Why are women so retarded?
Especially left leaning women
Women hate thread
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American women will reject you for the phone you have
Leftist libtard women cannot make a "political" message or produce "art" without either being naked or using bodily fluids.
They are more vulnerable to propaganda, men obviously aren't invulnerable though.
I can't comprehend how self centered you have to be to complain about him being a womanizer when there are so many bigger things at work here. It's like they only care about their own feelings.
they exist for the purpose of getting maximum attention, squirting out babies and do not have the instinctual drive of tribal preservation as men.
then they get raised in a princess bubble and then, as they near college age, are told they are actually victims and need to take their grllll power disney princess fury out on the world, which is channeled by marxist teachers into a hatred of whites, western civilization and monogamy.
right wing women are even more retarded.
They waste their lifes raising kids of nazis instead of being a successful career women.
Don't worry, they are about to get their payback in the next few decades
Right wing women are generally alright. Obviously the right appeals to some of them because they have nothing interesting to bring to most conversations, though that "some" is better than "most" left leaning parasitical women who like to PRETEND they have something interesting to talk about, though they don't. In general, though, men and women complete each other. Man thinks rationally, woman thinks emotionally. Also why gay couples work alright and lesbian couples are generally a trainwreck.
>I'll prove to you I'm not an object by being an object!
What a time to be alive.
Cunts And pussybeggers alike burn in hell.
Why dont they protest violence against their group by shooting themselves?
Why does every right wing woman have to raise the kids of a nazi??
>dating white woman
Guys, please stop this. Modern white woman are trash tier.
They react on emotion and not logical thinking in simple situations.
That article you posted as your pic, a family member of mine posted it on Facebook and I asked her, "Why weren't females out crying 11 years ago when he did this..."
No answer. Lol
>Cunts And pussybeggers alike burn in hell.
Do you mean (((Goy)))?
because no woman is right wing by default and needs a nazi to manipulate her.
Stop LARPing faggot.
hello Laquondrious
Women would never reject Chad, even if he just had a Nokia 3310.
>actual proof of the dnc rigging primaries against Bernie Sanders
>actual proof of Hillary lying in a congressional hearing
>actual proof of Hillary sharing classified information with aids that weren't authorized to view that
>actual proof of Hillary taking donations from countries with awful human rights records
Women don't care about any of that ^
>Donald Trump is a womanizer and likes pretty women and has high standards
Women go out of control and rabid over that ^
What did women mean by this?
go back to your Sup Forums circlejerk, big boys are discussing politics here.
Why does it always have to be a nude protest? serious question.
>young and attractive
>does porn for easy money
>hits the wall and can't do porn anymore
>looks for a beta cuck to latch on to
>right wing
Well, I suppose if you're a dirty commie, literally everybody else looks right wing to you
Women are CHILDREN. There is no reason to be mad at them for doing childish things.
Enjoy their holes, keep them in line. That is it. Maybe make SOMEWHAT of a conversation, if you've trained her well.
Not very difficult.
It's crazy, every time Trump says something, it makes women want to undress for some reason
>I'll get naked to show all these chauvinist pigs I'm not just a stupid pretty piece of ass!
Go back to /x/ faggot.
>quiet kiddo, let the adults discuss here lmao
You are the reason Merkel is getting reelected again and again and again. You probably took her countless baits,who had the goal to make her more appealing to the indoctrinated goyman sheep who have a worringly bad memory about her oppoturnistic nature. GG
>nazis are not real right wingers
okay famalama.
>What did women mean by this?
Women's suffrage was a mistake.
Because women are one big contradiction. Deep down they want to be controlled and dominated. Not liberated.
no re
Women stop maturing mentally at about age 13-15. This explains their behavior. Modern feminism appeals to their base, immature nature and demands that we all structure our lives around that.
>tfw Hitler considered the right his enemies
>tfw leftists are on his side without realizing it
don't give them credit by trying to extract an argument, they are literally brainwashed and don't know how to think independently
Trump is Chad overlord.
its the only way they can get anyone to pay attention
an extremely ironic lesson is to be learned here, but i doubt it will
you have to go back Ahmed
>What did women mean by this?
they meant to say that they are retarded lobotomites.
