Reddit is a fucking dictatorship

This is what happens when you have fucking lefties running everything.

We all know they heavily censor top subreddits when it comes to politics - such as news, politics and have made efforts to censor The_Donald (it's become a cringe-fest, but still).

But even beyond politics, these fascist fucks will ban you for anything.

You cannot go into the NFL subreddit (preferably with a Patriots flair. The equivalent of being a Trump supporter) and have the audacity to have an opinion that goes against their bukkake fest they participate in every thread. You simply can't. It's only a matter of time you get banned after enough people report you, doxx your profile for ad-hominem attacks and other classic lefty tactics.

You can't go into most subreddits seeking help without having the post removed for violating some trivial, retarded guideline that you're expected to read all 25 of before you post.

Other urls found in this thread:

>reddit is (blank)
Who the fuck cares?

i find it funny how r/science and r/philosophy ban anything concerning racial realism. those people are too soft that even objective science is too much for them to handle

I got down voted and got a warning once for giving reasons why Harry Potter is a bad franchise.


You have to go back

Nobody cares faggot

>and people call Sup Forums a hugbox
anyone from any insignificant puissant nation can share their opinion here that's much better than reddit

What the fuck is objective science? Sounds like psuedoscience pushed by Goebbels


>anything that triggers me was created by le nazis
you sound like a redditor

>you sound like a redditor

Just a swedish "man"

GTFO back to Lebit you fucking leaf

Reddit is an imageboard where you can't post images in the comments and you're not anonymous.

What the fuck is the point of reddit?

Since I found out r/politics, r/worldnews, r/news and SCW moderators are literal jews and communists, I only use reddit for porn...

You swedish Faggot

Yes, this is old news. What's the point of this thread?
>1 post by this ID

only a faggot turk would use reddit for porn.

>You cannot go into the NFL subreddit

You have the CFL, Leaf. Stay away from the NFL stuff - you've been told before.

>he uses reddit for anything else other than news

using it as a forum is only asking for problems OP.Its the normies HQ of the internet.

Who gives a shit about that cancerous SJW-fest?

Personally, I've never used it for anything and never will.

Reddit has always been trash. Why does this surprise anyone? Go cry to someone that gives a shit.

>unironically thinking reddit is good for news but not anything else

Reddit is flawed. Having content rise to the top only if given enough votes creates a culture of circle jerking. Dissenting opinions are immediately met with downvotes.

Earning upvotes triggers the autism in the sperglords on that site so it makes them steal content from one another to gain more and creates situations where they cross post information on other somewhat related subreddits to gain more e-points.

Any time a celebrity dies you can expect the entire front page to be littered with threads about it.

That site really is the most bland, vanilla forum there can be.

The abundance of Jews, leftists and faggotry makes Reddit quite useless for anything else.

racial reaslim
aka racism
just because your beliefs are accepted by this board doesn't mean they are valid

>all this blogging
it's a shame this community can't get rid of you either

The abundance of turks in turkey make it useless for pretty much anything except a nuclear test site

Are you offended?

no just being truthful. Mongol turks are not much different than kikes.

Rake yourself, Chang.



Game is up, Juden.

/r/denmark has become pretty nationalist. Not full on Sup Forums by any means, but still much further to the right than mainstream media.

>a fucking leaf

Fuck you. Bandwagoning faggot.

I will make fine lampshades out of your leaves

Israel appriciates the oil turkcunt


I left Sup Forums for Reddit like 4 years ago. I'm just now coming back to the Chan because of exactly what you just described. Reddit has turned into a bigger shithole than 4chin ever was. I'm glad to be back and around people that have differing opinions on things and are actually allowed to disagree with each other and get angry about shit and be passionate.


go back to pleddit, we don't want you here

I was a fan since 2001, when I was 6 years old, you dumb cunt.

>saving the world from gypsies and jews is barbarism


Sure u were, canuk.

/r/hiphopheads has been a real pleasure to browse during all the Kayne x Trump headlines.

This is a sub full of college white kids who get their news from Comedy Central and Kanye was their God. Top level mental gymnasts.

everyone knows reddit is a shithole.

downvote things you don't like, upvote things you agree with

leftist mob mentality.

if you sort anything in politics by controversial, red wing people get so many downvotes that their comment isn't show while drumpf comments get many upvotes

reddit was shit from the beginning

>the Chan

Kys rfn


right wing*

>Look at crime statistics
>First instinct is to rationalize it away
>rationalize it away
>Poverty rates
They all start with the preconceived notion that they can't be wrong and work thier way back from there.
These are the same idiots who think the wage gap exists due solely to sexism


Dude FUCK HHH. I got banned from there and BPT just for posting on TD

Has your sister been raped by muslims yet, Hans?

