A woman is being charged criminally for lyrics in a song which constituted holocaust denial, with the law citing improper use of public electronic communications network & the communications act 2003
A woman is being charged criminally for lyrics in a song which constituted holocaust denial...
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Jonathan Goldberg, proescuting QC, told the court: 'The very reason this charity is making an example of this case is because of their disappointment that the Crown Prosecution Service have investigated 15,442 cases in recent times, but only 12 of those cases have involved anti-Semitic hatred.
So what are the lyrics
I don't think it would even be safe to copy and paste them with the way this country is going in recent years. But I believe they're on her Youtube page at youtube.com
Here it is. This is illegal in Bongland. Think about how much power Jews have in society that they can make something like this illegal.
Watching it makes me even more confused. How can someone get criminally charged for this?
Jews trying to SHUT IT DOWN because the internet is massively increasing people's knowledge of their lies. Saying we run all the major political, media and financial institutions? DATS ANTISEMITIC GOY GO TO JAIL
Did you not catch the new anti-semitism laws May just implemented?
White nationalists are cringe as fuck.
I've never seen anything in my life like the reaction you get when you publicly deny the holocaust.
Really makes you think when they freak out over it so much.
>private prosecution
Prussia should have won WW2 with nukes
>I don't think it would even be safe to copy and paste them
One of the saddest and most terrifying things I've ever read on Sup Forums.
My phone auto corrected WW1 to WW2, fuck this shitty crusade for righteousness only war that ever mattered meme
He's just a pussy, I post whatever the fuck I like without a VPN. People should not be afraid to even type the truth and question lies
The people they prosecute are always fools posting this shit on jude websites like Youtube or Facebook attached to their real information with their face displayed. Dumbfucks. Meanwhile the redpilling goes strong with those smart to use anime avatars and nothing that connects to them
I'm surprised this thread isn't on fire with angry Sup Forumsacks. Thought crime is quickly spreading across the West, and msm is pushing hard for it in the US.
Op, please consider making this thread on 8/pol/. They understand the danger of this.
I've posted on image boards for years and been very careless compared to how precautious I am now. I never considered myself a pussy, I'd just rather avoid a criminal record.
Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
>that nose
this is literally the most obvious whatcha doing rabbi
So her song isn't ok but a song literally called "I hate fucking niggers" that is nothing but singing about how dumb, stupid, poor and criminal black people are is allowed to stay up?
rly makes u think
god damn fucking Jews.... they're gunna try and cash out on this as long as they can >muh holocaust
>i'd rather avoid a criminal record
Pussy, that pointless job you have under jude control to keep you down is totally worth it.
Just bite your tongue all the time, say and think nothing about the invaders being imported into your homeland. Think nothing about super inflated house prices, debt culture and rising cost of living to keep you poor.
Be a good fucking goy, they are obviously watching you on a fucking chinese cartoon website as well. Great job actually thinking that you walking fucking vagina. You're a disgrace.
(((Charity))) - Zionists mascaraing as non-profit entities
Still makes no sense. In 1914 it was the German Empire, Prussia was only Königsberg. Unless you mean Kingdom Of Prussia, a separate entity.
>Bongistan is now 1984
>only a finalized Trump presidency can defeat the EU now
Weeks-old news phampyre. Directing energy at this is futile, Bongistan has no free speech or democratic mandate. We just have to hope neo-Thatcher will be sufficiently cowed by Trump-sama's populist free speech movement
How can we help her?
I'm a literal neet and don't give a fuck about anything. I know they're probably not watching me but I'd just prefer to err on the side of caution. I'll continue to speak out that I believe in freedom of speech, but I'm not going to the slammer or paying a fine, not bloody worth it.
fuck her. help the future of western civilization by making this kind of censorship known
>Weeks-old news phampyre
My bad. I had homemade burgers last night so I'm especially passionate about freedoms this morning.
Instajail in Germany. At least 6 months on probation.
I'm with
We need freedom of speech even if it's things society doesn't approve of. You go down a slipper slope into tyranny and dystopia when you see continued 'speech' and 'surveillance' laws coming out year after year.
Jew here. Makes me glad we have the first amendment in the united states. I find it shocking this sort of thing is a crime abroad. If we dont protect controversial speech we will never be free, just under the thumb of whomever gets to decide what is controversial
>under the thumb of whomever gets to decide what is controversial
controversial or "fake"
That quote was not by Voltaire.
