Today, marijuana is legal in my state.
I have fucking finals and all I can smell is weed, even if I close my windows. For fucks sake Massachusetts is a hellhole.
Today, marijuana is legal in my state.
I have fucking finals and all I can smell is weed, even if I close my windows. For fucks sake Massachusetts is a hellhole.
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Good night sweet 'murrica.
masshole here. what school faggot?
Weed is so overrated. I mean, it shouldn't be illegal, but the people who act like it is the quintessential gift from God himself are the lowest of the low
You're a fag but it was more fun when it was illegal
I know. Some Bernout in my college chem class wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. I hate potheads, man.
leaf decides to not be a faggot today
>blaming your inability to study on a smell
go to the fucking library you idiot
The smell is one of the worst parts about it. It's so heavy and takes forever to go away. I don't give a fuck if you want to smoke weed but this is where it starts to encroach on other people.
Agreed, people who act like it's the best thing ever are usually losers. Stoner culture is a disease but it's been dying since 2005. Today's smokers are average joes who just happen to get high.
This is part of the upside of legalization, actually. Once it's becomes normalized, the majority of people won't treat it like it's anything special and slowly the DUDE WEEDs will wither out.
Decriminalize any substance and provide therapy instead of punishment and people start to lose interest in it.
Heh. Leaves being leaves. Stop being massive faggots and do what your parents paid for you to do at college.
You were going to fail anyway, I can tell from your pathetic shitpost
yo bro u want sum blaze, chill bra come zmoke with uszzzz, we on dat good shit u feel me dawg, you gotta rilaaaaax?
Maybe it's for the best that I stay where I am in New Hampshire
>what is a scholarship
hey, not OP but I'm at uml.
Like you're going to keep one when you're busy smoking weed. Please.
I feel you
I was a degenerate weed smoker for like 15 years. I quit two weeks ago and will never touch that shit again. I am so ashamed of my degeneracy. Evil fucking devil plant needs to be eradicated from the earth.
Remember if you hate weed you are a normie
>t.Guy who never smoked weed before
The free market will fix it
University of Brockton
>Done with finals
>Enjoying legal weed with qts on campus
>OP is raging alone in his dorm room because he has to study instead of jerking off to anime tiddies.
Get cucked
Am I weed if I hate normies?
Someone red pill me on legalizing weed is bad?
Less crime.
Fun time.
Reminds me when alcohol was illegal.l, you just have to not be retarded.
Sup Forums really has changed, huh
I'm not even really against weed but I don't want it stinking up my room. Go fuck yourselves losers.
Stick it out bro. You'll come through. Smoke when you're finished.
>I can see his sperm count decreasing by the minute
At least won't reproduce
>Once it's becomes normalized, the majority of people won't treat it like it's anything special and slowly the DUDE WEEDs will wither out.
I fucking hope so, yes you smoke weed, and I do, but for fuck sake this is nothing to be proud of
t. Kid who didn't go to college
>yellow fever
Race mixing degenerate.
Must be wonderfull
How the hell do you hate the smell
3 semesters fag. Nice try though.
Seriously smoking is nice, but that is all. I work 50-60 hours a week and just want to use what practically acts as a painkiller for me.
Smoked weed nearly fucking every day since I was 19 years old. I'm 32. I believe that I did it to self medicate health problems that couldn't be diagnosed. Now that I am fixing my health issues I have no desire to smoke that shit. And I am disgusted by former self. Who knows where I could be today had I never smoked the herbal Jew.
if i take your weed away will you die?
>muh finals
Pretty sure thats how it works bro roll yourself up
I'm glad it won't be legal here for a long time, nobody relevant is talking about legalizing it
I thought it was ridiculous too until I was actually able to use it medicinally. My spouse and I smoke a lot of weed, several times daily. My spouse had some issue that the doctors couldn't diagnose that was causing them to have constant nausea and burning in their stomach, digestion issues, constant mucus building up in their throat and gagging them- they'd have these awful two hour long coughing fits some nights where they'd cough up blood and stuff. Anyways, the weed made the symptoms totally disappear. At the time I was annoyed with all of their constant smoking and didn't believe that it was really that important for them to constantly be buying and smoking weed, but then I ended up very sick, unable to eat or drink without throwing up, and this was lasting for weeks, so he suggested I try smoking and it really did feel like magic, as soon as the high would set in it's like every symptom was gone and I felt 100% normal and healthy. It really blew my mind, I still think weed has a ton of downsides, but it was really such a dramatic effect that I can't not think it's a really special, powerful plant.
>this is a point of pride for him
the worst thing about weed is the shitty culture and (((lifestyle))) associated eith it tbqh
I really hope it dies now that it's losing it's essential coolness
Wait but Kush is Haram?
>In college for only a year and a half
>Expert on all things college
>what is college in progress
Your brain on weed, folks.
> I can smell is weed, even if I close my windows
Then maybe put down that pipe sir...
