Lets meme total Argentine victory on the second Falklands war

Lets force the Argies to take back Las Malvinas, but this time with total deadly force on the first invasion, killing all british residents and military on the islands, leaving none alive.
Based on how cucked the UK currently is, there is 99% chance they wont respond with military backup from the mainland and NATO


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fuck off

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

you wont win this time though. unlike last time you have muslims to worry about.

God almighty relax man. It's just a bit of banter. None of us actually take this shit about clay seriously.

>A law passed by the Argentine Congress says public transport must have signs saying "Las Malvinas son Argentinas"(The Malvinas is Argentina's)
The argentines really care about it though. The UK should give it up if it doesn't matter to them. Plus imagine how much busier and prosperous the islands will be underneath Argentine control

>Based on how cucked the UK currently is, there is 99% chance they wont respond with military backup from the mainland and NATO

You know this was the exact reasoning for the first invasion? You saw how that went buddy.

It does matter to us, there are Brits living there and have been for a hundred years at least, also busier and prosperous Falklands is an awful idea enough natural beauty has been Shat on in the name of civilisation already. Won't any one think of the penguins.

Bump against the anglos

Bump by responding to my valid points maybe you barbarfuck

Argentina's entire military could attack the island and they'd still lose.

I understand the need to fight for something, but the Falkland islands are kind of useless

Youre not white kill yourself. The Falklands is Queen's land.

Fuck off sand nigger.

South America's Tyronest child beat you at your own sport. A fat commie nigger who can barely speak Spanish crawled out of his piece of shit slum and defeated you. Never forget that, brit. Pic related.

The first war had zero casualties during the start of the invasion because the argies were soft. This was a mistake because the residents that got kicked out have a reason to return back.
If you kill the residents this time, then the brits would leave the islands for good

Digits say kek approves of the random chaotic nature of this.

>The man we widely regard as one of our greatest ever players is a subhuman
I don't see who you're trying to insult here, Belgrano

>Be shitty south American 3rd wold shitpile
>Killing unarmed people in an act of aggression 2,932 people
>thinking the world wont fuck your shit up back

Not too smart are you lad?

If the argies went full Tuvalu on the permanent residents the brits will lose interest on the Falklands and give the Argies the Isles naturally
The real problem with the Malvinas are the permanent residents there not the british military. Sorry Argies you have to go full paraguay on the Falklands if you want your penguin Islands back

It's pointless. Why travel 300miles sacrificing mento try and subject the people of some island with sheep to your rule for little dividend.

>implying killing innocent civillians would not prompt international assistance and then the mainland invasion on the economic shithole that is argentina
>the first war had zero casualties during the start of the invasion
Go back to living in youre shithole bit of the world where everybody forgets about until you get wiped out every 2 years by a natural disaster, fucking mong

You're right, I doubt you people would find it insulting that a nigger bested you, when the average brit citizen of the 21st century looks like he belongs in the cover of National Geographic

>2016 and beyond UK
>fucking anyone's shit


You know we're building two carriers right?

You really have no idea what you're talking about, the defense force of the island would be enough to stop the entire Argentine military at this point.

seriously are you like 12?

>You're right, I doubt you people would find it insulting that a nigger was the best your country had to offer
This line of attack is a really bad one, my african friend

>wants to fuck off from the EU
>wants to leave NATO
>thinking anyone cares about the brits at this point
you're pretty much Rhodesia to the UN atm m8


No really. Don't think about the South American niggers: it's the beggining of the Sup Forums Antarctica Exploration Program! Check ma' digits.

When did Britain ever want to leave nato,
also what the fuck would the EU do to help apart from attempt to charge membership fees?

Your country is full of niggers and sandniggers. We barely have any africans. Get your facts straight, shithead.

We do have lots of descendants of native americans, but the only place where they're relevant at all is at the welfare office or at a football field. Unlike a certain island shithole I know, where they had to leave a certain union because of their uncontrollable nigger problem...

>We have barely any africans

-the carriers are stationed at the mainland which takes about 10 days to arrive at the falklands.
-the falklands are lightly defended by the brits. there's
less than 1000 staffs stationed there
-the argies will go all out on the first day. all 500 000 of them.
-utter annilihation of the brits in south america is the only way the falklands will permanently belong to the argies

Uruguay stands with UK, we are uncucked to the end, Argentina is nothing more than a child throwing angry tantrums.

Macri is another thing though, he is a gentleman, he might help the poor fools argies.

>laugh now
>a couple of decades later: God save the King!
>pic related

Leaving the EU reduces trust from european NATO members. Meaning they're less likely to help you when shit hits the fan.

>all 500,000 of them
>size 46,275
you really are dense

Like we need them to btfo of you retards.

>implying we would need france and spain to back us up anyway

You're so fucking delusional m8


Argentina couldn't even defeat the Congolese navy let alone ours.

Now kill yourself Diego. You will never be white.

For all you simple fgts.

If the people of the Falkland Island's decide to be Argentinian they will be.

They choose to be British.

So you will get fucking owned if you try anything Argentinians.

Britain could handle a nice patriotic easy war again, it does wonders for our moral.

