Sucky sucky, Puti Puti!

So it looks like Russia DID intervene and sway the election in Trump's favour.


>Russia 'intervened to promote Trump' - US intelligence

>US intelligence agencies believe Russia acted covertly to boost Donald Trump in the election race, US officials have told leading newspapers.

>A report in the New York Times says the agencies had "high confidence" about Russian involvement in hacking.

>A CIA assessment reported by the Washington Post made similar findings.

>But Mr Trump's team dismissed the CIA line, saying: "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction."

>Russian officials have repeatedly denied the hacking accusations.

What happens now?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if they could make it even MORE vague


> (((BBC)))

> waah waah stop rigging our rigged election ebil Russia

Nothing happens.

But we're not going to show you any proof, just trust us goyim

We now live in a post-fact world with no shared narrative. Depending on who you speak with there are two completely different evens occurring in this country.

No one can tell truth from lies and anyone who claims otherwise is themselves confused. It no longer matters. The victors, whoever they be, will determine the facts

>US intelligence agencies believe

>(((high confidence)))

>don't worry goyim, trust the CIA again, they won't do anything disgusting THIS time surely

>Trusting fake news
Come on

Sorry OP I am going to need a source from a none fake news network.

I only accept the finest in journalism not some news from some third world londonstain.

>source: secret CIA Guy
>"he's really really sure!"
>they "hacked" us because they didn't expose Republican corruption as much as they exposed us Democrats

this is the worst fabricated non story ever

to top it off the irony of this is that part of the email revelations showed Clinton was trying to promote Trump through the media to get him to become the Republican nominee

>"""""""""""""""""""(((Russian hacking)))"""""""""""""""""""" by the notorious underground hacking group known as Sup Forums.

Still 0 fucking evidence.

There is more concrete evidence for pizza gate than "Muh Russian hackers!"

MFW someone else manipulates my goyim.

Can you hear yourself?
>New York Times
>Washington Post
Low energy b8. 2/10 I replied.

We should spread the fake news and promote the chaos it will ensue. WWIII will define who will rule, the east or the west, once and for all.

Prior to winning in october, Trump was shitting himself over the polls and insisted the dems would rig the vote. Everybody laughed and mocked him for it.

Except that now he's won, it's the dens crying about vote rigging. It's all delicious butthurt.

Isn't the source a guy who mops the floors of the hallways

>i only read the headlines of articles

>being accused of invading your girlfriend's privacy when you catch her cheating

that's what you sound like right now, bbc

nice try though

>Hillary won because the truth about her and the Democrat party was hidden.

>Hillary lost because the truth got out to the public.

Well I guess the electors should overturn the vote then.

>MFW Hillary Clinton drops off the face of the earth but people are talking about blocking trump at the electoral college and the ENTIRE WESTERN MEDIA is crying MUH RUSSIANS!!!

Can someone please tell me what the Russians did concretely to affect the election? What were their EXACT actions? I cant seem to find anything detailing what the "hacking" entailed and how it was used.

Hillary will become a president.
Just as planned.

At least they did it with a lot less cost than the Saudis.

That was always the plan. Trump wasn't supposed to win. You know how I can tell? Go watch tv and read the news.

russians, russians, russians, russians
russians everywhere

You are not allowed to know.

>tfw old meme almost didnt compute

BBC reports as fact what they source from NYT, which sources an "anonymous official."

Good lord.

>no specifics
>no intell on what info was "hacked"
>no intell on how it helped Trump

Fake news.

Democrats are just so butthurt they lost, they're trying to make it seem like some massive scheme by Russians, and not their own incompetence. Democrats are manchildren that always throw fits when something doesn't go their way; and they have no dignity.

>"These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction."
OUCH. That is going to hurt. Not good. Not good. Kind of true, but not good.


Trump will be assassinated, holy shit. He's the only one since Kennedy to refuse the outright corrupt CIA.

This was never about Trump vs Hillary. This is about the CIA and their Saudi backed terrorist vs Assad and Putin. Holy fucking shit I hate our media, they're starting WW3 with shitty journalism.

>US intellectuals...
oh wait... shit. Nevermind.

Literally a foreign agency interfering in our politics.

Was I the only one to bookmark this?

Russians hacked both the DNC and RNC, but only released the DNC stuff (to Wikileaks if I remember correctly). Then they used that to sway public opinion in Trump's favour.

That's about it.

No, it doesn't looks anything like if Russia intervened. That's just some words somebody pulled out of their ass. There is no evidence.

All these are either Russian shills or just head in the sand.

We'll just see how it turns out with Traitor Trump as prez.

>promoted Trump
>by exposing corruption in DNC

>Hillary will become a president.

Provided how she disappeared, I wouldn't be surprised if she was found ded.

>old memories of George Soros interventions
>30 years of intervention, CIA seen nothin'

I know this is b8 but
>hillshill sells russians 25% of us uranium production
>trump is the traitor

Wrong. DNC was leaked, not hacked. Where is your proofs that RNC was hacked at all?


>captcha: clinical goys

>US intelligence agencies believe

Well, that settles it. I'm #withher nao

oh noo

now that I think about it, putin literally snuck up behind me, fingered my prostate, and then HAXXED my brain to mark trump on my ballot. Unbelievable.

for (you)

What a load of crap.

