How do you argue that ethno nationalism works as an American when the whites that built your country came from different backgrounds?
How do you argue that ethno nationalism works as an American when the whites that built your country came from...
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Because they're all white
How do Chinese argue for ethnic nationalism when Han Chinese is really just a genetic melting pot of distinct Chinese ethnic groups?
As long as they aren't communists
so just advocate for general white?
>tfw the south was MICKED
>america started off as the perfect mixture of all the best aspects of Europeans
>became a super power and landed men on the moon
>give it all away to beaners and chinks
Fucking hell lads
good summary of our immigration history
Your country is beginning to do the same
without the various white ethnicites in europe, europe would not be as great as it was.
Your mistake is thinking Europe is a country.
Is that nose a german genetic trait?
White nationalism is EUROPEAN WHITE nationalism dude.
USA is a country of European whites, meant for European whites.
Fucking disgusting...why are all the fucking street shitters coming to NJ?
Coming from a country doesn't mean it's your background. Political states and their territories change frequently, especially in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries.
>cleanse everything that does not look white
>stop immigration and increase birth rates
>call yourselves "ethnic americans"
>fuck what the rest says
try that sentence again when brussels isn't writing laws that your member state has to abide by, you retarded faggot.
Why come all the way from norway just to live that far north?
Ethnic is NOT a genetic term. Ethnicity is culture + language.
The exception to this is when you have a multiracial society, in which ethnicity is then determined by race. This is why Americans have the common misconception that ethnicity is a synonym for race.
French, German, etc. are examples of ethnicities. "White", "black", etc. are not ethnicities.
America can be an ethno-nationalist state IF we are 90%+ white because the various Europeans that come here would adopt our culture and language, making them ethnic Americans.
I don't see any Spanish flag in there.
Gut, sehr gut !
>French, German, etc. are examples of ethnicities.
No, those are nationalities.
Saxon or Breton are ethnicities.w
The only effective way would be for a proper Balkanization. White nationalism is autism
I was looking for an irish merchant. Thanks lad
Are you retarded? Why then are there people who identify as ethnic French in Belgium and ethnic Germans in Baltic countries?
Both France and Germany are nationstates based on the French and German nations, IE ethnicities, respectively.
We US now
Jesus christ the autism
maybe reddit is more your speed, buddy
White is your race, German or whatever is the ethnicity.
Its ok they didn't go to college
That's literally exactly what I said in my posts so I don't understand why you would call your own viewpoints autistic.
Jews eroding hyperlocal culture and ethnicities and replacing them with nation based pseudo-ethnicities. Basically globalization.
There was no such thing as a Frenchman until the French Revolution. Their national identity was manufactured. Someone in the north of France spoke a different language than someone from the south.
>That's literally exactly what I said in my posts so I don't understand why you would call your own viewpoints autistic.
t. autist
>No American ancestry
So you can still breed with own's not like it was something you didn't do in past. Only recently you are totally degenerate and self-destructive. Fact is that if you don't breed with own race you will all become Asian brown, since they are majority.
You haven't figured out from the Russian brainwashing of the populace that the white people in America are the lowest tier of entitled, ignorant trash from their respective countries?
Don't expect a whole lot of sensibility from anyone more than 50 miles inland.
>There was no such thing as a Frenchman until the French Revolution. Their national identity was manufactured. Someone in the north of France spoke a different language than someone from the south.
Holy shit you're retarded. Besides the multiple reasons what you just said is retarded, why does it mean that my statement that French is an ethnicity is wrong?
So who is more German, someone from the midwest or a post ww2 German-Slav rape baby?
nj Italian master race here
>Explain to me how ethno-nationalism can exist in the US when I have no idea what being American means
Fuck off back to Sup Forums where you belong doublenigger
Basically you're a Jewish puppet and can't see it.
Lol ever heard of white diversity?
>USA is a country of European whites
No it's a nation of American whites
For Americans
Learn hay it means to be American before you go running your mouth about shit you don't understand
We are not European and never will be
You're all mixed bro. I know it must hurt to have no ethnic identity, but please stop with this madness. You're not German/Irish/Scottish/English.
That's way too many Germans. They lost in WW2 and now they're being cucked into oblivion. I don't think we should trust them in our U.S.
No, it's not an argument.
It's a statement of fact.
burden of proof is on you
>You're all mixed bro
And you're not?
