Anyone else feel genuinely bad for Obama ?

I feel some real deep down sympathy for Obama . Always had Americans best interests in mind and republicans were set to fuck him ovrr since day one . Obama made Americans feel good and confident about being Americans after the disaster of George w bush president .

Obama really tried his best to work with republicans and they constantly smeared him as an incompetent boogeyman socialist when he was more of a pragmatic centrist . He tried his best to represent all Americans and had to tread lightly on being a super liberal because he didn't want to be labeled as some wacky uppity black president .

Truth be told , Obama was a really articulate and well composed president who helped Americans through one of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression . he was a well composed and thought out complex man .

So long Obama. I will miss calling you my president

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No, fuck him.

No, fuck him.

No, fuck him.

No, fuck him.

>No, lynnch him.

Only racist people hate Obama, he saved America's economy from collapse.

Even with the obstruction he has done much more for this country than Reagan ever did.

>Inb4 Reagan ended the Cold War

He didn't, East Europe and Gorbachev's naivety did.

>Always had Americans best interests in mind

I voted for him in 2008 and it was probably the dumbest thing I've ever done.

Obama was 8 years of American absence from the world stage.

What state/county

Apart from destroying Libya and starting the refugee crisis

fuck that nigger

Red and red.
Still regrettable from an ideological standpoint.

you will have to try much harder than this

Libya was mostly France wasn't it?

i wonder if trever blew obama before or after the interview because he sure as hell was slurping on obamas nuts the whole interview.

the shit that has happened during his terms including the current situation in syria and his reaction to the last terrorist attack in belgium? make me think he's an absolute scumbag, a true piece of shit

ew gay

>Always had Americans best interests in mind

Stopped reading right there.

Meh, 8 years is a long time and he did seem promising

Hell I voted for Labour back in 2010

ohrly leaf?

Nope, America also encouraged the Arab Spring and turned protests into rebellions

>Obama was a really articulate

No, fuck him.

I'm just looking forward to the complete meltdown when republicans who control both the executive and legislative (and soon the supreme court) continue to ruin the US without having Obama to take the blame. I'll be fucking delighted when these inbred yokels are thrown into the meat grinder that's going to be the Trump administration.

He embraced BLM over right of law. He made it illegal for Americans not to do business with some of his cronies.

Regardless of whatever else he's done, those two things are abhorrent and permanently make him a nigger

Same here, friend. Even if I live in a state where my vote wouldn't have mattered even if I had voted for McCain that year. I'm honest to God ashamed to say I did.

We all have our sins to bear. Proud to say I didn't make the same mistake in 2012, but 8 years' perspective is enough to see he really accomplished nothing except "avoiding scandals."

And that may fall through pretty soon too

Barack Obama deserves to be waterboarded to death while his feet and genitals are cooked with a butane torch.

the double standard is just stunning, and now to hear Republicans making excuses for Putin is amazing. Its never Treason when Republicans do it. America was within days of complete collapse on Sept 18 2008 and the Republicans were only concerened with making Obama fail. Treason.

he is a handpicked half-jew half-nigger: a token president, who achieved nothing

obama did even more than bush and clinton to make the presidency a vulgar and meaningless office

every time I think 'a nigger is president' I just remember that america is an illusion

King nigger literally told the border patrol to stand down and now we are being flooded with mexicans more than ever right before Trump comes in

Fuck him. People forgot the Milwaukee riots but I never will.

Quick question, does the Today side factor in inflation? I ask because if factored for inflation, the real median income number of $57,744 in 2008 would look like $64,731 in 2016 dollars. Similarly the median net worth would be $142,030 in today's dollars, if adjusted for inflation.

Obama just put a more charismatic face on Bush policies and liberal retards who can't think for themselves ate it the fuck up and let Obama get away with starting 6 gorillion new wars in the middle east without so much as a whisper of descent.

Anyone who praises him is a literal piece of shit.

if a white man acted like obama, he would be invisible, like wallpaper

in other words, obama is totally irrelevant, that is how people are supposed to act at all times

it just seems surprising in obama's case, because he's a fucking nigger

>Sept 18 2008

Obama was sworn in January 20, 2009.

