It's a sad day in America when George Takei is more concerned about national security than Republicans.
It's a sad day in America when George Takei is more concerned about national security than Republicans
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It's an even sadder day when you pay attention to some faggot who was in a science fiction series
Oh boy I'm straight lawlin.
Sup Forums is a lost cause
Liberals keep saying this.
They also keep refusing to provide any proof whatsoever. They say, "Someone said so!!" They probably can't even name a 'group' beyond the CIA.
And the CIA has made plenty of mistakes in the past that liberals aren't so fond of.
Whoa, a tweet without mentioning internment camps.
What the fuck is happening
>the token asian guy
"Intel officers"
Now who's a conspiracy theorist?
Wikileaks are Russian slaves.
>any and every, even slightly famous, clowns think that their opinion on politics is important and they actually have something to say
Why they are not ridiculed and forced to shut up?
>Pretending that Russia is a threat while ignoring Radical Ismalmic Terrorism
wow really made my brain do mental gymnastics
Because the best source of political opinion is a homosexual Asian-American actor who didn't have the balls to come out of the closet at the height of his career.
>This is criminal aggression
Yeah George Ta-gay, the DNC is an absolutely 100% law-abiding organization.
Fuck this guy, I'm sick of normies thinking this asshole is in any way influential. Just another holier-than-thou libfag, quite literally.
Because in America they let people make fools out of themselves, Vlad. They don't "force" people to shut up. What are you, some kind of communist?
Could someone explain how Russia could "hack" the U.S. election? Does "hack" just mean interference or what?
>personally directed
You know, I heard that he actually did the hacking himself.
We all know Putin is the best hacker in Russia
He also jerked off a guy on Howard stern
Why are liberals concerned about national security because of Russians when they completely ignore Islamic terror even when 50 people get gunned down?
Funny he don't have an interment camp story for this one.
Proof is where? All these accusations but no proof still. I won't believe it until I get proof.
>DNC emails
>national security
*takes breath*
>le gay Chinese man.
Very irrelevant! SAD!
Yet this nigga is 10x smarter than your pleb ass
>2 weeks left of the Greatest Year
These digits say George Takei will die by 12/31/16
they mind controlled all the people in the paper ballot states Trump won to vote for him
hail Yuri
I'm starting to get frustrated, this amount of stupidity is making my head hurt and I'm not desperate enough to make a twitter and call him out.
Yeah dude let's go to war with Russia over some fucking emails
>fake news
>"If we lose we'll take this country down with us: the Democrat story"
1. If you don't have any proof to that, don't say it
2. Who cares as long as they're posting real information and not fake documents
There is only one true Yuri!
>George Takei
>America is his country
Wasn't he born in Japan? He has to go back!
I love that their argument has boiled down to
>Russian hackers exposed us! You have to agree that's bad!
This Russian hacking thing is fake news at its finest. We've got to be reaching a breaking point here with the msm propaganda
Now you're projecting. And since you're apparently drooling retarded to kowtow to this degenerate nobody, I can assume he's not that smart at all. Since 10x smarter than retarded means nothing.
he knows the dems are in the white house right?
Who the fuck he even is?
It's a sad day in America when an old Nip Faggot is sucking the cock of the Democratic party which put the Japanese in internment camps.
He was the asian dude on the original startrek.
Maybe, just maybe, if your party government is so weak that you literally lose hundreds of thousands of emails to Russian hackers you deserve to lose.
I also love the change of focus there has been on this. First, the emails were fake.
Then the emails were fake and made by the Russians.
Then the emails were fake, but innocuous.
Then the emails were real, but innocuous.
Then the emails were real, and important, but also benign, and also the Russians did it.
Seriously, these people have goldfish memories.
the entire premise is bizarre af. This is a far greater international scandal than taking a phone call from Taiwan,
How many "officials" and retired "officials" and the media have openly accused Russia of "hacking the election" without any proof whatsoever?
