> Merkel wants to imprison people who spread "fake news" for up to 4-5 years
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Oppression of freedom of speech is the greatest threat to the Western world.
It is not about calling a nigger nigger. It is about you can't say/write anything that is not approved by the government.
why would you say anything not approved by the government?
Honestly don't understand how anyone can stand to live in a country without free speech.
It must be in German people's genetics to act this way.
How are you supposed to know your country is under threat if you can't name your oppressors? What good is the right to bear arms if you don't know who to shoot?
>How are you supposed to know your country is under threat if you can't name your oppressors?
Don't be a third world country?
Because we don't want to be emasculated like you
yes, you are barely human to begin with.
Thats actually great news. Should start with Zeit, Spiegel and ARD/ZDF
Good. I hope this'll finally put an end to those right-wing populists and their hateful, divisive message.
Agree. Maybe my country is poor, but at least we have kind of freedom of speech and allow different point of views to exist and be spread.
this would only happen if there was a real threat to eu or the nwo
I see this as a cry for help. Give us a few years, eurobros. Freedom of speech will be memed to your shores soon.
They're not allowed to dissaprove. Thats how they tolerate it.
Yeah, Russia did it right. And you go to jail if you are gay. Russia is on the right track.
> And you go to jail if you are gay. Russia is on the right track.
There is no such a law nowdays, it existed during the USSR era.
>being this German
You guys earned your fate
Would you look at that, it's Merkel himself.
Being the last bastion of western values such as freedom, humanism and safety?
Truly a fate worse than death
The nwo are getting heavy handed in europe as it's become their last stronghold.
Any footing in the USA they've gained over the years is lost.
>People like this asshat exist
Are you 6?
>Being the last bastion of western values such as freedom, humanism and safety?
I hope you're being ironic.
>posting shitty off site meme
I know this place is normally circle jerk but you out yourself as a newfag.
Yeah, for who though?
Certainly no freedom of speech for the German people. They go to jail for it.
No Humanism though either, since this is a bullshit made up concept which you virtue signal to other deluded socialists.
Safety? You mean like when the refugees gang rape your children at the public pool? Yeah, sounds super safe, dumb ass kraut.
It's Germany, who cares?
See this
Germans are literally the niggers of Europe
Right, because bot nets of foreign governments should really have the right to influence public opinion and elections here.
We saw what happened when Putin decided to manipulate the American electorate.
I weep for America. I don't want to have to weep for my country too.
>freedom but not of speech
>humanism but not for natives
>safety but not for whites
Oh thank god you're being facetious. Haha no one could actually be that stupid, right?
>muh white people
>muh freedoms
yep, it's an american post.
The only crime in Europe anymore is thought crime.
Rape, that's fine.
Kick old people down cement stairs, normal.
Fiddle with kids half your age, as long as your brown.
Date rape turns into murder, it's just cultural difference.
Think something the state doesn't like? Of to the gulag.
>American """"""""""freedom""""""""""
lol enjoy your government regulated news
Moderated speech is the antithesis to free speech.
Hello, I'm an American, my freedoms and my 2nd amendment keep me and my females safe. Jelly, Eurocucks?
Fuck that stupid bitch.
he enjoys. they've raped him regularly and he got used to it.
>Slags off Putin
>Doesn't realise that government authorised news is literally what the Russian state has
>Doesn't realise that this is a bad thing
>Doesn't know what freedom of press is
>inb4 autistic screeching posts at me from Germans
Not interested, unless your government has sanctioned you to speak that way.
>Being the last bastion of western values such as freedom, humanism and safety?
That was your post, Ahmed. What freedoms are you the last bastion of? How exactly is Germany safer or more "humanistic?" As a preeminent authority on MUH FREEDOMS, it seems you don't really have any - unless you consider government approval freedom.
opinion discarded.
I doubt that the pic is true. That white males do not rape black women.
They just less frequently appeal to police when crime happens.
It's literally true, it's a pic that got posted on social media, so it must be true.
Sup Forums says so.
>That white males do not rape black women.
They don't.
Hello, my name is Donald, and that white spot in the corner of my mouth is Putin's semen, and I am NOT sharing it with you. Jelly, Putinhaters?
Me? Oh, nothing, just enjoying my American freedom.
Exactly my point, Mahmoud. You have none. You have no comeback or rebuttal because there isn't any. As hilarious as your trolling is, it only highlights how forgone your nation has become. You have here a chance to defend your opinions for a worldwide anyonymous audience, and you cannot muster anything better than a factually incorrect one-liner.
