To all Pro-Capitalists (and there are lot of them here) important reminder that Capitalism came from Jewish usury
Confirmed quote from Adolf Hitler about Socialism and Capitalism
Agreed based ruskie.
Globalism is the end result of capitalism.
You cannot be a capitalist and a nationalist simultaneously.
I really wish our two countries would stop fighting btw. I hate the way the British media demonises you guys.
Except National socialism isn't really socialism
>taking economic lessons from Nazi Germany
Their entire thing was based around a military industrial complex which ended up destroying europe
You don't know the first thing about the 3rd Reich economy.
Britain just put new laws banning any criticism of Jews so I know who controls British politics and media behind the walls.Same people who attack Russia are same people who also attack Nationalists in Britain. Globalists want to keep statue quo and suppress any opposition against them.
you watched The Greatest Story Never Told and thats it. You probably even think "OMG HITLER REMOVED ALL DA JEWS AND PUT GERMANS IN CHARGE!" memes to.
No. They couldn't even take on Czechoslovakia until 1939 but you retards just spout the "industrial war economy xD" meme everywhere your dumbass can.
Actually in pre war perior 1933-1939 economy of German reich was growing fastest in Europe and unemployment shrink by 6 million (for real) and inflation was stop.
Not to mention number of infrastructure and roads built was also bigger then in other states.
Except that Hitler was part of the pro-capitalist traditionalist wing of the party. The anti-capitalist socialist wing was led by Ernst Rohm and the SA, which was purged by Hitler.
Daily reminder that Hitler's government never nationalized a single private company in Germany.
What's your favourite part of (((socialism))) - famine or mass terror?
The 4 year plan headed by Goering was SPECIFICALLY made to build up their military. They took all the money they had made in the post-great depression slight boom and put it all into building up their military.
This is truly the final redpill.
Marxist socialism isn't really european socialism. There are different versions of socialism. Communism and it's variants are very different from our socialism nowadays, just how national socialism is.
Real Socialism was hijacked and then corrupted by the Jews.
Sweden and other socialist leaning scandinavian countries provided their citizens with the highest standard of living ever known to man.
Before they imported shitskins of course...
Socialism is the best system for a civilised and homogenous society.
Neoliberal capitalism leads to crime, tent cities and massive divisions like we see in America today.
But he did have price controls which are a socialist thing.
National Socialism would be the perfect ideology if it weren't for the racism and military expansionism.
Look at Franco or Peron, they are examples of Fascism done right. Popular leaders who actually built up their countries and returned to traditional social cultural and nationalist values without going full retard and declaring war on 5 countries at once or trying to exterminate ethnic minorities.
those are victims of allied carpet bombing
>real socialism has never been tried
Nazis were the friends of the landed aristocracy and big business, they didn't actually give a shit about socialism aside from where it improved their image
this is basically the same as saying "[insert nth jihadist group] aren't real muslims"
Labour based/backed currency. They could only print as much currency as there were hours actually worked in Germany. That was their limit.
Seems like a clever way to avoid inflation.
Socialism only works paired with nationalism and a strong, cohesive, homogenous white society.
>Actually in pre war perior 1933-1939 economy of German reich was growing fastest in Europe
Thanks to Schacht and massive gov spending
>and unemployment shrink by 6 million (for real)
By removing jews and women from statistics
Actually it was Britain that rejected multiple peace deals and declared war.
By the way,Hitler was Austrian so he was actually ''minority'' in Germany lol.
>its a "muh bombed supply lines!" lie
Yes they built up their military. Are you a retard? They also put priority over infrastructure and architectural buildings rather than the war industry.
Holy shit read a fucking book for once instead of just parroting the history channel.
>Schacht and massive gov spending
Most of big business in Weimer Republic was run by Jews.
Nazi germany didn't have market socialism, it did however have other elements of socialism such as price controls and their health care policy, where they essentially deleted insurance schemes.
sounds like anarcho capitalism
>i get to define what is socialism based on my fe fees
Quite a few of the higher ups in the party were born outside of Germany.
