Muslim here keep the memeing to a minimum and i will answer your questions to the best of my knowledge
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Other urls found in this thread:
Just bomb yourself already
how young is too young?
How easy is to get gibs in cuckistan.
Salem aleikum, my brother. One day we will strike for the infidels.
Would you accept an invasion of Christian refugees into Saudi Arabia and other various muslim countries who then demanded that Muslims change their culture to meet the needs and demands of the Christians?
So you believe that full Sharia law should be installed? I know sharia isn't in the Quran but most Muslims on earth want it. What happens to Jews and atheists? What happens to non Muslims in general?
What's with the dick stones?
Dat flag
Top keks aside, how do you feel about your holy prophet Mohammed (piss be upon him) being a pedophile schizophrenic rapist warlord?
The quran does not reconize jesus as a prophet therefore christianity is a false religion and must be purged, peace be upon you brother.
i do not understand what you're asking
what are gibs?
Yes to the extent that we do not break laws such as murder or rape.
Except it does??
>I know that Sharia isn't in the Qu'ran
Are you retarded? Serious question
When do you accept Donald Trump as your rightful Caliph ??
Where/when will the next religion-of-peace happening take place? Asking for a friend.
If I'm mistaken then I'm sorry, where rib the Quran is sharia law?
Could you go away please?
Will you be my terrorist gf
Only shia scum reconize Jesus as a prophet, Sunni islam the real islam does not, peace be upon you brother
What would happen if I set up a snack bar outside of a radical Mosque with a huge led sign that read "Allah Snack Bar"?
Ever rule in the Qu'ran is Sharia, Sharia translated literally means "law"
>Christianity must be purged
>Peace be upon you brother
Islam is the epitome of hypocrisy, taquiya and whatnot
Why did you ignore my question? If that is too triggering for your kebab brain, maybe you can answer this, do you believe Mohammed prohibited depicting images of him because he was scared of being recognized and imprisoned by ancient police? ya know, him being a war criminal scum
>ask a Myslim
Fucking kek
I should have said that said snacks are exclusively bacon and mountain dew.
Various types of bacon though.
Why do muslims behave like monkeys?
Why do they behave so primitively?
Why do they enslave their wives?
Why do they lie?
Why have the pooch in the head?
Why rape children and babies?
Why do they believe in invented things?
Islam is a false religion.. a perversion of gnostic teachings to tame a barbaric Arab population.. false teachings never last
Our holy prophet (pig...i mean peace be upon him) has never comitted such crimes you talk about it is only made up accusations by media
daily reminder
>how young is to young
He meant do you consider pedophilia okay considering your prophet was a pig fucking pedo?
What is so bad about Muslim countries that Muslims flee to Christian countries? Why don't you just stay in your own countries where you can do as you wish without being hindered by people like me who hate you?
Islam is the same like scientology
May genocide be upon you.
Why do you screw little kids?
Why cant you guys just reform your religion?
Nah, he was a warmonger but that's debatable, he actually did marry a 6 year old, sexed her when she was 9 and beat her upseveral times, hence the question above by another user on "how young is too young?"
Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim
brother, you must reconize that majority muslims live in the middle east and not in european countries, my fellow brother and myself must spread our knowledge of islam around the world for it's our mission and allahs will (pi...I mean peace be upon him) to spread his legacy
Whats the deal with the magical flying horse and why won't Muslims ever answer questions about it?
i can not speak for my fellow brothers, but myself i have never penetrated a young man childs anus.
i do not understand what you're asking brother.
Can someone be muslim if they don't believe the earth is flat?
>only says young man child
alright mohammed, now how old is your wife
Mohammed's night flight, he flew around on a magical flying horse.
What do you think of pic related.
I wish he would've succeeded and I wouldn't be living in this caliphate right now and you wouldn't be living at all in the best case scenario.
Your thoughts?
thanks for the concern, but we already have multiple sects of Jews and thousands of sects of Christians spreading God's will. If anything we are oversaturated with people claiming to know God's will. Since Shiites are falsely led, why don't you concentrate of bringing them to God's will before starting on us?
my mission in this life is not to start a legacy my mission in this life is to spread allahs (pigs be upon him) legacy and help people understand islam is a religion of peace
Forgot pic, here you go.