Because until the 60-70s every immigrant had to assimilate into the anglo-saxon culture. Race is irrelevant, multiculturalism is the problem
One people one culture
I can trace my lineage all the way back to 1776 and earlier. No clue where my ancestors came from, but I do know my last name is a defunct German word, not meant to be a last name.
82%+ ethnic Germans living in Germany. Sorry bro
>nigger speaks English, has tea and crumpets and reads Shakespeare
>he's now ethnically English
That's what you believe and that's retarded.
Can be but I'm quite sure that guy has some polish in him
but we wuz germanz and shit. Why do you have to deny our brotherhood hans?
It is a very common form, yes
But not a real trait like niggernoses
No, because my post says that it literally doesn't apply across racial lines you illiterate retard.
>he believes the moon hoax
would have a Mexican over an irish any day. you people are the dindus of the white race , always crying about oppression instead of working. lad.
why are there so many merkels in my country
t. Proud Spainard
>Be anglo-saxon US
>open borders for german cucks
>a few decades later multiculturalism strikes
really made me think
Chicago should be Polish but okay
>Arab speaks English, has tea and crumpets and reads Shakespeare
>he's now ethnically English
there should be no America, a state without ethnic unity cannot last
hes actually right and so are you , the term "ethnicity" just has cultural connotations tied to it , as well as racial.
Yes its true and person who is French can be ethnically French because he belongs to the culture and speaks the language, but he only became ethnically French after the revolution and after his people what ever language they previously spoke became replaced with French . So before he might of had another language or culture until after the revolution were it became just french
>somewhat light skinned
>inb4 muh 60%
>change utahshire to "Mormon Desrete"
>change united states of America to "Dixie Land"
I unironically see nothing wrong with this
I hate these maps, because it seems like "Mexico" is populating America, but because there is no distinction between Spanish/Portugese and shitback.... the maps all screw it up.
>indian from Peru speaks Spanish and eats tortillas
>he's now ethnically Hispanic
That's what you believe and that's retarded.
I didn't realize there were so many germans in NC. I figured the mountains would be a mixture of Ulster-Scots and German, but not like this. The English in Eastern NC is definitely right, though.
Gott im Himmel...
Your country is sinking underwater.
Go sort that out m8
Maybe in 2009 kek
It was essentially a palingenesis of a united Europe.
Get the fuck off my clay you kike fuck
Why are american stormfags so spergy about their descendance?
You're not german, you're not norwegian, whatever the fuck. You're american, you were born in America, and unless you have a very solid connection with the culture, language and would have a chance to prosper there if you moved, you're going to stay american. Form your own nationalist movement instead of trying to be something you're not.
In all fields.
Wow Germany is almost 85% German. Good job bro.
This, i'd understand if one of your parents would be from different country but burgers act like the fact that their great great great gread parent was from germany they're supreme fash nazi leaders that even hitler wouldn't question. You, your parents and their parents were born and raised on US soil, you're not german, you're burger.
daily reminder that all ''''germans'''' who went to america were poor peasants and criminals.
Literally the trash of germany. They even sended them straight out of the prisons
>[citation needed]
Weren't they jews?
Didnt America have a judeo-german immigrant wave in the 50s?
Based on the fact that American whites are now so intermarried that less and less people can identify as 100% Irish-American, 100% Italian-American, etc.
Me personally, my family background is English, Irish, German, and Italian. What ethnicity can I identify as besides White?
is this the great river of the reich?
Same thing withe the syrian "refugees" fucking your wife, Hans. When you have a dumb country ready to get some diversity you can send them your prison population. All the worst elements in your country are now their problem, lots of taxpayer's money saved.
because white cultures have been working with each other for over 2000 years
Jews as well. But they weren't ''trash'' so I exluded them. Jews were highly successfull after migrating to america
>Trotzdem gab es für einen kurzen Zeitraum von 1849 – 1852 in Baden und Württemberg eine Subventionierung von minderbemittelten Emigranten. Insgesamt lag ein Zwiespalt in der Betrachtung der Auswanderung vor. Zum einen wollten die Staaten die Abwanderung von vermögenden Personen und Arbeitskräften verhindern zum andern wollten die Staaten die Menschen ausweisen, die ihnen zur Last fielen. So wurden Arme und Kriminelle nach Amerika abgeschoben. Gesetzliche Bestimmungen wurden in Preußen erst mit dem Ende der deutschen Massenauswanderung beschlossen.
Fuck off, kike.
>for 3 years
wew such criminal
know guess how many they sended ''inofficially''.
you are the dumbest poster I've ever seen on Sup Forums
Regardless they seemed to behave pretty well once they got here.