ITT redpilled fiction series
ITT redpilled fiction series
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"A song of ice and fire" by George R.R. Martin in case anyone doesn't recognize it
The author is blue pilled as fuck though.
>ITT bait thread
Fantasy is not what it used to be. I can't even find a decent fantasy book/series without shoehorned niggers, strong wymin, fags, sandniggers etc.
All I want is decent European medieval fantasy.
I'm pretty sure that the entire story is a comdemnation of how feudalism is an atrocious social system.
There are really no words for how I feel this morning.
America has spoken. I really thought we were better than this. Guess not.
Trump was the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. Come January, he will become the worst president in American history, and a dangerously unstable player on the world stage.
And the decimated Democrats, a minority in both House and Senate, do not have the power to hinder him.
Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse.
Winter is coming. I told you so.
true he's like hippie retard tier in his understanding of the modern world. Wish he would shut the fuck and finish the god damn books already
Every literature buff on Sup Forums should read this.
Is he? I don't keep up.
All I know is he's ruined fantasy fiction.
Lol this.
I hate fiction and only read history.
Also, anything 40k horus heresy is god tier
The Witcher series is for you
It's a comic, but do check out Prince Valiant.
299 days
He said fiction.
Horus Heresy books are history books.
What a faggot. Is he even American? He might live here but I doubt he is a citizen. That fat fuck should stop blogging about our politics and get back to writing TWOW and ADOS.
Reminder that Jon and Dany fugg on a boat while the Wall falls after she loses a dragon. Happens next season.
These books aren't red pilled at all. His "epic twist gonna suprise u all" is that all men die and muh strong wumen take over every nation, wow such red pill.
Ofcourse, sorry for the unintentional heresy
>implying the show is canon
No, it really isn't.
>Yennifer cucking Geralt
>lesbian rape love story
Beautiful series. I love how he made all the tribes and races from zero, so you cannot use the usual tolkienesgue lenses to read it. And a goddamn Kruppe...
Geralt fucked everything that moved.
I enjoy Modesitt's The Recluce Saga and Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy.
>red pilled
Do you cucks think you'll get laid by reading some books? Lmao, no wonder big black bulls and arab princes are taking over.
>ITT: literally communist fiction
>hero is guarding giant wall to protect realm from rapey hordes
>lets them all in at first sign of danger
I didn't mean to imply that at all. I was merely saying that happens next season.
>le strong womyn leader meme
Daenerys is a cringe-inducingly bad character and leader but she magically succeeds in all her endeavors because of her strong womyn powers that can bend the will of any man to do her bidding. So redpilled lmao.
You know what I love about 40k? It is impervious to leftist faggotry.
>"It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule"
Until he died midway through and it became a novel about Ciri and her godchild powers.
Stick to the games.
Loved how the authors hatred for his own characters and series grew stronger book after book.
I struggle to read fiction. Give me something real good Sup Forums
Powder Mage Trilogy.
Historical fiction. Red pilled as fuck, and very funny. Highly recommend the series.
this would be my pick too. it was in fact one of my first red-pills when i was a lefty teenager.
Cant believe i forgot tolkien..
>liking rape of truth the rapening rape
>implying barry isn't gonna stab her to death
pic related is what my dad gave me as a child, it's a bunch of short stories that really made me think
Same here, I picked it up at school one day out of boredom and my entire worldview started to shift.
Obligatory as well
Fuck off Reddit
> Yennefer cucks geralt
Did you miss the part where Geralt spends a whole winter banging a hot black haired enchantress while Yen is being tortured and mind fucked?
Richard Rahl is my spirit animal. Terry's rape and bondage fantasies are tolerable.
It falls to shit after messiah. Especially after his son took over.
Literally a platform for Ayn Rand philosophy. Also hates communists. Nice.
Did you miss the part where she fucks Geralt and that nobleman, admits to it and says she doesn't care?
And they just go with it?
Don't forger Mistle saving Ciri from a rapist only to rape her and then it's presented as "TWU WUV"
I'm just saying, any series where the main character tells one of his love interests to keep a rape baby is pretty shit.
Yes, the sequelsmare,pretty shit
But the immediate prequels, like The House Trilogy (aprox 40y before Dune) are great for introduction into the grayness of politics. Also the Jihad was great. Not Dune-tier great but good enough for some teenage redpills
He lives in New Mexico, in a mansion with nobody around so....
>one of his love interests to keep a rape baby
I don't recall a rape baby. What are you referring to? It's been a while since I read it through.
