Tfw to intelliggant to win the election

>tfw to intelliggant to win the election

She's not intelligent. She's just autistic.

>to intelliggant
>too intelligent

My fucking sides.....

>smarter-than-thou humor

they do realise this makes them extremely unsympatethic, right?

This article implies Obama is stupid because he won the election.
gg leftists

>tfw to inteligeant to understand memes

HAHA its coming full circle
>too smart to vote for trump
>too smart to win election

Tu intelegant


That hair tho

>tfw too intelligent to defend Crimea

kek'd, nice one.

>If you're smarter than your opponent, they win

>MFW Hillary Clinton drops out of sight and the ENTIRE WESTERN MEDIA is crying MUH RUSSIANS and threatening to subvert the electors.

She's very intelligent. Horrible person. Intelligent though.

Naah, they don't. This is why their side lost the election, but shhhh, don't tell them. The same tactic will work again in the next election.

It's about endurance.

no, shes a retard, unrelatable to the people, completely disconnected from reality

>tfw to intelligent too vote for Hillary


Several threads are being simultaneously posted with this pic on the board, the OPs have to diversify the titles and pic sizes not to be banned as bots.


>being this new
kill yourself tourist

>tfw to inteligent to hold big rallies

There are multiple reasons why Clinton lost.

Criminality....war mongering....dangerous for national security.....on the take. ..Etc. etc..

A lot of people simply didn't like the 10,000 Libyans who were slaughtered had their intestines cut out of them while still alive and then bot flies would lay eggs in these pure living hell victims as they slowly begged for a quicker death in the hot sun.

A lot of people objected to Clinton bringing hell to earth.


>too intelligent
Y-you too

>implying even one in 1000 Americans know what we did to Libya beyond "liberating" it from an "evil dictator"

>based and thought out post
>a fucking leaf


I recall the Batman v. Superman movie claimed the same thing when it came out.

we are now in a literal Idiocracy, Carl's Jr CEO in cabinet, intelligence is a handicap, Trump knew this, he studied the American populace in his careers of pro wrestling, pageantry, and reality TV. You cannot go too dumb for Dumbfuckistan.

Checkmate, drumpkins.

>Tfw too intelligent to not let your species go extinct

Liberals are very similar to talosians