>implying the Nokia isn't a pussymagnet
>dat glowing ginger
Nein. Wir bleiben alle du Nazisau.
Then they fuck a mexican biker with a Windows phone
The overall image matters a lot more than the little details
Meanwhile the very highly educated swarm of polacks that are infesting this site like an incurable disease are amongst the smartest of man kind. Dont fool yourself you are just as retarded as they are you just have different idiologies about life
How could Merkel have been reelected? Please tell me the elections were rigged and Germans aren't that dumb.
This is a huge problem for the left. They concern themselves so much with critiquing and deconstructing social norms that they fail to understand how foolish they look doing so.
You can't be a Chad if you have the wrong phone
Seriously though women are fucking shallow and picky as shit. You act like women can't have their choice of Chads. If she doesn't want to date a Chad who has an Android or who wears Nikes or whatever she'll just find another Chad who meets her ridiculous standards.
*ugly women
Those naked fat niggers make me wanna puke.
Speak for yourself, I'm an engineer.
(Not that having a piece of paper is what makes a person intelligent)
>protest against Trump objectifying women
>objectify women
I laughed hard
I dunno, is it really fair to claim that (((they))) have been brainwashing girls for decades, and then when a girl (a theoretical victim of brainwashing) wakes up and wants a good and stable life she should be spurned?
I'm not saying she doesn't carry baggage, but the idea that spending time with a bunch of animals, and seeing what how good real love feels like, that the trappings of lefty bullshit falls apart.
She is 100% percent honest about what she has done, and seems to want to turn it around.
Yeah, I get that it sucks that she had her fun as a degenerate, but now wants the white picket fence, but people fuck up and make bad decisions. Is it right to hate on them after they see the error of their ways?
>entitled middle class bitches with inferiority complexes in denial do the only thing they're good at in hopes of getting attention
This isn't about trying to feel smarter, it's about the fact that the only thing they care about is something so superficial and meaningless in the grand scheme of politics and the world. It's not a real issue they just got their feelings hurt and are trying to make it a giant deal while somehow supporting a candidate with a horrible track record at the same time.
1. He never said that
2. She's maybe above average, not beautiful
>open picture
>see cute redhead in the middle first
>start getting arroused, thinking of a gang of naked women angrily chasing me for my MAGA hat
>see every other woman in the photo
wtf. Kudos to the cameraman though, centering the picture on the one hot chick there
Lmao androidfags btfo
Anytime a girl receives a text in that green bubble she gets drier than the sahara
The biggest problem of the left is they think that they should be the only ones doing any "critiquing" and that nobody should critique them.
You fucker.
Someone is out there laughing their ass off.
>i bet they'll get naked in protest
>challenge accepted
Kind refugee provides water for poor German dying of thirst
>sticks and stones can break my bones and words will always hurt me
but that isn't even beautiful piece of ass
Take off your panties girl
>guy she likes has an iphone
>how could i subtly hint that i like him?
>i know, i'll say i'll never date a guy with an android
Stop overreacting for fucks sake
but im never gonna have a gf anyway
it went over your head, dumb VPN poster
Oh god
Whoring for women is like rolling for a wheel. No matter what you do, it's going to happen.
iPhone are like Rolexes, and android is casio
It doesnt matter that Casios are more precise, Rolexes show you are rich
I hope liberals keep doing this, they're only making the majority of normies think they're even crazier.
>falling for either of the phone jews
I don't speak arab
>i'm going to objectify myself to protest objectification of women
so long as no fat lolcows do it we're all happy
Shock art/messages have quite literally no positive, persuasive effect on men
the whole tits out thing, slut walks, this, etc. it's just a bunch of bitching
Except they can vote, so their mass delusions are a problem.
The second from the right ain't bad either.
>Every time I see a Mexican student, I think he's a rapist and a murderer, so it's up to me to change him through my tolerance.jpg!
Ya got me.
>Dear Muslims and people of Middle-Eastern descend
Yeah I bet coptic-christians are very glad to be grouped together
The guy is a dilophosaurus in disguise and the girl got out of the jeep.
are you stupid? i'm from argentina and even i have an iphone
call me when an iphone costs even half as much as a rolex
rich people don't give a fuck, they just buy whatever flagship picks their interest