>this kills the CTR shill
This kills the CTR shill
I can't wait.
329? Awesome
Woah is this a new meme?
how can an elector not vote for someone who he's specifically supposed to vote for.
Round 2 baby. I might get sick of winning.
you gotta be like, woo I'm getting a little to much invested in this. but a month earlier.
Why 330 when he's at 306?
>not counting the underground lizard state.
>democratic election
The people voted for Hillary.
this reminds me of that one BTFO soccer video, i think it was brasil v germany if i remember right?
You mean Huma
>mfw more liberal butthurt floods incoming
This level of crying weirds me out. No one cried when Romney lost, maybe these creeps are worried about their way of life is going to change. That democrat criminality is going away,
By casting his vote for someone else.
mandatory Huma feet post
it's literally "Oh shit I might have to get a real job now"
If Trump starts cutting government pork deliveries to universities and women/minority owned businesses then shitloads of democrats are gonna be homeless
AJ was incorrect, they weren't all republican electors - they put out invitations to interview to all 538 but only 330 replied.
The Democrat ones REEE'd at the electoral college but admitted that Trump was going to win.
Except they voted for Trump.
God... Just imagine the milions of people that were crying at home too. Thats a lot of tears
>Implying those electors would admit that over the phone
Makes you wonder just what the hell these people believe, considering how insanely emotionally invested they were in Hillary. Cult-like. Insane.
What do they think will happen now that she's lost, an actual tyranny fascist world war worldwide age of terror lynching gays and blacks russian nazi nukes?
The dems really have gone all out this election cycle. I wonder how much money has been spent pushing their agenda.
One part brainwashed into the HITLER delusion.
50 parts unaccustomed to ever failing completely and unequivocally.
Seriously. No one in the Democratic Party had ANY plan even floated for if they fucking lost, never mind this bad
They lost it all!
We live in an era where Donald Trump caused all those tears.
And atheists say theres no God
Oy boiiii
Hillary was not just the first woman to lose the election ... twice.
She will do it THRICE - OYYYY BOIIII
That game was truly something else
The fact that even ONE was swayed is pretty alarming, considering it was the result of liberal hissy fits.
If they think they can even remotely affect the outcome, the next time this happens they'll throw bigger and wilder hissy fits until inevitably they get their way.
>Trump wins the Republican nomination
>liberal tantrums
>Trump wins the election
>liberal tantrums
>Recount efforts fail, Trump actually gains votes
>liberal tantrums
>Electors refuse to be unfaithful
>liberal tantrums
thanks doc
it'll stop in its tracks the second an unfaithful elector shows up dead
Its always a fucking leaf
They've been brainwashed by democrats and the democrat audio visual club, the media, into thinking we're all going to die if a republican wins anything. Joe Biden told voters Mitt Romney would "have y'all back in chains." That red-faced SJW whore started screaming about Trump's victory on election night claiming she was LITERALLY going to kill herself. The next day, a young DNC staffer chewed up DNC chair Donna Brazile claiming that she was a washed up old hag who was going to die in the next 20 years of age but he was going to die early from global warming.
These people are nuts. They've bought every democrat mantra and lie out there including how everyone supposedly hated Trump, and now they're in an apoplectic shock that their party has been eviscerated and their ideology repudiated.
Stay mad Shill.
Thank fuck she didn't win. People this unstable shouldn't be choosing the leader of the free world
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>city people are dysgenic, neurotic subhuman filth
>city people voted overwhelming for hillary
s-senpai, my almonds are activating on their own!
this needs "you can't always get what you want but you get what you need" played over it
I live in a city and I voted Trump
Suck it leaf
If Trumped campaigned to win the popular vote he actually would have tried and Cali and NY and won it
You campaign to win the electoral college dipshit
Why does the media not talk about this? I don't think anyone could imagine Trump voters breaking down and crying, but Hillary voters were so fanatical they were living in an alternate reality before the results came out.
>I live in a city
No you don't.
>the degenerates voted for Hillary
>the producers voted for Trump
>The only people who voted for Trump live on farms.
>The people living in the human farms all voted for Hillary.
>check mate
>b-but i took more pieces so i won wahhh
>the people in CALIFORNIA voted for hillary
>the people in every other state including the important ones voted for trump
Yeah because the people in those parts of the country are fucking retards. Most of them don't understand politics and voted for the vagina.
>Pheonix, Arizona
>Not a city
You're fucking retarded, leaf. But that is expected of milk bagging faggots like you.
Not an argument
Fuck that, I use alexapure filters now
But that's wrong. Romney's loss was when liberals got cocky and started mocking moderate Republicans. The pictures of crying Romney supporters were shared en masse across social media with these same fags laughing at them.
This brings me innumerable joy this holiday season.
guess where most crime per capita happens? criminals literally voted for hillary. big surprise there
NYC. Voted for the only reasonable option. The absolute madman
Go back to your Trudeau porn
you can live in a city and not be a city person
there is a huge difference between someone say, from seattle, who spends 95% of their time indoors or surrounded by concrete, and someone else who lives in a suburban city and actually lives life
They think trump:
rapes women (and grabs their pussy on the way out)
is a Russian spy
Will round up woman and put them in pussy farms
Execute all muslims and mexicans
Force all Chinese pay reparations for China's currency policy
No wonder these poor souls are crying.
If they really aren't voting for trump they wouldn't be telling anyone.
I don't expect anyone to not vote for him though.
You've never been to NYC
fucking children kek
I feel like that game literally broke the Brazilian people's will.
Why wouldn't they, faggot? They either admit it now or admit it when they do it.
it'll be public record
i think only one republican has said he won't vote for trump, there was another one but he stepped down instead of going to vote
ehhh they were hillary's closest campaigners. they had spent the last year pouring their souls into the empty vessel known as HRC. They're allowed to feel a little down when their seance fails
To be fair, I don't think all of these peple were necessarily super devoted to HIllary, rather they were/are irrationally terrified of trump
kek, although
>implying trump would ever put his cock inside of that disgusting bitch
They just keep reverting to bargaining. It'll never end.
sweden maybe take that bbc out of your eyes and read again.
Alex Jones deserves to hang for further perpetuating the conspired division of the American people. He is a traitorous dog that deserves the fate of such.
half the guys were probably just in it for the pussy
since when did alex jones become spurdo?
this clip always cheers me up
Millions of people in NYC voted for him retard.