>let's give up on the patient by making him clinically retarded
How did anyone think this was a good idea?
>let's give up on the patient by making him clinically retarded
How did anyone think this was a good idea?
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Way more civilized when we do it with pharma chemicals
Because it's better than having a faggot like OP...
im pretty sure that one wouldnt make you clinically retarted just an un-emotional robot
How the fuck did those niggers know stabbing something into someone's eye/skull/brain was possible, let alone a good idea?
Must have tried literally everything else.
Dunno why but the thought makes me giggle.
Must have been interesting times
holy fuck it went through the eye??
god damn history u scary
This got a nobel prize.
Puts things in perspective.
At least its temporary and we can get some people on their feet.
>tfw too inteligent to not be lobotomised
but it turned violent patients into calm loving and peaceful "people"
:^) Egas Moniz did nuffin wrong
Process of elimination. You are now aware they stabbed people in plenty of other spots just to see what happened.
There is a guy named Henry Molaison who has no memory because someone thought it was a good idea to remove his hippocampus in order to cut back on his epilepsy. Now we know that the hippocampus is crucial in the formation of new memories because this guy cant form new ones.
>let's give up on the patient by castrating him and making it look like a vagina and pumping him full of female hormones
How does anyone think this is a good idea?
And now we have "gender reassignment" surgery because fuck it, what's the worst that can happen?
i'll just leave this here
One of JFK's sisters had mental issues so they did it to her. She spent the rest of her life in an institution. Supposedly they stirred her brain while she talked, and they stopped when she started having trouble.
Their dad was one of the richest men around, so I guess this was considered a great idea back then. Kinda makes you not trust the medical industry, though. "Oh we would never do anything like that now. Everything is scientific!. Now about that Ritalin, we need to up your dosage, and toss in some Xanax, since your insurance will cover it."
Egas Moniz was a hack
Some people cannot be helped, they were born with different brains.
It remind me Miss Pastouche.
The way most human experimentation is done, looking at malfunctions.
We know a lot about how digestion works because Dr Beaumont experimented on a guy who had a musket hole in his stomach.
Presumably they found some poor sap who got a pick or something in his brain and didn't die, and realized they could cut off bits of the cerebrum with no lethal effect
So you can either have a murdering zombie or just a zombie what do you prefer.
that was easily allowed by the ultra conservative white knuckled libertarian mindset of the early 20th century
>>Presumably they found some poor sap who got a pick or something in his brain and didn't die, and realized they could cut off bits of the cerebrum with no lethal effect
Good old Phineas Gage. Tamping iron went straight through his frontal lobe and survived, though with major personality changes.
Truly nightmare fuel
>surgeons are going to fuck you up horribly for "" science """
>At least its temporary
He was a very "lucky" guy, at least he didn't get hi face completely destroyed
most went through the nose
Better retarded than unstable/violent.
No idea pham, they should stop for realzies
>t. on antipsychotics
>most lobotomies were forced
>implying forcing someone into a lobotomy isn't a violation of the NAP
Ritalin and xanax will make you get shit done though
That's pretty uncanny. My mother told me once they had to poke my tear duct open with a needle as a baby. Lobotomised or shizo?
>endlessburden these folks placed on others WASNT though
>muh nap
Actually, people who got a lobotomy generally lost self-control and were way more unstable and violent.
During most of history doctors and surgeons have been more deadly than helpful, and even today when that's usually not the case anymore, doctors are still behind many deaths and illnesses created to their patients through their methods, the so called iatrogenia.
People still think it's a good idea. Look at American education.
A lot of the time, it worked. My great grandmother had debilitating migraines, so she had a lobotomy, and it cured them.
Based america
I couldnt find this on the english wikipedia so I used google translate:
"In the 1950s the operation was carried out among other things to "cure" homosexuality or a communist attitude. [6] In 1967, the Harvard authors, Mark, F. Ervin, and W. Sweet, found a "focal brain disorder" in a reader's letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the official organ of the American Medical Association, Which should only be removed surgically to prevent further unrest. [7] In 1970, Marks and Ervin's book Violence and the Brain [8] (Violence and the Brain) appeared, in which the two proposed psychosurgery as a final solution to the problem of violence, for example, in the case of unteachable prisoners"
Whats better? Zip Zap the fag or a cut in the head?