Only good answer
Good books, but not quite redrill. Would still recommend because they are way better than Asoiaf.
Broken Empire series.
Honorous Jorg Ancrath is redpilled as fuck.
joe abercrombie the most redpilled author i've read and actually has a jew working behind the scenes to manipulate people. it's beautiful. also the way he writes is really fucking compelling. if you like to read fiction i definitely recommend this over game of thrones.
From a website.
>Two examples-when Du Chaillu says she's going to abort her pregnancy (which was due to rape) Richard asks her not to, saying a child is not to blame for what it's father did (he was conceived this way himself). Du Chaillu concedes, and because they're married according to her people's custom, later considers the child to be also "his."
Actual cuck.
God no
Orson Scott Card is brety gud. Genocides "buggers" and doesn't a scared of anything.
also this
good writing, also names a fictional merchant
moar pls no bully
>Game of Thrones
It's A Song of Ice and Fire you millenial Redditor.
>literally women STROGN the series
>red pilled
This as well, really shaped my political philosophy.
I can't imagine if it's by the same writer who thought Butlerian Jihad meant a war against robot-space-skynet by someone named Butler.
Except it isn't you retard. The Rats are not good for her and her psyche. Sure she may have loved Mistle, but people often love others that are unhealthy for them. He makes it pretty clear that the Rats aren't good for Ciri.
And no they just don't go with it. Geralt and the other guy literally agree to a duel to the death and Yennefer leaves saying she refuses to pick. You're arguing something you have no real knowledge of and it just makes you look like a retard.
nobody cares what that shit series is called, don't you have a burger to eat?
This post alone convinced me to not read the series. I don't support cuck protagonists. Thanks for the warning.
Is pic related redpilled?
>horus heresy
Fuck off you norwegian nigger. The series is garbage and generally ruining 40k with it's retarded waifus and plots.
>...until some white hair character played by some underdeveloped 30 year old actress wins the war and everyone and their cousins start bitching in this place
>mark my words
Why does everyone think this? The tv show? The books have only Brienne & Daenerys that would fit that description and Brienne gets her shit wrecked and Dany is incompetent and going to get murdered by her own bodyguard
Don't post in a literature thread if you're ignorant about literature.
>le funny burger joke
Please fuck off back to your Pepe meme thread underage, this is the thread for intelligent discussion.
What did they mean with this
The first 2 books are pretty based.
>Womyns do the dumbest things
>Everything starts because dumb woman poison her husband and try to frame another woman
>dumb woman take the bait and involves her husband in it
>husband try to dig some shit
>husband gets beheaded
>Boy king promise to marry a wife to get an host because his mother told him it's good for him
>shitskin woman comes in, marry her instead
>everyone ded
It's hilarious how women are the cause of all the troubles in Westeros and abroad.
But yeah every fucking chapter with daenerys, jon or bran i want to kill myself
Currently halfway through A Storm of Swords.
Oh I remember now. She isn't his love interest. Richard throughout the series was only after one woman. Du Chaillu was a minor character around for one book and only "married" to the protagonist through ancient yada yada blah blah. He never accepts that marriage. So basically just tells the chick to keep the baby because Richard is pro-life.
>le strong black wymin
Go prep your bull sven.
>celebration of feminism and girl power shit
>celebration of cuckold fantasy
>no really, every other character is either a bastard, cuckold or adulteress
>le witty dwarf
Also extremely effective for introducing concepts to normies
Based Rand fighting offor degeneracy.
If you read between the lines, Lord of the Rings was all about keeping the bloodline of Kings pure. That's why Aragon married Arden at the end, who was his distant relative.
>closes the portal forever
>goes and sits on the golden throne again
what is he really doing there?
How does one get into 40k literature? Where to start?
I hope the whitewalkers kill everyone. Its the ending we deserve at this point.
>le witty dwarf
Checks out, Lannisters are happy merchants.
I thought it was mentioned that he was keeping the portal from reopening, about half way through and will be finishing it on my flight
Read the first 3 in order, then choose which groups you like and find relevant book
Nice bait. The iron bank of Bravoos is just like the Rothschild one IRL. I wouldn't be surprised if they're behind the white walkers.
I couldn't get past the first half of the original book. So simplistic, it's like written for children. A villain called "Vladimir", seriously? All those lucky coincidences, the predictability of all. I had to watch the movie because I was told that the ending was great. Yeah, long live the fighters...