Go to - his fans are on another level of faggotry beyond saving. He's not redpilling anyone. There's only a few nigs who see it as "O maybe he can convince Trump to magically make our communities better! Get rid of da rayciss system and more gibsmedat" - oblivious to the fact their communities are shit because of niggers being niggers.

Not yet but she was chased by an apparently ehtipoian rapefugee on a bicycle (she said he was wearing adidas sports suits, was short and thin-hungry looking so I guess its an ehtipoian nigger).

She was going for a walk around our village as she used to do. Cant do that anymore.

This happened in juen. She had to run through the forest to escape him, calling the polcie they gave my sister following advice: confront him that you dont feel safe him following you xDDD

My favorite is the so-called "shadow ban". It was initially a great concept for stopping spam bots, but for the last few years it's used more to silence inconvenient political ideas. They don't even have the balls to come out and say, "you're banned".

Reddit is cancer and is dying a justified slow and painful death.

germans can't even save their women from being raped bu sand niggers

>Brings up valid point.

No counter point just brings up the fact that the poster is Canadian.

>I'm really stating to love you canucks.

Honestly. Reddit is an inferior site, quit shitting up this board with it.

>When lefties run shit they censor things they don't like

....N O S H I T

Yes because the Germans of today are the same as the Germans of WW2 you stupid nigger.

Please consider suicide Jamal

Reddit is cuck central however I was shocked at how Sup Forums tier the comments about the "beige horizon" video were in he Canada subreddit

Perhaps there is hope even for reddit

>Blaming liberals for doing something that they literally learned from conservatives.

germans of today are just a gaggle of casstrated cucks. No wonder your women do not want to have your children.


>valid point

What point?

...and why the fuck do you go to reddit?
Goddamn it, Sup Forums. I thought you said that colonising reddit was going to be beneficial to us.

Why cant germans learn from Israel and treat their rapefugees like this?

or like this

Because we are constantly brainwashed since 1945 into hating ourselves.

in 1965 the Kalergi plan was reactivated.

You "won" the war, yet you suffer the same symtoms we do. The jew is a strong enemy.

It is psychic torture to live in this country as one of the last not only real germans by blood but also by mindset and worldivew.

I hate this life

>Reddit is cuck central.
>Has never been to any of 4chans porn boards.
I'd be careful throwing around the word "cuck", you might offend half the cucks who browse Sup Forums.

Because Sup Forums is so much better? The place where dissenting views get nothing but sage and insults in replies.
If Reddit is a dictatorship Sup Forums is a democracy, not that is a good thing.

This. Saging and downvoting is the same fucking thing no matter what Sup Forumstards believe.

>It is psychic torture to live in this country as one of the last not only real germans by blood but also by mindset and worldivew.

Americans aren't as cucked as germnay. We elected trump. you fags will elect this cunt again.

Go back to feggit you fucking cock sucker. You're definitely a mudslime shitbreed or a gook slope bitch. Go fuck your mother you goof

I bet you even posted to default subreddit. Kys senpai

>Getting this triggered.

Fuck off reddit faggot, you dont belong here.

Back to plebbit

>gets shit on for his shitty opinion
>gets his opinion removed so no one can reply to it

One of these is not like the others, Argienigger. The Brits should've used the Falklands as a base to nuke your nigger country.

Good, i refuse to believe that 80,000+ people upvoted this gif of a nigger doing the old "OH LAWDY BRUH DAT SHIT LIT" Kevin Hart routine that every nigger who ever attended/flunked out of a public school does

I thought it was funny racistly though, so I upvoted it

Islam > Feminism

Sorry ladies, only weak white boys will buy into your Feminist bullshit. For the Muslims, it's Taharrush for you!

The comment section is full of "like wow black people are just so funny and magical, look at the sense of wonder in his eyes!! So cute, lolcryingface okokok fire emoji"

You have to go back

Yeah Reddit was pretty hilarious during the election seeing the far lefties and shillery leftists fight amongst each other throughout the whole election and then pretend they all supported Hillary and don't understand why Trump won. Fucking SJW fest garbage website. Putting all news together on one site was really a great idea, but its fucking terrible with the kind of bias they have. Fucking lebet man.

You have to go back.

>learned from conservatives

Al Gore's wife started that shit.

It's exploitable -

Seriously, it would be so easy to fuck their shit, with minimal effort. And there would be nothing mods could do about it.

At least they're disagreeing with you. Would be a different story in the default subs where the ultra-normies reside

>Reddit is a fucking dictatorship

it's a private company, I don't care what they fucking do

the problem is the userbase is so retarded they actually think that a platform that large isn't monetizing their psychological power to influence decision making

Seriously, this. The way they 'just love black people and how they talk hahaha fire bruh we lit' is, in a way, a lot more racist than what most people on this board posts and they have no clue at all.

You all have to go back and never come back.