>"if you invade said country, we'll declare war on you"
>"okay, you invaded said country, but we'll give you three days to withdraw or we're declare war on you"
>"okay so you've invaded said country and two others, but its been almost a year and we still haven't done anything to you even though we're technically at war"
Yeah, how did they catch Hitler so blindsided?
Not really, dude.
For me the "ultimate ideology" would be a nationalistic socialism, one that takes the best of both socialism (strict planning, public weflare) and capitalism (private intitiative, creativity).
Also one that believes that all races are equal, but that homogenous societies are the most united.
That way you can attract followers from both the left and the right, without comprimising ideology.
but neither argentina nor spain are cohesive white societies, and those are the most successful examples of Fascism in action.
That quote is from Greggor Strasser, not Adolf Hitler
>Yes they built up their military. Are you a retard?
user, stop taking something I said and pretending like it was your point after you get called out for knowing dick.
I said their entire economy was based around their military, you disagreed with me, and then I proved you wrong. Dont try to twist this as if you didnt just get BTFO on something you clearly know nothing about
Rudolf Hess was born far away from Germany and he was Hitler's deputy before he went to Britain and was arrested.
Literally this famous quote.
>Actually it was Britain that rejected multiple peace deals and declared war.
You don't make peace with a rabid dog. Also post here the peace deals
>They also put priority over infrastructure
Infrastructure that had military goals.
absolute lie. Big bussiness was in german hands. Jews dominated the retail trade and middle management positions
You didn't prove me wrong you idiot. Have you even read the plan? Have you read any of the internal documents from the government showing the structure of the economy? It was not a war economy until they were fighting for their survival.
As far as I'm concerned I support entrepreneurial capitalism. Financial capitalism is Jewish degeneracy though.
this is why we need monarchy back. Without a ruling monarch to rule the people, the people will get divided over petty things like ethnicity or religion.
Imagine if the UK didn't have the monarchy, Scotland and Wales would definitely be independent. Austria-Hungary was only kept united by Franz Josef, when he died, it disintegrated into like 50 countries. Same deal with Tito, not a monarch but still a cult-of-personality figure. After the deposition of the Russian tsar, the new rulers needed communism or some bullshit ideology to keep the peoples together, but when it was the ruling tsar, it was "Russian empire" and that was it.
You sound like a fucking Jew
There are many historian quotes about Jewish dominance over Weimer Republic it was even worst then modern day Hollywood.
>Dont try to twist this as if you didnt just get BTFO
are you joking ?
They were kicked out of the party and murdered in the night of long knives to placate the big industrials and conservative faction in the military. It's fantastic how little hitleraboos know about nazi germany
The vast majority of land and property was owned by Junkers who the right wing parties had allegiance to. Who do you think payed for all those freikorps?
All the actual socialists were purged from the party once Hitler seized enough power, he didn't give a shit about legitimate socialist causes
>You didn't prove me wrong you idiot
I said they built up a military industrial complex
you argued against that
then you tried to imply that I was retarded for not knowing that they built up their military.
you suck at this user
Goebbels gave total war speech in response to Churchill's bombing campaign
>Without a ruling monarch to rule the people, the people will get divided over petty things like ethnicity or religion.
It's not so much about monarchy but shared narrative to bind the nation together. It could be religion or race or any number of things as long as its homogeneous
>Infrastructure that had military goals.
No not really, things like the autobahns were rarely used by the military.
European socialism is just marxist socialism that lives in a bubble of economic and military protection of the west. They do not have to do much to maintain foreign relations or protect themselves, so they are viewed as rousing successes. But they are not successes because of Marxism, but because of their cozy relationship with the US. The employ marxism derived socialist policies, but are non-revolutionary, in a military sense. Their social revolutions go on forever and their progressive slippery slopes get steeper and steeper though.
except religion leads to sectarian squabling and race leads to squabling over "purity".
Sweden =/= Socialist
This meme needs to die already, I hear it all over the internet.
First of all, capitalism is what built this country, socialism is what's been draining our coffers dry that last 50 fucking years.