>>Russia 'intervened to promote Trump' - US intelligence

So why hasnt anyone dogged on Nigel Farage for "promoting" Trump? Last I checked, Trump invited Farage to his rally, not Putin.

nice fake news faggot


Did they offer up any evidence to their claims this time?

>high confidence
Not the same thing


And how many foreign nationals pay into the Clinton foundation again?

Only connection to Russia at all was manafort, who had pro Russian ukranian business contact, wich has been proven to be nothing. The only other info is fear mongering that trump doesn't want to enemies with Russia.

Thats exactly what's going on now. No one has any proof of anything but a narrative is being created from nothing.

Where's your proof they weren't?


Trusting the BBC.

That'd what I figured but people seem to be blowing this way out of proportion. It was still a free election and no one stuffed ballot boxes with Trump votes so I don't see the big deal.

Saudi Arabia, communist china, ect promoted and even donated to Hillary, but that doesn't matter.

The word promoted just tells me at best they have proof of Russian forum shills or something on reddit or some other made up garbage. If they had something concrete we would see it.

It will be very troubling if they oust him without showing us real proof of something very damning. This just trust the cia shit doesn't fly with me.

Intelligence agencies are all refusing to be briefed by congress, it's safe to say this is bullshit.


>U.s. Intelligence agencies say.

But where is your proof?

This is called Fake News, OP.

You'd know if you watched Current Year Tonight with John Oliver.

Basically this.

Yeah what about how the DNC released the grab them by the pussy tape to defame trump? How about how the DNC had all the media outlets in their pocket to slam Trump? And he still won?


All the propaganda papers are writing the same drivel.

still no proof

>Trump: The election is rigged
>Obama: Stop crying faggot
>Hillary: The election is rigged
>Obama: I bet the russians did it!

>But where is your proof?
Now where is yours?

>A report in the New York Times says the agencies had "high confidence" about Russian involvement in hacking.

>A report from the New York Times

Pure salt.

Also (((you)))

The media has been lying about Trump for over a year straight. Why would I believe them now?

Show me the intelligence report itself or fuck off.

>If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth!

Citing the messenger isn't proof jackass.

Okay, and your evidence of that is...?


I have a secret source that says Reptilians actually hacked the election and are placing the blame on the Russians.

I work for The Daily Cocksucker so I get special access. Don't question me.

>ITT: Argumentum Ex Silentio - Electric Boogaloo

Never change, Sup Forums.

Clearly user reported it so it must be true!

>You got a source that refutes that?

Either they prove it or they fuck off. And literally the only thing that they can have to change the election is if Russia literally changed actual vote count, which they didn't. Everything else, the claims of them hacking Hillary or the DNC, them "influencing" people to vote Trump, none of it actually matters since it's impossible to tell if people actually changed their mind and voted Trump because of Russia's influence. And even if people did, they changed their mind because of truths that came out against Hillary and that's not a bad thing at all. Now how about the CIA and other intelligence agencies find out what really happened to Seth Rich?

[citation needed]

>A CIA assessment reported by the Washington Post made similar findings.
>Washington Post

Wapo literally can't source it's information correctly.
Hell, Sup Forums seems better than them lately. It's a joke that they get paid for crappy journalism.

>Israel getting jealous of not being the one manipulating goys

Also any state that voted for Trump and their electoral college flips is a state that doesn't give a fuck about the will of it's people and there will be massive riots to the literal point of bodies hanging from stoplights in the streets. You cannot undermine the democracy like that and get away with it and if the electoral college elects Hillary it's a sign of tyranny and the 2nd Amendment gives all Americans not just the right, but the responsibility to overthrow that government.

The link you referred to is a news site running on an engine developed for the Washington Post.

Proof enough?

Okay, but do you have any evidence to provide of that. Otherwise this is just a fake post.

This is what it is. These liberal fruitcakes cannot comprehend that there were so many disenfranchised people wanting to see change. They, the media all lived in their echo chamber and didn't see that their polls didn't mean shit because of how they sampled and the fact that Trump supporters kept it quiet for the most part. They're so delusional they think that they didn't lose because they talked down to and lectured white working class men for 8 years and spent 8 years undermining the traditional family values that built this country in the name of a small percentage of it's population that wants to be freaks. The DNC fucked itself, Russia didn't fuck anyone.

Please no more fake posting.

But that's my evidence. Where's yours?

That's not evidence that's just repeating the same claims without substantiating them.

>Literally no proof


No it really looks like bullshit, OP. There's no evidence to suggest otherwise.

So nothing happens. Other than MAGA.

Okay, but do you have any proof of that? You've yet to provide proof of your claims.

Mexico, Canada, Austrailia, and a few other countries intervened to promote Hillary.

We're not there yet. The old media need to finish dying first. Then we can truly be free of centralized narrative.

I dont need any proof the fact the claims are unsubstantiated means there is no reason to believe those claims.

I cite the articles as proof.

ref. content of articles

Need something more?

>also, your "CIA reporter" is a janitor. Google it, cunt.

> Ha! Evidence shows that we were in fact cucked! Putin BTFO

But you're still making a claim here. Any time you make a claim about whatever, you need to provide evidence to back it. Which you have yet to do it.

>Washington Post