Serious question: Can anyone explain why this is a bad thing?

Serious question: Can anyone explain why this is a bad thing?

Why is it a net loss to the world?

"muh feelings"

multiply this by a million in syria.

I still need someone to explain the down-side.

Assad is an extremely secular leader, as far as the region is concerned. He's killing extreme religious fanatics and terrorist.

There's a big difference between what he's doing and what Ze Germans did to retards. The most important one being that he's defending the West.

because it is not happening
>MSM hired a bunch of niggers who created a Twitter account a week ago and read scripts on tv


>To die with your pants down

Why do they do that?
Isn't it making running from cops harder?

No one accuses niggers of being smart.

>Why do they do that?
>Isn't it making running from cops harder?

>the ability to think ahead
pick one

>Holocaust never happened
>let's Holocaust the niggers

This has always been the nature of war.

I'm confused as well all I see is straight up GAINS


>His last words were "UGG"
>Mfw Donkey Cartel was a blackstrapolation of the name Donald, adding "Key: to make it sound fancy and Cartel is a mispelled, shortening of Charleston.

I seriously love black names. The are the funniest shit ever.

>Take pic of dead people
>Assad did this !!!!!!!

Really activated my interneuronal pathways

Life for bonging her boy with a rubber dick?

There isn't. The world has a serious population problem and resources are starting to strain. Muslims are the most irresponsible by having 6-8 kids per household.

>shot trying to steal Timbs


It's not. Kikes and Muzzies are the scum.

Based Hitler and Assad.


Sexual assault on a fucking baby dude.

I say it's deserving of life, but that would be the upper limit of sentencing for the crime. Being a girl she probably got like 2 years.

>adding "Key: to make it sound fancy
Some people call it a concrete jungle, I think it's more like a swamp.