This is not true brother.
ʿĪsā ibn Maryam was a prophet and a messenger of Allah swt as written in the holy Qurʾān and the Haddiths.
Inshallah you will believe me and stop listening to those who want to bring hate to the ummah.
Islam is a religion of peace.
>I slam
Wordplay is fun.
nice quads friend
Jesus is worth a lot more than that paedophile Mohammed so you shut your cunting mouth and show some respect. Disgusting sand durka.
>confirmed LARPer
jesus is a prophet to both sunnis and shias
I love the one of the guy who concludes that women are mammals but not human. Muslims are so smart! We definitely need more in the West!
what is this pic i see this everytime a muslim comes on Sup Forums
Do muslims carry a they always know which direction to face while praying in an unfamiliar area?
Half your age + 7
everything adds up here
Muslims are the gift that keeps on giving.
Gtfo my country
Do you believe in djinn?
>Muslim here
>Muslim here
>Muslim here
>Muslim here
no it's a sin
The Jew.
History lesson:
>The Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi, aka The Stern Gang, was a jewish paramilitary group created by Avraham "Yair" Stern after the split of Irgun, in order to fight British rule over Palestine, ideologically similar to Mussolini's Italy.
>Stern's plan was to fight alongside with the Axis, and free the lands of Palestine from the British, and to help Germany by forcing all the jews from Europe to migrate to his newly-formed Israel, which would become a country ruled by "nationalist and totalitarian principles".
In 1940, the Lehi sent a diplomat to Mussolini in order to gain his support and to assert Israel's will to become a satellite nation, and so he did, signing the document known as "The Jerusalem Agreement".
>Yair also tried contact several times with Hitler, but either the British intercepted and/or killed them, or they were spies from the Irgun and were executed later.
>After the war, with Stern's death, Lehi's chairmen and commanders became associated with Nazbol, until the party's merging with the Israeli Defense Forces in 1948
So in effect, Brits actually helped kill Jews.
Check m8 holocaust lovers and anti Brit people.
Answer this please
I'm an ex-muslim apostate. You need to go back to your fucking country.
why degenerate?
why do you rape people for fun?
Is your name Mohammed and how many of your friends are named Mohammed
Yes, you pieces of shit might've just destroyed this world by killing those kikes sent out to Hitler although Hitler might've just stayed an Arab lover even after meeting with those kikes but I really doubt that. Fuck you, now I need to live with these shitty mudslime anti-semites and have fear of getting stabbed or shot all the time.
Why are goyim always so anti-nationalism/fascism? Fucking REEEE.
Muslim get caught about to rape young white girl uk
Why aren't you doing this on reddit you absolute faggot?
Why did you leave your Islamic Sharia haven, the Middle-East?
Also, gtfo.
nice proxy
you can't be living there.
Hi Francis
>Holy See
Muhammed claims that if he were to be a false prophet then Allah would have his aorta ripped out. He was poisoned, and even knew he was being poisoned and yet he still ate the poisoned food presented to him because he felt he was above poison and he would not die for he is a prophet. Why did he mention it felt like his aorta was bursting when he was on his death bed? To his favorite wife out of the many the fucking bastard had, Founded on hypocrisy, this shit is in the fucking Quran. Your prophet is a lie.
hol up u sayin we wuz popes n shiet?
Haha, you dishonest kufr would never dare to say this to my face.
Inshallah most people in Germany will follow the only true religion in a few years.
Bye the way im an atheist and i dont care about christianity BUT it appears EAVEN from my perspective that francis is traitor of christians.
What will you do when people of europe will rise up against you and your people?
That's a good rule
this, sage goes in the options field
can you explain Taqyyia to a kaffir like me? from the outside looking in it seems pretty dishonest
The hopeful part of me wants to believe you're a Kraut shitposter, but the realistic part of me knows you might actually be a durka durka