Obama: the token diversity his whole life. Little accomplishment outside of politics

Trump: built a massive brand across widely different market sectors, from very little seed money

I'm really interested to see how you calculated those numbers.
I'd also remind you why inflation has been so dramatic over the last 8 years.

I don't think they'll ruin anything but they won't won't do anything either. Can't wait to come back and hear the excuses after he flops around for 4 years.

>I feel some real deep down sympathy for Obama . Always had Americans best interests in mind and republicans were set to fuck him ovrr since day one . Obama made Americans feel good and confident about being Americans after the disaster of George w bush president .
what's it like to be brainwashed
Obama really tried his best to work with republicans and they constantly smeared him as an incompetent boogeyman socialist when he was more of a pragmatic centrist . He tried his best to represent all Americans and had to tread lightly on being a super liberal because he didn't want to be labeled as some wacky uppity black president .
If you believe this I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you
>Truth be told , Obama was a really articulate and well composed president who helped Americans through one of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression . he was a well composed and thought out complex man .
You're not really this stupid right OP, you're really just trolling us right
>So long Obama. I will miss calling you my president
I won't, he wasn't my president

Stoped reading after that kek

>Obama was a really articulate and well composed president

>Unironically posting a (((Vox))) article

He honestly was not a horrible president, but his race baiting shit should have never happened.

>Zimmerman trial
>"he could have been my son"

>Ahmed Mohamed clock incident
>"cool clock, bring it to the white house"

By being president he increased the racial divide

f obamacare

No it was "appeared absence" but with all the increased drone strikes and black ops going on he was a more war mongering president than Bush

Why has inflation been so dramatic over the last 8 years?

Depends on the definition of ruining. US will survive Trump, no doubt, but he's going to be even worse for the poor fucks in red states than Obama.

He's been a complacent leader. The spying programs, fast and furious, benghazi, libya, syria all under his administration. Bill got impeached for sticking his dick in an intern, Obama didn't and he was spying on us.

>Well at least having a black president will reduce the racial divide
>8 years later
>SJW's have almost taken over all aspects of media
>Walking a thin line now where hate speech could be made illegal soon


>Quantitative Easing.
>Borrowing massive amounts of money.
>Taking in massive amounts of illegal immigrants and not deporting them

This isn't even partisan, this is economics. Some of which is very basic supply and demand.

And now liberals are shrieking in horror that all these programs will be handed off to Trump. It's pottery.

>MUH legacy

Fuck that nigger and fuck his Obamacare crap

I hope his legacy will be forever tarnished in scandal

>Obama really tried his best to work with republicans
He went behind their backs to pass shit healthcare down and fucking opened the door to refugees and 5 million illegal immigrants


No, fuck him.

except for arab spring, libya, increased operations in afganistan and iraq, increased operations in south america, increased operations in the south china sea
basically, you're fucking retarded

If all you see is tokenism than it is you who is the problem.

>I'd also remind you why inflation has been so dramatic over the last 8 years.

yeah being consistently under 2% is certainly dramatic

And this is Obamas fault?

quit being a fag OP, he did what every shit Chicago politician does. he kicked the problem down the road with massive debt and over regulated creating massive oligopolies.

sounds like Illinois to me.

he ran America like Chicago so fuck him.

Telling illegals they can vote, and bitching about white privilege in kenya. Muslim brotherhood, and going to a Muslim school in his youth.


Three reasons:

Because the US Treasury has been flooding the economy with money through bailouts and QE to deal with the depression.

Also when Apple pays the chinese for making iphones the money actually stays in the US because there are no property guarantees in China.

Last, companies are stealing from consumers. Commodities are at their lowest price in history, the savings are being pocketed instead of passed down to you.

He is a decent man and President, the rest of you are traitors and Russian shills.

No, skin him.

That's my favorite part. 8 years of black president = racial tensions at highest point in decades. It's as if he and his administration have actively sabotaged national unity.

Obama gave the order for border patrol to stand down some time ago

>Obama isn't a socialist
>which is why he crippled health insurance plans nationwide in a backdoor socialized medicine scheme and tried to take everyone's guns

Fuck, he even went and toppled a couple sandcastles for no reason just like bush

You know what you must provide.

