders inciting hatred, id be down with them
What Muslim? I only see locked players.
Go back to sandworld and stay there
They already are.
Puts Judaism first, good goy.
Daily reminder that the United States doesn't have an official national language and deporting people just because they don't speak English is wrong. Also vetting people based on their religion or ethnicity is an act of bigotry. If they can legal pass the immigration text that all other immigrants have to pass then there is no reason they shouldn't be allowed to enter the country.
No one has imposed Muslims on any one by force.
The refugees want nothing to do with the Muslim extremist that is the whole reason why they are fleeing their country. There should not be any laws forcing companies to sell Muslim meats however if a company like Walmart wants to carry it because their is a demand for it and they can make a profit their would be no reason not to. By this logic I don't see why you fagots don't boycott kosher pickles.
Immigration process should treat all immigrants equally. If Muslims immigrants are really worse then they will have a harder time getting into the country.
And the refugees are literally fleeing from the people who are stopping it from not being compatible.
Christians are just as fucking bad.
I'm pretty sure they want the same. Unfortunately their countries are fucked and they are looking for a better life.
>Implying Muslims coming here aren't doing this already.
Pretty sure they want to but can't.
Christianity is just as bad, your should renounce that also.
This. My I also had an ex girlfriend that was a Muslim and it was one of the best relationships I have ever had. A lot people on here hate Muslims because they are to busy being shut in shitposting on Sup Forums instead of going outside and meeting people.
Source on numbers.
>InB4 your ass.
that's a weird question but the answer would be that I'd need to convert to islam since it'd be the only way for them to not want to persecute me
>Radical Islam
Normal Islam believes that too, they just don't act on it, much like Sup Forums.
wtf? i love islam now
>For example I have a "muslim" friend who, doesn't pray, doesn't fast, has never read the koran, eats pork, smokes, gambles, does tons of coke and drinks like a goldfish. He is a good person at heart despite his degenerate habits but he is most definitely not a good muslim.
Sounds like the vast majority of Christians I know. Do you know who takes the bible really fucking seriously? The Westboro Baptist Church.
You guys need it because Christianity is on a steady decline here in the states.
The right uses skewed statistics just as much as the left. Only a percentage or a percentage of Muslims are radicalized. You should quit watching Alex Jones he if full of just as much bullshit if not more then the mainstream media.
Most of them want to.
Internet autism is truly a marvelous thing.
I wouldn't be surprised they take their religion a lot more seriously the Christians and Atheist do. Buddhist just don't seem to give a fuck.
Never had a Muslim get in my face and tell me I was going to hell. I have had several Christians do it though.
Never had a Muslim try to prosecute me for not being a Muslim.
I disagree with that. Sup Forums is fucking autistic and doesn't even truly represent true conservatism and blames SJW bullshit on liberals. Radical Islam, Sup Forums and SJWs are all vocal minorities that just bitch the loudest so people think that they make up the whole party that they represent.
>I seriously think you the majority of the fagots in this thread need to go outside for a while and meet some new people.
Your first is always the best.