Find a flaw.
You can't.
Find a flaw.
You can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eastern Germany
>Western Europe
At this point, all of Germany can be lumped in with Western Europe.
> Finland
> Scandinavia
>Not Mediterranean Europe
>Literally a fucking island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea
Lithuania should be with central Europe since it's catholic. Latvia and Estonia should be with Scandinavia since they're both mostly Lutheran and Estonia is ethnically/linguistically close to Finland. Serbia should probably be with Russia
Yep, looks about right.
looks pretty comfy desu,but eastern europe would be too strong and central and balkan europe too weak,thus leading to instability and possibly war.Also Corsica,Istria and Dalmazia are mediterranean clay.
should be northen europe not scandinavian
Isn't Estonia Scandinavia?
>Merging all Nordic countries into one big lump
So you want that the Swedes ruin the whole of the Northern Europe?
>European side of Bosphorus
>Not Europe
ok there bud i think the turks are just as facked as you do but I think you forgot that it is part of mainland europe
>Literally doesn't share a border with it
>Visegrad Empire
Oh boy, count me in.
thanks for the backup my white brother
>Find a flaw.
Discontinuous borders.
See, and this is why Brits deserve getting nuked.
The only things that every came from your shitty island were warmongering and crooked teeth.
Do you guys hate other Baltic countries that you deny being one? We don't like being called Latin Americans for example
Just change it to "Nordic" and add Estonia to it.
It's Shit, make Norway an outsider and replace us with Estonia
> Bosфor&Дardanellia straits > not Scandinavian
> Russia > not Scandinavian
> poolack on the PRussian territories
> Srbska > not Scandinavian
> Czech&Slovak > not Scandinavian
> Anglo, Isle of Man, Brusseles, Nederlands, Vienna, Malta > European
>black Constantinople
Yeah nah.
Yes, East Germany should be put in the based Central Europe bracket, obviously.
>implying we're nordic
Batu would be disappointed.
DDR is rightful Russian clay.
It's something like that, though instead of being immigrants they were raped by nordics 1200 years ago and have since gone "We are the true nords!"
No, it isn't Ivan. Go eat window putty!
globalist kike, independent countiries or u jew
The red one is the Romanian empire, yes?
Jesus fucking Christ, he forgot about Südtirol. I hate OP now.
You'll be liberated soon, too.
Sure town rapist. If it makes you happy.
Don't hack pls
>Find a flaw
It's not reality.
Then why does Romania have so much land as shown on the map?
first of; east germany is part of central europe, southern france is part of the mediterranean
greece romania and bulgaria are also part of the balkans. finland and estonia are pretty much their own thing. besides that its perfect.
because it belong to france tapasnigger, this is a political map not a geographic one.
Literally delusional, OP.
It's more about east-center-west and north-south.
After EU falls nordic countries will keep cucking, east will go to Russia, countries in between will try to take the best of both. Mediterranean will keep doing its own thing. France is too arrogant to join either and UK is not Europe.
Just like the British, although they call themselves as muh anglo-saxons
Do we have to take in Albanians? I'd much rather if we didn't.
I'd for some reason much prefer to be with you faggots than Albanians and Macedonians. Let's make Visegrad touch the Adriatic again!
>Let's make Visegrad touch the Adriatic again!
You need me for that.
How the fuck is Finland and the Baltics eastern Europe
>he thinks Europe = EU
No. We're European, not EUropean.
Not really, but it would be cool if you guys stopped trying to jew us over.
>Visegrad alliance
Bosnia is Croatian. We'll unite with Serbs to purge and split it up when after EU stops being relevant.
Anglos think they're not European because they are not connected to mainland Europe.
When they are down they consider themselves European and demand solidarity.
When they feel powerful they are no longer European.
>Mediterranean Europe
>"not a geographical map"
>Uses a geographical element to label it.
Fucking kraut. Stop jacking off to granny porn, it's making you retarded.
>We're European
No, you're really not. The Eternal Anglo is Anglospheric.
To be fair he only painted about half of Finland as Eastern Europe.
Everything east of the Oder-Neisse is irrelevant
>Cote D'azur
>not Mediterranean
It is geographically. Most people just ignore how much of Europe is made up of Russia
Here is fixed it
Central and Balkan Europe are actually East Europe who got mad at being called East Europe
Russia isn't Europe.
>Not Europe
i cri evry tim ;_;
Britain isn't European.
We're Anglo.
Too superior for all of your mainland bollocks, we're the USA, NZ, AUS and Canada.
Russia could be Europe, but ever since their birth they've done pretty much everything in their power to not be.
>Western Europe is more wealthy and powerful than all the other parts combined.
Shit balance of power m8. You must be German.
>Cote D'azur
>not Mediterranean
>lumping potatoniggers in with germanics
>Not Europe
o-ok guys if thats how your really feel
>Germany pissing on anyone for warmongering
ayy lmao
Georgia is more Europea, and while I'd a Georgian qt, I still don't consider them European. You're our distant cousins or something. Either way, we're bound by faith and we hope you keep Mohammedanism at bay. Russia is your protector anyway. [spoiler]And Russians barely count as white[/spoiler]
You know you won't do shit and you know that. People of Republika Srpska will declare their part of land rightful Serbian clay, then the rest will become full-ISIS Albania 2.0
Also why are you trying to jew us over?
>then the rest will become full-ISIS Albania 2.0
Herzegovian Croats won't take shit and a new war will start, everyone gangbanging on Bosnians. Herzegovina will be cleansed and finally united with Croatia.
We're not jewing you senpai. Our coast is ours :^)
Spain is western as well as med.
>Your coast
Everything north of Krk is basically a gift from us. Either way, it's not about the coast and you know it. It's all about Slovenia having access to international waters. You can keep all of your coast desu, it's the waters.
Also the cleansing would bring another 100 years of bitching to the Balkans, not sure whether I'm impressed.
>Eastern Ireland
>Western Europe
this is a good map but i think that Slovenia and Croatia should go to central Europe because
they are 100% better then us balkan shits
>the cleansing would bring another 100 years of bitching
Only from Albanians. Everyone else is unanimous. Bosnia was a mistake and Mohammedanism isn't European.
>Only from Albanians.
Eternal anglo
Bulgaria would probably start bitching for no good reason
Given the amount of cucks and sandniggers in France I'm pretty sure they would back up ISIS and Bosniaks
>Western Germany
stop shitposting Muhammad
I thought we were talking about a decade or three into the future when EU isn't a here and everyone has local problems to worry about
Thanks for the rare flag qt3.14
I feel like the midlands, wales, ireland etc. ought to be in NW. But good job.
Remove red from Scandinavian peninsula. Northern bulge is rightful Finnish clay.
> includes medipacks
I can't even ...
They tend to be neutral, as will our central European belt be one day.
>Serbia and Chezh Republic is not in Eastern Europe
The whole of Britain and Ireland is NW you silly burger.
give us corsica
What have you done with my Kaliningrad, you are bad, probably black person.
>>my Kaliningrad
Yep, I get it, those ugly teeth you have are making it quite difficult to talk properly, but what on the earth stops you from writing down what are you trying to say?
There, Better. Armenia and Greece much bigger.
I don't think they are into Slavic boogaloo
>the most western European country
>not Western Europe
>no part of it touches the Mediterranean sea
>Mediterranean Europe
I think there is a big chance Putins Eurasionism might work.
Despite there being a lot of stuff that brings us closer to the Slavs, what makes us difference is rally in stark contrast.
However I believe anything is possible in this timeline.
I could mayhap already see an Eurasian superstate in the far future fighting border wars with China because of resources.