Is it true that Brazilians must pay taxes for Netflix and Spotify?

Is it true that Brazilians must pay taxes for Netflix and Spotify?

Yes, also for everything else.

So, is Lula gonna become president?

If he doesn't get arrested before, yes.

Wtf???? I hate my country now!!!!

We will from now on. Well, we can always pirate shit, i guess.

How much are you going to pay for taxes?

Now? Yes. This country has been going full retard lately.

enough so netflix isn't affordable anymore for lower class people, and the party that taxed it will incite people to oppose the rich white man from the opposed so-called rightwing party who doesn't want them to have netflix... truth is, the so-called rightwing opposition is actually moderately authoritarian mid-leftwing, our most rightwing party is the fucking green party, which is just filled with delusional environmentalists and potheads.

>our most rightwing party is the fucking green party

No. Bolsonaro is our rightwing party.


We have to pay to use Sup Forums

Yeah, that's the reason why I stopped using it last year when the tax index was so high.

It's good to be back though.

Damn all those 55 and brch fags here.
Also Bolsonaro 2018!
And fuck you mamaefalei!


I only wish the massive hate he gets is actually just hot air from the media like in Trump's case. I've been slowly educating people I know on why he's not what ellen page and jean wyllys say he is.
what is wrong with mamaefalei?

Well, Bolsonaro actually said a lot of controversial shit, like "I'd rather have a dead son than a homosexual one"


Still has my vote though.

when someone tells me that i say it just means he's catholic, and sees homosexuality as a sin. He's free to do that as long as he understands everyone sins and treats homossexuals in a respectful way, which he does(cue in that old video of him and clodovil).

I'm sad that this monkanon speaks the true

>claiming a authoritharian statist who has flip floped on stances his entire carre a rightwinger

wew lad, you think PSDB is rightwing as well?

He lurks here and calls everybody even fellow lolbertarians like me of Olavettes. Well Olavo is one of my favorite conservatives authors and intellectuals. And yet it didn't change my views in fact he opened my mind to many things. :^)

You are taking my shitpost very seriously.

How can you survive around hues?

Brazilians, redpill me about Temer

So they paid for that 3% show?

Master of politics, genius of diplomacy and artist of betrayal.

But yeah, a member of the establishment, he's trying to save his ass from the corruption scandals.