Human history is nothing by the continued efforts of the ruling class to create contented slaves, so they can live a life of leisure. They are still at it. That's why many Humans are stupid. Selective breeding, by rewarding the most compliant. No different to how we created the different Dog breeds.
urban myth
>(((they))) decide you're unstable
>(((they))) lobotomize you
>you're no longer inconvenient
We have progressed so far
spoken like a true libtard
did he do it?
But how can you say such a thing!?
Fuck off, jew.
She was an obedient wife after, i'm sure. This sure makes my jingle tingle
Well said. Sad, but true.
The third sentence makes my skin crawl
With the amount of idiotic liberals we have these days, I think bringing back the lobotomy would be a good idea.
am i the only one that interpreted this movie as him being literally manipulated to think he`s mental just so they can lobotomize him and make him drop the investigation on the asylum
>stab brain
>it doesn't heart
How the fuck is this possible and why?
it's called TV.
> How did anyone think this was a good idea?
It`s science = It`s a good idea.
Plebs still do not understand how it works.
> muh wurming > muh curved earth > muh einstein > muh steven potato > muh rick (from rick&morty) > muh gravy'ty > muh nobel prize > muh eurovision
Psychiatry is a Jewish invention. The Greeks only had madness and mania as abnormal human conditions which could be cured with more or less humor.
Tuquo-que fallacy, faggot.
With scientific method. If not for that fucking moralfags, we would still have the most scientific method of curing stress.
>At least its temporary and we can get some people on their feet.
Yeah right, and the effect of meth is temporary to.
Ya blue pilled cunt
Antipsychotics are fucking weird. I used to be on 22 pills a day, 3 were risperdal, 12 were some off the label anti seizure shit, 3 were propanalol, 3 were some kind of blood pressure medicine because the other meds gave me high BP, and lunesta for sleep.
I wasn't even allowed to say no to these because I was under 18 and a ward of the state.
it was meant to take violent retards and make them into regular retards
>"" science """
> using quotation marks excessively
>Get Lobotomy
>Cure for communism
>let's kill small unborn humans that are still in the womb by ripping them to pieces with forceps
How did anyone think this was a good idea?
Keeps violent delusional patients docile.
Sure why not.
> Whats better? Zip Zap the fag or a cut in the head?
Jokes on you.
Lobotomies were used before effective drugs were invented. The purpose of a lobotomy was to make the person more controllable without outright killing them.
after too much red pills
this is the only way to readminister the blue pill
he would visit a place, some sperg would freak out, and he's lobotomize them right there on the spot
phineas gage
> cure for stress
Literally, nigger. Where is your science now?
I need to regulate my dopamine levels.
Give to me the coke.
(((Doctors))) are evil. Many of them legitimately, unironically worship Satan.
(Them supporting and promoting abortion as a kind of sick tribute to Moloch is just the tip of the iceberg.)
by praying to God
What effect did all the shit have on you mentally?
Sucks. Hope you recovered. I know some people who has been forcefully injected with Seroquel it completely changed their personality.
science is bullshit
The effect of meth actually is temporary, unless you become addicted which only 10% of people who try it do.
g giggle?
A passive retard is much better than a agressive mainiac
just fucking kill them at that point. a lobotomized retard, unable to feel any emotion, is just a drain of resources.
I'm bipolar, which means I'm both.
How old was it?
> trusting government with what you cant reverse
why not go neet then
No, it literally makes you retarded. Impaired personality and intellect.
Through the tear duct.
It actually did work though but the ice pick wasn't precise enough. The same principles are used today except now they do it with lasers.
>tfw you realizr rednecks are more scientific than most liberals
or the guy who stuck his head in a particle accelerator
I'm pretty sure we're technologically advanced to birth a child after an "abortion".
Why are people so stupid?
Take the fetus / embryo out, and either stick in someone who wants to have a child or grow it in a lab and put up for adoption.
I mean I'd normally say, stop it before it starts, contraceptives and birth control, but coal burners never stop burning coal.
we can study anatomy by cutting up corpses you know
Unfortunately in order for you to find a cure or a fix to something, society has to do somethings that later will be frowned upon and looked at as inhumane, who knows how they will look back at medicine 100 years from now.
They literally didn't have any better options when this was popular. You take a screaming psycho pulling out their own hair, streaming batshit nonsense out of their mouth 8 hours a day while scratching away at their own eyeballs, and then you turn them into a docile lump that at least isn't bothering anyone. That was considered progress.
How would you know if anything does something if the test subject is dead
But yeah,postmortem in'shit
These things are still done today, just via medications.