
Other urls found in this thread:

in.getclicky.com/in.php?site_id=101010235&res=1920x1080&lang=en&type=pageview&href=/&title=Finding Assange - Wikileaks Insurance Files Release/More Podesta Emails&jsuid=3527557414&mime=js&x=0.6993119372001568

Oh boy, it's not like every single countdown site in history has been fucking nothing!

i wet my pants in waiting.

I've been let down many times this year but not all the time.

If someone's gonna release damaging leaks, today is literally the best day for that if you wanna prevent a Democratic takeover of the electoral college.


bump in case


here we go again.

It's going to be nothing, like the last 9001 times


And I'll be here for try 9002.



Anyone remember the "Rantic Media" fiasco with the timer that ended with #ShutDown4chan?

That was one of the most fun times I've had in years on here but nobody brings it up. People were posting dancing anime .gifs and stories like "Ebola proven to be savior of white race on foxweekly.

Here's to hoping.
Praise KEK

>nobody on Sup Forums cares
Big (((surprise))), no?


K. I'll promise to try and give a shit in 5 hours.

I hope its something but its always nothing.

watch it be another anti abortion video.

inb4 assanges deadman switch was bullshit and nothing gets released


I am ready

Guys this is a trap..

in.getclicky.com/in.php?site_id=101010235&res=1920x1080&lang=en&type=pageview&href=/&title=Finding Assange - Wikileaks Insurance Files Release/More Podesta Emails&jsuid=3527557414&mime=js&x=0.6993119372001568

getclicky logs your IP's


it maybe a honeypot or other shit. Seems very shady to me with this countdown hype.




get decides if true

I guess it remains true: "If it sounds too good to be true, then it is."

Sorry Julian. We failed you.


Sup Forums logs your IP as well, dumbass. Most websites do.

Asange's deadman switch went off a while ago but the coordinated attack on American internet blocked it.

Why would this site need any IP addresses?

am dumb


Sup Forums's internal logs are alot different than some random website.

is he dead?

The site is using a "Analytics" service that logs and tracks your IP address. Why would someone need that if to do a release like this.


Maybe, but Wikileaks is compromised and that's why they will never release the most damning emails.

Because they want to identify all the low IQ morons who fell for this troll post so they can weed them out of the gene pool.

It's literally fake

>Sup Forums's internal logs are alot different than some random website.

No, it isn't. They both track your IP you fucking idiot. By your own logic, Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically is a honeypot. As is wikipedia and almost the entirety of the internet.

simple overview to show which country people are from

With the way the NSA does things, literally all of the internet is a honeypot.

Why the fuck are people worried about their IP being tracked? You should be using a goddamn proxy if you want any expectation of privacy. That's the bottom line, fucking cucks.

It's not just a honeypot, but also probably another attempt to discredit wikileaks by releasing fake evidence of crimes from under than brand name. Interesting how they claim to be anons who've broken into wikileaks' database. I guarantee you the keys released will be to unlock the fake insurance files we were given after the raid in October. I guarantee you we will still not see any of those Clinton Foundation emails. Guarantee Wikileaks won't resume using their PGP.

Report and sage this shit on site, anons.

Who the fuck cares about this Australian dindu?

>Why the fuck are people worried about their IP being tracked?

You apparently aren't aware of just how tech illiterate this board is. We're talking about the fucking retards that thought that one of those encoding auto-fill glitches meant that Clinton was sick and using a hologram.



WITNESSED! kek mit uns

Fingers crossed but expectations low. The 15K Podesta emails are of no interest but the insurance file passwords are.

At this point any further email leaks that are not containing knock out evidence of some wrong doing is only going to fuel the (((MSM))) fire against "fake news".

in which ways?

OpenVPN is so goddamn slow!

podesta and brock are being set up to take the fall for the entire scandal. yall see brock's story on his back taxes?

>You should be using a goddamn proxy
>uses a US based proxy
Yeah no worries user, you're privacy is totally safe

Julian looks like he should be taking up residence in a cave near the summit of a mountain soon. Soon the suit will be replaced with a brown monk's robe and shepherd cane.

No I did not see the taxes story but not a surprise. After the whole p1zz@gate situation and Brock's ex boyfriend being the owner of C0met I thought then that this is the beginning of a potential scapegoat.

>find in gas ange
>find and gas angie

posting from phone

>countdown timer website
>a happening of even slightest significance

my experience on Sup Forums has taught me that these terms are mutually exclusive