This faggot literally wants millions of people uninsured for no god dam reason outside of OBAMA DID IT! So you want to...

This faggot literally wants millions of people uninsured for no god dam reason outside of OBAMA DID IT! So you want to repeal Obamacare, millions are kicked off, insurance companies can rip you off, and replace with something even worse that only insures like a 1 million people?

Obongocare is not sustainable at your third world tax rate of like 25%.

>Obongocare is not sustainable at your third world tax rate of like 25%.

You are an idiot and don't even know what Obamacare is like most Trumpvoters.

obamacare is shit and there is NOTHING you can do to defend it other than muh poorfags are no longer subsidized reeeee

yes, I have REAL healthcare.

Now continue your incoherent ramblings. But don't think you're talking about the same thing as a real person when you say "health care".

If I have to pay for poor people then they don't deserve insurance.

taxation is theft

>Real healthcare

implying they would just drop the insured.
it would likely phase out, with preventing signups. chill your sensationalism.


The healthcare mandate is ruining my family financially
I'd rather be uninsured

>Non life threatening injury
>Waiting his turn

And your point?

My wife and I spend $400/mo on insurance we don't use. I'm literally paying someone else's healthcare for some reason.

I can't wait to start having a kids and watch that healthcare cost soar.

So now he IS keeping promises eh?
Fuck off

My brother and his wife pay 1200/mo... that's more than i pay for rent and utilities + internet combined.

what the fuck is trumpcare? that isnt even a thing

That is, literally, how all insurance works.

Just because you are poor as fuck and don't have employment doesn't mean the rest of us should be subsidizing your health insurance. It's bad enough we subsidize the phone and or Internet you are using to post this fucking niggerish nonsense with.

>work shitty retail job
>$80 a month for health, dental, vision
>Doctor visit costs me nothing
>Medicine costs me nothing
>Optometrist visit costs me nothing
>Dental visits cost me nothing

>implying I care about dead niggers

This; board is full of statist cucks these days

Healthcare is a privilege, not a right.

It is a free market service and not everyone is entitled for it just because they exist. That's what socialists don't get.. you're not entitled to a "free" (and very expensive) service paid by the government aka tax dollars. Either way then everyone has to pay for everyone elses health insurance out of their tax money, and some will use the service more than others, and some would have preferred to not be insured at all and save that money but don't have the option. Also, with the rich subsidizing the poor, it perpetuates the welfare state we've created, which has turned black communities to shit in literally every major city.

Basically: socialized healthcare means you're paying for all the operations for all the hood blacks who get shot for being drug dealers, so they can get back on the streets quicker and commit more crime, and make moar babies which you will also pay for their welfare.

Too fucking bad.

Small Business owner here.

I run a small firm, with only 6 employees.

Do you have any idea what it's like to pay double for the 6 families that I provide healthcare for? One of my employees has a family of 4, and I spent $1,300/month this year, instead of $800/month last year.

So, I'm sorry that our healthcare system pays Doctors a small fortune for setting a broken leg.

I'm sorry that businesses have chopped everyone to part time.

I'm sorry that it's totally cool for Insurance companies to make billions off of people's pain and suffering

Do you have any idea how shitty it feels to actually cut Christmas bonuses and payroll because I pay 40 cents out of every dollar to taxes?

Maybe if progressives didn't think they had a moral obligation to provide emergency room visits for the hordes of Hispanics sneaking across our border, we wouldn't be here.

Oh, that's right, it's just about buying votes.

Except most of those people don't WANT insurance but are forced into it and the ones who want it are freeloaders who just want more handouts at the charge of the middle class.

The only good solution, as Trump has explained, is with a broader free market.

>penetrating wound near major blood vessels
>non-life threatening
Though it should be admitted that US ER is top notch. US shooting victims survival rate is simply astoinding.

Look, I was all for the original draft of the ACA because it was the version that every office since Truman was trying to pass. It was the version that would have been called Nixoncare if it wasn't for Watergate. This perverted version we have now is absolute shit. Especially the fucking fine.

The whole idea behind the original ACA was to make it truly affordable and so easy to have insurance that you'd have to work hard and be an endless knob to not be covered.

Even though premiums went up only slightly, it is the absolute spike in deductible ceiling that is fucking people over. Even when insurance companies were "fucking over customers", the deductible on the worst plans didn't come anywhere near the current $6350.

Supposedly Trump wants to keep some the better aspects of ACA like the preexisting and allowing people up to 26 to stay on the family plan. I hope he keeps those aspects. However, I think it is absolute shit for the people who are suffering to have to choose between paying thousands in medical bills cos they have to have the (((insurance))) provided by HIX, or payong thousands in medical bills AND being slapped with a fuck off fine for not having (((insurance)))

Lol if it penetrated a major blood vessel he'd be bleeding, it's not life-threatening.

The whole thing is being kept afloat by people who don't qualify for subsidies and/or are healthy. Their free ride is over. Fuck them.

Everybody should pay for their own insurance according to the risk they present to the insurers. Meaning healthy people pay less and the sick pay more.


>get a freak case of pancreatitis half a year before Obamacare is enforced
>tell person at doctor office I don't have insurance
>I pay HALF of what someone who was insured would have
>now have to pay 275 dollarydoos a month for the privilege of paying full price for something health related because if I ever had something bad enough happen to me to require me paying the 7k for the insurance to actually start covering me I'd be better off dead anyway

Thank you for getting that out of the way when you did, pancreas.