Deutschland is dead and you are but a fly on her rotting corpse.
Scum. They should throw her in prison before she does any more damage.
She wasn't arrest for reporting she was arrested because she was there and she was RIOTING stupid euroscum
>she was arrested because she was there
Oh no. She was there. The horror! Stop being there, lady, or it's jailtime for you. This is AMERICA.
Stand back, everyone, American freedom coming through.
>fake news
thanks for this, USA
"Conversative" party
They're leftists in Germany, right?
Germany has not been a free country since 1945.
Anyone can be arrested without trial for:
-Examining the holocaust or speaking facts that don't line up with the government position
-Criticizing or insulting the chancellor
-Supporting the wrong political parties
-Now spreading independent news is illegal.
BTW, according to General Gerd-Helmut Komossa, Germany secretly is a puppet of the USA and doesn't even control its own politics, wealth, education system or military.
>Germany secretly is a puppet of the USA
Good. This way, we will get to enjoy American """""freedom""""".
They will be greeted as liberators.
>DDR chancellor
>hates freedom and germans
nazi spotted.
You are really stupid my man. They can redefine "hate speech" "fake news" terms like this at any time.
so you can "freedom of speech"
>my man
>Implying it has balls and a dick
lol, that's a cuck my friend.
being right-wing in 1978, now fully leftist in 2016. That's the CDU for you.
>I don't mind that 14 year old girls are being raped by Afghan immigrants who soak up welfare
>Just make sure I can jack off to scat porn
what is wrong with Germans?
>I don't mind that 14 year old girls are being raped by Afghan immigrants
We know you don't.
It's Germany. Dependent countries without any global influence. Only pshek and the Baltic states, and even they listen to Germany for the euro only.
you're the one saying the German government is great.
Most people here hate both Obama's and the UK's government.
The story behind the pic is a fake.
The woman is a scientist who study human behavior in social networks. She wrote several articles about baiting Sup Forums specifically, so I believe this case is a part of the same "study".
>you're the one saying the German government is great.
Source? A direct quote will do, thanks!
The UK will ban uncircumcised porn in keeping with new anti-semitism law.
>make law to imprison spreaders of"fake news"
>just in time for the rise of right-nationalism
>the next Reich can immediately jail all Jewish media groups immediately on their ascent
oh, I just assumed you were the same cuckposter from earlier.
are you just shitposting then?
I feel sad the leftists are criminalizing one of my favorite days.
Excuse me, but this is a thread about German cuckedness, and you're obviously trying to shifting the attention to UK's cuckedness, which is literally fake news.
Please stop trying to make it sound like the UK is cucked.
>that flag
>that comment
every country is pozzed beyond repair
there's no point in fighting about it.
Funnily enough, Merkel is 2 times the "dictator" that Putin is. Been occupying the post roughly the same time too.
Except some countries only have pozzed leadership, which can be solved with a good old military coup and a purge.
Others are 50% white.
Also some countries might blame other countries for establishing the conditions for an economic "union", that later turned into a political one.
>are you just shitposting then?
Serious question: the measure currently being discussed has been especially inspired by images going viral on social media that falsely attributed wrong quotes to politicians in an effort to whip up outrage in the electorate. Why do you think countering this is a bad idea?
And then please explain to me how this is different from your own libel and slander laws, and how Melania Trump's statement that as First Lady she would tackle online bullying is totally acceptable.
Google 'Crisis Actors' to see what they really want to cover up. The news has always been full of staged events, reported as real. Normies are starting to wake up to this fact.
How is "fake news" a name-calling thing, you retarded tan German?
Good thing she doesn't have long.
I'm fucking dying of laughter over here. Keep posting Krautfriend.
how is reading comprehension an american attribute, you inbred redneck?
Please don't die :(
Do you think you will remember the peaceful days of when you used to cuckpost on 4chins for (you)s, when they hang you on a lamppost like the sack of trash that you are?
Treat your shit syndrome, lap dog.
Disgusting. You're literally the reason why Germany is going down this rabbit hole.
at least I'm not some angry internet nazi.
No, you're just a cuck. Which is way worse.
why would they fake it it's one picture of many tracks.unhcr.org
I think this will become reality here too if we keep voting the Merkel cunt, remember the thing that happened in cologne on new years eve? Authorities tried to keep information from us, and this will only get worse.