Clinton takes millions from foreign governments during her campaign, for years prior to her campaign, Obama spent taxpayer money to disrupt the Israeli elections, the CIA has been interfering with elections in dozens of other countries for decades, most notably Latin America, not to mention the countless coups against democratically elected governments.
When they say Asian Americans have no role models I believe them. This literal cocksucker is supposed to be someone they look up to.
a gay japanese man who jerked a guy off on howard stern
theres a reason he was put in a camp
Jesus. You can fucking hear his moral superiority through text alone.
This is unbearable to watch now. Can you imagine how endlessly smug they would be if she won?
I seem to remember a shit ton of folks wanted Hillary to go to jail for not securing her e-mails. Why are libs so falling over themselves now complaining about what should have disqualified her to begin with?
Guess he ran out of characters to slip something about "muh internment camps". Haha I can't believe I'm living to see an actual revitalization of McCarthyism. History really does repeat itself in ways I guess. It's so obvious that these people are grasping at straws that I don't know whether to feel anger or laughing mockery of their rabid disillusionment.
U.S. Intel officers believed you were a Nip spy and threw you in a camp, you cocksucker.
If we ever fell for this Russian bullshit, then the liberals would laugh at us for being stupid...
Takei should have died in that internment camp as a child, the poor fool's brain has been ravaged by the syphylis
None of these claims are sourced. They're all citing random anonymous faggots who have no credibility. If these people don't find pizzagate legitimate, why are these Russian hacking reports credible?
In the words of the American government... this is just fake news.
Hyperbole in their echo chambers makes them just say "they hacked the election". The ones that aren't just crazily parroting "Russia" from their media propaganda are saying that Russia hacked podesta's emails (even though no one has any proof and wikileaks says it was a leak from someone within the DNC).
>U.S. Intel officers
Have they named any names yet? They always only ever say vague things like this.
Who are these """"""officials""""""? I'm tired of seeing this fake news bullshit.
too smug, which is why their tantrums right now are irritating, but expected
Obama isn't black
They control puppet the US electors now. And the president too. Someone call some famous actors to help us now, this seem a work for Batman...or maybe Spiderman.
So progressive.
>George "literally gets his shit pushed in" Takei
>t. IT consultant
short answer: NO, it's bullshit made up by the left, because the CIA is run by pedophilic elites who use the democratic party of the U.S., and many seats of the U.N. around the world.
Long answer:
One could theoretically "hack" the election vote tallies in certain states. They'd have to either
>own the voting machines a program them
>get access to the voting machines, and program them
>willfully take election voting/tallying machines and commit fraud by lying under oath as an election counter or supervisor
It could also be defined as willful disinformation using propaganda streams on behalf of or directly by a third party to the U.S. elections.
>Gee, I wonder who fits this bill
Could it be
>The Russians, of which there is no owned or manufactured voting machines for the U.S. elections
>The Soros foundation and associates, who own and manufacture voting machines
>The foreign owned U.S. media corporations
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things didn't commit sedition fraud and other capital offenses.
The Left's hypocrisy is starting to really make me mad IRL
The actual claim being made is that Hillary's chances were harmed because the email leaks revealed her to be an even worse candidate than Republicans have been saying she is for 25 years.
>GOP please help secure DNC email addresses
>It's not like the DNC are incompetent and used protocols or passwords that were easy to figure out.
>The DNC is our country, you HAVE to protect them.
That nip can go fuck himself with a cactus.
it's a sad day when demoshits are lying about russian hacking and could not be fucking bothered to give a damn about hillary putting top secret info on a server that can be hacked by russians
The smartest thing to ever come out of George Takei's mouth is his boyfriends sperm
>CIA spends literally a billion dollars to arm Syrian "moderate rebels" (read: ISIS) to overthrow Assad
>Russia sides with Assad to BTFO the CIA-backed "rebels"
>CIA pushes narrative that Russia is behind everything
Really makes me think.
>read: ISIS
Try Al-Nusra