>Argentina being able to get 500,000 men to the Falklands in one day

Honestly you really are retarded

He's from Malaysia, it's only natural for him to think the third world is relevant

stupid malay trash

why are all malays such trash?
your genes must be literal trash
your islands are trash
your country is trash
your culture is trash
your fucking hairstyle, whatever it is, is trash

>TFW all those sacrificed men for nothing
>will never reclaim them
Well shit


the independence was a mistake, now enjoy your "freedom".


Malaysian posters confirmed retarded.

Rule Britannia, God Save the Queen, God Bless the Emperor Trump

So if Spain put 1 million ppl in Granada and they voted to become part of Spain, you would be ok with that?

That's what I thought.

And you can't handle shit without asking Obama and Merkel for permission, so shut up.

Why does nobody live in that relatively large swathe of land?

>Top kek
My sides!

>If the people of the Falkland Island's decide to be Argentinian they will be.
>They choose to be British.
So the problem is with the people. Time to replace them then

>what is reserve


I know news is slow in the 3rd world but shit....

>but this time with total deadly force

Sorry but the constitution says it has to be done without a single killing

>So the problem is with the people. Time to replace them then


Las Malvinas son argentinas, and Argentinans are white. Brits are muslim niggers.

Hows your battleship doing fags?

Because the brits ban any Argies from entry. Of the 120 000 requests to enter the islands in 2014, almost 90% are from Argentina.

The 300 people that live there are british military

Argentinian fags BTFO


Bitch, we settled the Islands before you were even a country. Just because Spain once claimed it doesn't mean you do.

Learn the full history, nigger, you are a meme lord, it changed hands many times

It's hilarious how obsessed Argentinians are with Britain. How does it feel to never have contributed anything noteworthy to humanity at all? You are literally irrelevant third world scum. Crawl back into your rainforest.



Your military is pathetic. We don't even need our carriers to completely annihilate you.

It would be like Mexico trying to attack the US.

As a neighbour I can confirm that Argentina is literally bolivia 2.0

Watching the Argies get BTFO for a second time would be hilarious.

If we are truly Muslims and you are truly mexican that would increase the chances of you being beheaded by 500%.

So wind you neck in Paco.

>another Falklands war
As a somewhat impartial observer I have to ask why the fuck Argentina would want that, it's simply not a conflict you can win

>Implying the Argentinian armada can launch so much as a dinghy in anger without the Sea Lords knowing about it


>if we are truly muslims
you truly, very much are

>you are truly mexican
i am


nah, argies are sufficient that they alone will make that -100% and ensure that las malvinas become part of argentina and that britain never sets a sail forever until heat death :^)

praise the queen btw

>Your military is pathetic

>the falklands are lightly defended
they have a nuclear submarine and anti-air batteries there now , the moment argentina come back for round 2 , the submarine commander nuke Buenos aires


if they do that there will be such a massacre in the UK that mohammedan heaven will have a waiting line that lasts over trillion years

>this is a 10/10 in britain




boys dont go so hard on the "british"

This. The garrison on the islands has all kinds of AA missiles and probably a sub or two in the area that could sink the Argie navy then flatten Buenos Aires faster than you could make a cup of tea.

>currently BREXITing

dont try it you white bastards!

I would much rather be a full goat fucking Ahmed than an argie, as would most people.

you wont even need to move troops , the garrison of the falklands will take care of them , you will just have to enjoy the mushroom cloud of Buenos aires



>most people
thats because most people are either gook rats or muslim shitskins who would say that out of defensiveness

i don't think you understand how fun argentina is

>b-but i have a nuclear submarine!!!

Literal subhuman third world scum think they can match Britannia

>bb-but muslims a-and ugly girls

Stay mad cucks. I honestly wish you would try to take the Falklands again. We could use a good laugh and boost to national morale with Brexit going on.

You'll be too busy building the wall and paying for the privilege to notice. Try not to get kidnapped in the meantime.

if a 2nd falklands/malvinas war happens, can we help the brits by invading argentina?

muslim turd thinks he stands a chance vs argies lmao

I won't notice because argentina would shit on britan faster than word could get out

>islands conquered by spain
>islands left to argentina
>population of argentines in the island
>britain happens
>muh empire
>kick everyone out and plant their fat asses on a couple of islands they don't need
>"it's rightfully ours"
And before you say "we discovered them", by that logic we should all give the islands to the French because they were the ones who set a colony there first.

How many nuclear subs do you have Tyrone?

what about this
do you think the trend is gonna reverse? you are gonna colonize other countries in the near future, margaret? or maybe the trend is gonna keep going and you are gonna give back malvinas and make your kids send apology letters to argie kids?


Sure bro

Effeminate men and poverty, I don't really see the appeal m80.
>Projecting this hard

how many climates do you have????
shitty and rainy?

All of them

>wanting two western nations too fight each other

fuck off kike

>thinking a muslim nation is "western"

>makes fun of germany
>look at how much you lost

im quite sure thats old

And yet here you are speaking English.

except unlike germany they let it go , they didnt lost it cause of war

We should re-instate Britain as our rulers once again! Long live Britannia!