Vaporize weed, don't smoke it
Smoking it is like setting off an indelible stink bomb
I smoked and sold everyday and graduated with honors, you are a retard and a loser
Enough time to see all the weedbros are massive losers who will graduate and become coffee bar baristas.
She has severe gut dysbiosis. She needs to rebalance her biome. Lots of fiber. Water and coffee. No fucking soda and no fucking fast food. You need a top tier probiotic. Also look up phage therapy.
You're a faggot. I smell weed whenever I'm in mass. Making it legal doesn't matter.
Not as overated as the other shit.
If caffine is added all the "bad side effects" go away
Sounds like your problem os living in an appartment and not the qeed
Kek I remember when I was a teenager I would smoke weed sometimes and my mum found like 0.5 a gram when she was searching my bedroom
She literally said to me
>if I take this away from you will you be okay? Are you going to need to go to rehab for the withdrawals.
She still to this day truly believes weed is as addictive and deadly as heroin.
Massachusetts is a perfect example of the hell holes liberal create. It's getting so bad that a lot of them are fleeing the state.
Weed is only good as long as it stays illegal amirite
Why do you need redpilling on it? you obviously have your own views, why do you need someone else to tell you what to think?
Are you retarded? It's pretty obvious his problem was weed you fucking idiot.
Exactly. Smoking should be on the same level as drinking some beers after a days work, not..
Double check the use of pronouns, bro.
I know what I think, but I want to know why others think it should stay illegal. Being informed on another opinions, whilst still having your own.
>Who knows where I could be today had I never smoked the herbal Jew.
Still a 32 year old loser blaming others for you problems
This, only so widespread now for novelty's sake. Weed's the new Pokemon go, it's just a fad.
Stay high stay lifted broski : D
>I'm not like the other stoners
It's real bad in California, and I'm not even particularly close to a college campus. Now that it's legal to smoke in private all of the degenerates feel the need to continue breaking the law by smoking in public.
Not even close to a loser fucking faggot.
Weed kills reading comprehension, as evidenced by your post. He blamed weed, not people.
Wow that's interesting we hadn't looked into that at all and we really searched the web hard looking for possible causes.
This was last year, and at the time our diets sucked and they were drinking a pretty heavy amount of soda. Since then we've cleaned up our diet a lot and the issue seems to have gone away, but I'm not positive because we still smoke frequently. They used to wake up so sick they would throw up immediately and so they'd always need to smoke immediately, but luckily they wake up feeling normal these days. Thank you for that info!
Caffeine added to what?
You guys all sound like such whiny losers. I live in Oregon and not once in the year that it's been legal have I smelled any pot smoke coming from anywhere.
I don't smoke though
But I am addicted to Sup Forums
That is one of the worst home made bongs iv ever seen that has to work like shit
>wtf i love weed now
My spouse makes bongs exactly like that all the time but with plastic soda/water bottles, works perfectly fine. We don't even have a piece either, just one of those spring coils at the bottom of the wall by the door with a little foil bowl and holes poked into it.
you shouldve posted the webm too OP
I mean drink coffee when you smoke or anything else that contains caffine also for medical use weed should be eaten not smoked or vaped to get all the medical benefits
I once met a guy who had weed leaf tattoos, would listen to songs about weed, would talk about weed was saving the world, ironically looked up to the trailer park boys and was a complete loner at the age of 36
So no, I'm not like that faggot and never will be
What is with this influx of fucking teenagers shitposting about muh school/muh finals/muh semester?
Fuck off.
>kickin the leaves
Yea but thats a ketchup squeeze bottle he didnt take the cap off he used a copper pipe with nothing to stop the weed from falling in and sealed it with what looks like chewing gum lol
Yeah that's about how i feel on the issue. I use marijuana on occasion and support its legalization. I hope that stoner """culture""" will die off as it becomes a mainstream legal part of life. Sort of in the same way there isn't really an alcohol culture (craft beer and wine snobbery notwithstanding).
>like my clothes smelling clean as a virgin whore
>That suavitel pays off senpai.
>Some faggots are smoking weed somewhere in the street and the smell hits me
>Fucking stoners
>Clothes get impregnated
>disgusting weed reek replaces the fresh clothes smell
>Go everywhere stinking like weed
I fucking hate stoners, if i could spike their supply as they did with heroine i would gladly do it
Who the fuck wears that tight jeans as a guy, he must have the smallest dick and balls.
Fucking reddit
Jimmy Nutron sure has changed over the years.
Oh good to know, we've actually switched to pic related which I like but I'll keep that in mind for medical benefits.
Checked, it looks like foil to me and he might also have put some type of foil filter in there as well.
Stop posting that filthy sweaty bitch.
Close your window and stop being a whiny bitch. 420 blaze it.
Because everyone here is a fucking faggot.
remember weed is jewish mind control to keep whitey degenerate and docile
lmao faggot. lemme guess, you wear autism new balances as well??
why dont you kill them OP? i would.
user didn't give you that (you).
Good luck on Finals.