Who else here comes from reddit

Who else here comes from reddit

I do. I come from r/the_Donald. Most of these epic alt-right Sup Forums users are just joking around about hating Reddit. We are like a mentor to them.

>Who else here comes from reddit


Fuck off

I've never been to Reddit. And while I welcome newcomers to Sup Forums, many redditors seem just terrible - please don't say faggot or nigger

I came in your moms pussy faggot. No way you came outta there, she so tight. You had to be adopted


Do you guys actually unironically hate Reddit? Do you know there's an infinite number of Subreddits that aren't all normie brainwashed hiveminds?

I like this comment. Can someone tell me how to upvote it.

I use both because they're both equally useful and terrible.
>tfw /r/Kanye exploded yesterday

Op confirmed cuck. kys pls

I'm gonna kick your ass



>redditor here


PICTuRE of nice asian man because AsIAns ARE nICER ThAn YOu WhITEYs :D!

haha i love that subreddit! so many dank memes haha!!!!


i came here from facebook and IRL conversations get rekt fags u don't even seek out knowledge you just wait for it to come on a plate and then you slober all over it like the disgusting pigs you are. absolutely ridiculous, not even going back would save Sup Forums from the likes of you it would be better if you all just offed yourslves now. don't ever think that just because u larp around on le reddit that you get a diversity of ideas and knowledge reddit is a shithole and 100% of every single thing posted on that site is absolute garbage, misinformation, and just plain wrong. you shitheads waste your time advocating for complacency, moderation, normalfaggotry, and non-extremism on a board that could be powerful without the room temperature iq ballast that is you bastards. dont ever mention this shithole on my board or this site again or i will wreck ur shit on day of the rope and everyone on leddt will be v& by right wing safety squads coming to douse you in various flammable liquids i sware on me mum m8s u need to stop and reevaluate your life. absolute cancer.

No your not.

But I guess I can't speak for "alt-right" fags. But the fact that you claim their is a alt-right means your a idiot.

Anyone who claims alt-right is almost as bad as the new wave of "commies"

Go back faggot

>your a idiot.

yea i came from a r/Sup Forums post that linked to an r/the_donald post

you guys have le epick maymays xD

i wish i could upboat all of you but this old site doesn't use upboats

oh well, have a le epin bup xD i love this sub, wish you can all give me big cummy wummies

Show me one subreddit that is as redpilled as Sup Forums and not a cringefest.

I came here when r/niggers got banned

The problem with reddit is the voting, which prevents true anonymous free speech from taking place. But they'll never get rid of it because it's the whole point of the site.

For a while there were no user accounts, comments or subs. Just anonymously posted links being rated anonymously and it was good. Of all the crimes the worst is subreddits. They are intentionally created bubbles for groups to reinforce their retardation. Reddit is now worse than Facebook and should be deleted.

Redditor here. You guys are real cringe with your whole exclusive club thing, but hey whatever makes you feel special! :D

Go back.

>elect a president who will be doing mass deportations
>Exclusive club is cringe!
The redditor lacks basic cognitive skills, and is a cancer wherever he steps foot.

I'm actually not a Redditor. Good thing I got you so so sooo salty though.

Sure pal. Good cover for your broken logic.

3 year Reddit member here. AMA

I always wondered what attracts people to reddit? Must be autism, maybe getting bored of playing with dad's buttplugs all day


Hello all.

I started coming here because a friend told me it was a good place to find memes to repost on Reddit for karma.

He was right!

Although many memes here are far too offensive for Reddit there are many like the frog stuff and the white emotional character which really get popular in some places

Unfortunately many of the meme frogs have been used in racist context there are a few cute ones still if people don't automatically associate me with racism.

(Fellow redditors please share with me some of your top posts you've made and how many upvotes youve gotten.)

Face it, /Pollack. Those of us at the_Donald are like mentors to you and this board.

Go back. You're cancer.

>And while I welcome newcomers to Sup Forums

Why would you want newfags here though?

Honestly, redditors make this a better place bringing civility and a fresh perspective.

Serious discussions and intelligent witty remarks are the hallmarks of Reddit. You can learn a lot from them.

The problem is most newfags probably come here just to shitpost and spam epic Pepe memes.

No that's what oldfags do. The most intelligent responses are almost always those from Reddit who are conditioned to make meaningful posts for fear of being downvoted.


I don't understand this Sup Forums meme, isn't the pepe punching the screen? fail...

Fucking this

a bunch of fucking faggots

>implying I'm not on it right now