Second of all, National Socialism =/= Socialism, this is some babbys first Sup Forums thread shit in here, lurk more
nice arguments, you totally exposed me
In 1936, after years of limitations imposed by the Versailles Treaty, military spending in Germany rose to 10% of GNP, higher than any other European country at the time, and, from 1936 onwards, even higher than civilian investments.
>the rebuilt their military
No. Like I said before, the generals in the wehrmact said they couldn't even take czechoslovakia until 1939, supposedly after years of war industry.
The autobahn, Nuremburg, Berlin, Munich, the program to get Germans back to work..etc, all got priority over the military spending.
I'm not even joking when I say you should read a book about the 3rd Reich, it will do you good.
I can't agree with you mate, monarchy can unite a people but it's not the only thing that can. You need some kind of guiding ideology and a leader leader though ofc. I myself am a republican and don't think Australia should have a foreigner as head of state. (I am the person you replied to)
he gave it in 1943 after it was apparent Germany would lose. you reap what you sow
''Jews were especially visible in private banking in Berlin, which in had 150 private Jewish banks, as opposed to only 11 private non-Jewish banks.Jews owned 41% of iron and scrap iron firms and 57% of other metal businesses.
Jews in the stock market comprised 80% of the leading members of the stock exchange. In 1931, 50% of the 234 theatre directors in Germany were Jewish, and in Berlin the number was 80%.
Well, yeah. But not all Nazis were Hitler, or the heads of the NSDAP.
I'm not touting Hitler or National Socialism, I'm just differentiating Hitler from National Socialism as a belief system.
But to say Hitler was not a real Nazi is like saying Pol Pot was not a real communist - absolutely fucking retarded. So disregard if you must.
''Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, Jews still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.The banks, including the Reichsbank and the big private banks, were practically controlled by them.''
Sir Arthur Bryant
I think you're wrong if you put economic socialism in the same basket as social liberalism. Most SJW's don't care about "socialist" causes, they care if women are allowed to become CEO's but they don't care if the CEO exploits his workers mercilessly.
I probably know more than you do about this topic, but I am not a nazi or "naziboo".
Gotta grant though, that after Versailles and the great depression it was necessary to both build a brand new army which always costs more money than when you inherit one and upgrade it, and to build up the nation so it could afford said army.
Had they done it the other way around, the military would have had 75% GDP from the get go and be walking around with leftover firearms from the Franco-Prussian war used as a supplement for their WW1 rifles.
I think Australia should have its own monarchy or emperor or something, like Japan. I agree it sucks having a foreign leader as our head of state, but if we just have another president, we'll just become another boring standard republic like all the others with nothing special or unique. If we had our own Emperor, we could rule the seas. Someone to command our armies and lead us into battle. A monarch could set the overall vision and grand policy for our country, while the prime minister would do the actual day-to-day politicking and governance.
>Like I said before, the generals in the wehrmact said they couldn't even take czechoslovakia until 1939, supposedly after years of war industry.
how does this mean it wasnt based around their military? That it took a while?
Do you realize the amount the German military was completely cucked after WW1?
They were only allowed 100,000 soldiers in their army, were allowed NO tanks or airplanes or artillary.
their navy was was reduced to 6 battleships ,6 cruisers, and 12 desroyers and could only have 1500 officers and were allowed no submarines.
they had to rebuild their entire military from scratch pretty much. 4 years is a pretty reasonable time frame
Hitler is father of National Socialism.
He never called himself ''Nazi'' that is libel that came from Jew Konrad Heiden and Jewish immigrants to USA.
What are you trying to say by linking me that post?
>I'm just differentiating Hitler from National Socialism as a belief system
wat? National socialism IS Hitler.
Well yes, this is true they are not the same things. I guess you could say their cozy lifestyle of para-capitalist living means they do not see the economic issues quite as urgently as the social ones - but their views of giving money to the poor in lieu of jobs to "combat poverty"is socialist in nature, not directly marxist.
But I am of the firm belief, that should they be ousted by the US, their full marxist "potential" will emerge.