>To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?
Kevin Alfred Strom, "All America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us" (1993)
Is it weird I want to fuck her?
>Making mendacious, dehumanising, demonising, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination (e.g. by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour).
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterise Israel or Israelis.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
So they're angry that more people aren't being charged for anti-semitism... not that it's.. wait so do they want it to be there or not?
Bless her sweet little heart.
How convenient that only links on Google are left leaning sites all clamouring to say its only neo nazis saying that and there are 'no records' of anyone else saying it
Very fucking convenient
It's just a silly little song, take a pill.
>deny jews were Egyptian slaves because blacks were kangz
>100% OK
>deny the Holocaust in bongland
>get put on trial
Kikes try to make this sort of thing illegal in the US, too. We just say no. There was an anti-semitic bill that just got denied a few days ago. Gas yourself, rat.
Her yt channel is a goldmine
Google's going to have the power to wipe and alter history soon.
Why do you think every liberal institution in the world is clamoring to stop this swing in power like it's the end of the world?
Becuase for them, it is, they were -->
UK is the closest to a police state of any european country currently.
So when do the Bangladeshi police begin rounding up Muslims for saying that Israel should be incinerated in a pillar of fire?
You could always just scare them away with a rolled up newspaper and the garden hose when they show up to arrest you.
It's hard not to be angry. But we're going to need the mischlings' help when this all comes to a head.
Is that Swiss? Based mountain Jews.
Surprisingly talented, smart, and knowledgeable. It's good that people will see this.
Kek imagine just how wimpy the average Bangladeshi must be, that they fold like a wet paper bag when 37 constables arrive with low-strength mace and rubber batons to cart them off for writing sexually insensitive and anti-Semitic slurs on their TV licenses
Anyone arrested for shit like this should simply repeat the words "If I am being prosecuted for opinion or inquiry, then I can only conclude that the public is being misled" in court over and over.
Damn my new phone hasn't been trained to autocorrect to Bongladeshi yet
I agree with this. Police never bother with this shit unless either 1) they have reason to investigate you for something else and just want to fuck you over for something as a threat, or 2) someone else reports you, meaning they either have your contact info or real name
I'm not going to lie, this shit is fucking insane as an American. Like I'm in disbelief reading this article. God bless the first amendment holy shit
Why is anyone surprised?
No country, other than the US, guarantees the right to free speech. Others might have "free speech," which includes limits against gender, race, and religion.
>those brackets
My sides
The more they do this the more holocaust deniers they'll make.
Oy vey this woman must be gass-errr sent to the gulag for her crimes!
This is exactly right.
wtf when did holohaux denial become a crime in britbongland?
>The state should have a monopoly on bringing charges
Fuck off commie
>private prosecution
Jesus fucking Christ
You're living in hell
Thank the fucking lord Trump won or not even you'd have that.
I'm impressed
it's like anoddha shoa!
There is literally nothing wrong with private procecution
>Help Bolice I'm been crimed, I know who it is and I can prove it.
>Bolice: Ye nah aint got time for that m8
Oy vey! It's annodah shoah!
When will the filthy kikes stop trying to make slaves of us in our own homelands? Will we ever send this menace back to the desert forever?
France and Germany are just as bad.
>not a dystopia
will she be my ai girlfriend?
aww, they shoad her tweeter
notice how they call her a "blogger" in the article? not a comedienne, or musician
DM is kiked
>be Britbong
>make law deniers get busted.
>Happy Jews
>muzzies/Christ/Hindi/ shriek
Muh rights???? gibs me same!
Piss off
Not true
i have no fucking clue who the people in the first photograph are.
the monster in the second is rothschild something
I was a Sup Forumsentlesir for the longest time and still go through my VPN. It is more for data collection than LEAs though, you can't arrested for posting lyrics to a song dipshit
The further down this timeline we move, the less certain newer generations will be of the holocaust meme.
I'm not exactly denying HC outright. But it IS fucking weird that it is even needed to have such stupid laws to protect it in the first place.
Watching the media and western governments lie through their teeth about the situation in Syria right now. Makes me wonder about the past and how we perceive it
The universe also isn't a mass of grey entropy
Yep. I think its even more than 6 months.
Well shit I didn't know that they officially admitted in 2016 that the Anne Frank diary was written by her father
I just got red-pilled by this silly song *_*
We are so cucked by ((((them)))) it's unbearable