Obama would have lost if he had the same qualifications and was a white male, same way Hillary would be a total NOBODY if she weren't a woman.
>THANK GOD SHE LOST. This makes me so happy EVERY DAY.

People voted for Obama because of white guilt.
He is the long-legged Mac Daddy, and an extremely unremarkable, phony-ass-hell politician. Glad to say I voted Johnson in 08.

Thank you senpai.
Obamas inflation has done terrible things to you. Can i walk into your northern border freely now?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the Average Consumer Price Index for a calendar year. The ACPI represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. This value has been calculated every year since 1913.

The data is collected over 180 categories that they group into 8 major groups.

>Food and beverages (ham, eggs, carbonated drinks, coffee, meals and snacks)
>Housing (rent of primary residence, fuel oil, bedroom furniture)
>Apparel (men’s shirts and sweaters, women’s dresses, jewelry)
>Transportation (new vehicles, gasoline, tires, airline fares)
>Medical care (prescription drugs and medical supplies, physicians’ services, eyeglasses and eye care, hospital services)
>Recreation (television sets, cable TV, pets and pet products, sports equipment, admissions)
>Education and communication (college tuition, postage, telephone services, computer software and accessories)
>Other goods and services (tobacco and smoking products, haircuts and other personal care services, funeral expenses)

>Always had Americans best interests in mind
His cabinet was hand picked by Citibank. Go fuck yourself.

Printing money to intentionally induce inflation as a form of wealth distribution (by retroactively lowering the real value of both savings and debt)

Policy aside he's much better speaker then Donald will ever be. Always carried himself with dignity, well mannered and diplomatic. Worked out and looked like a man - no comparison with fat ass trump.

>Worked out and looked like a man

This thread is about Barack, not Michelle.

That's what i was looking for.

fucking snow mexicans. You may not bring in rape, drugs or crime like your southern brothers but you bring sympathy to rapists, drug dealers and criminals. Two sides of the same coin.

>Anyone else feel genuinely bad for Obama ?

Absolutely not. He's the biggest narcissist POTUS in history. And he's the Drone President on top of that. Killed many innocent people.

10 pound lat raises are barely working out at all, much less like a man


US inflation should actually be spiraling with the trillions of dollars printed through qe since 2008. It's more surprising that your inflation is a lot lower than it should be but that's just because money is just being moved from bubble to bubble instead of trickling down.

Please do humanity a favor, kill yourself.

After you die, find a way to kill yourself again.

Annex us or stfu.

Obama became president after Bush. You could have nominated any random Democrat and he would have won so your pic is basically retarded.

Trump became president by running against the second most unpopular candidate ever by securing razor thin margins in key places where said terrible candidate was overconfident.

That said, Obama isn't nearly as bad as the retards on this board think. Mediocre if you ask me. As for Trump, only time will tell but it's not looking very good.

Anyone saying Obama saved America's economy can go eat a bag full of dicks. The Federal Reserve has pushed off economic collapse through a combination of quantitative easing and 0% interest rates for most of his term. Coincidentally, that's also the longest period of time the Fed has EVER held 0% interest.

The economy had zero to do with Obama, and 100% to do with currency manipulation by the Federal Reserve.

fuck no then we would have to unfuck and uncuck your country for you. Youre on the fast track to Sweden 2.0. Enjoy your muslims.

this is the third thread ive seen today with this exact copypasta

He's going to prove how bad the last administration has been if he takes the bait.

Well after you are done with yours it shouldnt be that hard for ours. Think about all our resources desu senpai

It was either that or letting the banks fail and set the us economy back 100 years. There are no other options, look at the EU and the time they took to start doing QE because hey look, turns out doing austerity during a depression is a really fucking dumb idea afterall.

No, especially after the way he behaved when Hillary lost.

In the end he just went full dindu. Also, Trevor Noah is a delusional niggerfaggot

It wasn't the republicans' fault that he failed.
He failed because ((((a) certain people))) didn't want to share their wealth with poor gentiles.

Obama isn't black. He has no African American Heritage.

>Obama was a really articulate and well composed
lol and now you got toupee man. what a fall!

I will view him in hell on fire for eternity and still feel nothing but disgust.