You people are retarded. How is selling and buying products at reasonable prices that are aligned by market fluctuation of supply and demand globalist platforms? This system would mean it would be impossible to sustain a market throughout the entirety of the world because of the millions of needs of different peoples and the niches in which they buy and sale. Not to mention the different sorts of resources in different regions that would affect certain markets. Capitalism, not whatever retarded shit idiots always play it out to be is the ultimate red-pill of freedom and choice. Again capitalism is a market strategy NOT A POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, retards.
Also what the hell does it have to do with (((them))), I'd see banks as that but the idea that supply and demand exists and that people should supply it at market prices is (((them))) that sounds like something (((they))) would say to keep us from continuing our advancement that is only capable through capitalism not this shit Socialist-oligarchal cuck fest going on in the world right now.
>how does this mean it wasnt based around their military?
Because you ignored the second half of my post, haven't even read the 4 year plan yourself, haven't read a single book about the 3rd Reich, yet you still argue.
I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't know anything about what they're talking about.
>I think you're wrong if you put economic socialism in the same basket as social liberalism. Most SJW's don't care about "socialist" causes, they care if women are allowed to become CEO's
What is even worse is they are not economically liberal or socialist at all. They neither care the system be meritocratic and that a women can rise to power by deeds nor do they care like you said about the individual worker and their struggle.
They are for some strange authoritarian economic system that enforces their desired outcome
>based around a military industrial complex
Their military expenses were only slightly higher (normalized to population) than that of Britain or France in 1939 and could not even keep up with the USSR. The only reason they had to go "this strong" was because they basically had to start from scratch, unlike the other countries.
But of course, repeating easily debunked post war propaganda is what brought us this current shithole we call Europe.
>National socialism IS Hitler.
Nope. There were a lot of ideas that went into national socialism, Hitler's government was simply a failed expression of them.
Stop being such a whiney faggot and acting like a contraction is such a slur, especially when you faggots throw out edgy name calling all the time
its pathetic
People had to understand that after losing in WW1 Germany experienced worst hiper-inflation in the whole world that ruined their currency and economy.They were printing so much money that their currency become worthless.
SOCIALISM played important role in to rebuilding the country.
>I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't know anything about what they're talking about.
says the guy that thinks that war economy is the same has german economy after Goebbels total war speech
Capitalism is a natural occurrence though.
That fucker must be talking about crony capitalism or corruption.
>yes goyim, just tell them what you read in our history books!
>National socialism IS Hitler.
this has literally NOTHING to do with my post but ok
Egg fucking zactly. The stupidity of this delusion is amazing. All these countries as well have fucking minuscule populations. To implement such a strategy in the US would destroy the country, above all these strategies don't work in multi-ethnic environment something the larpers will never change no matter how much "pride" they have that's why Sweden is so ready for the cuckening.
Capitalism built the world we live in and it wasn't even fully embraced, imagine the progress that can be made by letting the millions of people that work and provide work collectively do that naturally to assure once again the standards of our society excel past our expectations and history.
If you're going to post here, please drop your r*ddit mannerisms
national socialists welcome senpai:
The problem is that most people think of Socialism as LEFT WING ideology and only Leftist.
Except they already stabilized inflation and the new currency and were doing absolutely fine under an actual social democratic government
Meanwhile the "socialist" government brought upon itself the destruction of their own capital and the consequent downfall of the entire nation
literally not an argument newfag
>Egg fucking zactly. The stupidity of this delusion is amazing. All these countries as well have fucking minuscule populations. To implement such a strategy in the US would destroy the country, above all these strategies don't work in multi-ethnic environment something the larpers will never change no matter how much "pride" they have that's why Sweden is so ready for the cuckening.
>Yes Goy, change is impossible, USA is such a special country you see? Now please continue to pay taxes so we can import millions of mexicans and chinks to replace you
>politely asking people to assimilate is arguing
Look at unemployment before 1933 it was so terrible,people were moving out of Germany in droves.They did not even wanted to live under Weimer Republic.
Salazar was good leader.
unemployment was 0 because Hitler took the jews and women out of the statistics
>Russian trying to lecture me
Dr. Goebbels on ''Capitalist pigs'' and greed in Democracy
No it came out of anglo saxon culture and christianity. Kill yourself commie
Are you Right or Left?