I am russian. Ask you questions
I am russian. Ask you questions
Other urls found in this thread:
are you a hacker?
How does it feel to be the world's eternal Bond villain?
pls don't hack me, cykablytTrumpWarror007
Why did you hack the election
stop yelling at me in Dota
"I know your kind, always sneaking about."
Why did you hack the election?
how many heroes of might and magic 3 games have you won in the past week
If a tree falls dawn in the forest, did Putin hack it?
Obama isn't black :)
Will Ovechkin ever win his Stanley Cup?
Should I go to sleep?
Is current Russia much different from the CCCP?
Why do you hate almost every other Eastern European ethnic group?
Give us are freedums back you evil hacker.
Is Putin a good president?
How do I become a paid shill for the Russian government?
without a timestamp you're just a proxy nigger
You look like an underage faggot. Get out.
How would you feel if we hacked your politicul system to elect an orange CIA-shill to office huh?
19th post best post
Pochimu ti pohozh na malinkogo pidara?
Go back to /soc/ Sup Forums or whatever shitboard you crawled out of you underage b&
when was the last time you listened to Basshunter?
Also, how is your life in Russia?
Why are all Russians niggers?
>a Swede linking to nightcore
I remember when I went through an autistic phase of liking it for about a month and then I realize it was just a really vivid nightmare
Ask Vlad if I can come live in one of his commie blocs so I can roleplay as a STALKER for a few weeks.
Are Russians aware that a huge amount of the US doesn't believe the whole "evil Russia" meme being pushed by the MSM?
Пoшeл нaхyй
Why did you hack my breakfast?
do you have a looser butthole from squatting all the time?
Go fuck yourself retarded attention whore.
I'm 31. Please help me, I'm about to get married to a member of the opposite sex.
that's what a hacker would say, tovarich
(Don't hack me, pls)
cute Russian
What non-Russian music do you listen to?
do you speak spanish?
Stop taking uppers and stop watching anime
I'm visiting moscow and st petersburg for a few weeks pretty soon, what should I do?
Who are your top 3 heros in DOTA
Шпpoтa зaвeзли
Russia and USSR is real crap
I piss in your mouth, go back in the 2ch
In government work and infrastructure, yes.
People aren't much different.
Ivan, why are you of hacking migrant too rape?
Plz no hack me.
There some Majority German Part in Russkie where i can Migrate to ? German Wörk German obey rüls
Not accusing you of being a hacker, but do you know these men?
have you played STALKER games?
>Russia and USSR is real crap
>dumb bydlo barely speaks English
>sends me to 2ch
Kill yourself schoolkiddy.
нy и кaкoй oни тeбe вoпpoc мoгyт зaдaть тyпaя внимaниeблядcтвyющaя дoлбoeбинa
eщe и гoвнoглaзaя
здecь нacчeт пoлитики peчь идeт a нe oцeнивaют cтpeмныe кapтoфeльныe eбaльники
Russian science is amazing! They have everything.
ur a propaganda poster
What do the russians think of Estonia?
i fucked the wife of guy on the left
I've only been to 2ch once, but I've noticed that you can unban yourself for money and they have a karma system
What the fuck is wrong with you, faggots
at least you know how he will try to kill you
How long have you been squatting today
Russian Elliot Rodger?
>I piss in your mouth, go back in the 2ch
Jesus Christ mate, just fucking off yourself or go get an education.
Heil Hitler!
>aready balding
Go for macaque passkod suck, chukha
Should I move to Russia? What is it like there? I am very interested in moving there, or visiting there.
>tfw Putin hacked fluoride into my water supply and now I can't into science
Cyka Blyat?
Answer my question >:[
Is is Russian or English? I have no idea what you've just said either way
Do you suck dicks?
Russia is just as Latin America there is still cold
When are you going to gib Salla, Petsamo and Karelia back to us?
Are you a Nordic Russian or Slavic Russian?
Is Putin a good guy?
Do you like Trump?
Where to Migrate to in Russia as a German with Phd ???
nice try hacker
no one believes your disinfo statements
Why did you hack the election?
Кaк дeлa?
Literally underage.
delet this
Call CNN AND BBC!!!!!!!
Red alert!
Journalists infiltrated major alt right hacker underground Sup Forums and obtained
Picture of russian state hacker !!!
As soon as you join the glorious Empire again. :^)
Adventure with girls
I want to make baby with russia girl and leave
Not much profits in it, other than to see (((your))) owners propaganda as it is.
Kislovodsk :^)
H@ХХOЯ spotted!
How bad or good (but I guess bad) is life in Russia?
Alright, this is act of war. I think we should just kick your asses again and take them back. And take even more land for us, Greater Finland is here.