MDE Appreciation Thread

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Season 2 is still possible...

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Hello sam ur gf sounds dumb and ugly as fuck

Bump. We're going to need this shit if the coup happens. Keep up the good work, bad goys.

>bad guys

I like it

Bad goys

I will do anything for $40,000

He's trying to save western civilization asshole


I won't buy the book because it has a bluepilled title.

What do you mean


doesnt get better than sam and MDE

i get high off seeing new content has been uploaded

anybody have a link to pdf so i can try before i buy?

his ideas for s2 near the end were pretty good

this is my ideal relationship


Fuck off, Sam, stop shilling your shit here. Nobody likes you.

Who's that gorilla dick daddy?

Book is sold out in physical copy you lout. Find a solution immediately.

this, I don't read pdf


Second edition soon. Gotta wait for the announcement

He's gonna be on the Dick Masterson podcast this week.

Fucking pumped.

>MDE Appreciation Thread
Why? The show is shit.

eta 6 months

Then bug kff

No. January 2017

What show, you fucking faggot? ''MDE'' isn't a show. They've done more than World Peace.

Already bought the book. Bought the show on Amazon.

That's actually part of the reason they brought back family guy is that people bought it.

The Amazon copy still censored?


>They've done more than World Peace.
And nobody cares.

what is ideas man, college dicks, etc?

You're retarded if you think world peace is comparable

I believe the title was conceived before Trump won. Obviously Sam is pro Trump

What did he mean by this?

He said that if Trump wins the book will no longer be relevant.
He has been working on the book for years.

He's a fan

I still think it's a funny title. Did anyone get a notification that their copy shipped? Ordered mine on Vapes and haven't heard anything

Was wondering the same thing. I got an order confirmation but nothing else. How many were left when you ordered yours?

>Sam has a gf
I thought he was one of us

I ordered back in Oct. Got an email on 11/30 saying they'd send out a tracking number when it ships. Haven't heard since

>Yes, goy, buy my book.

The book came out at the perfect time.

He thinks CN and CNN are the same. Based Obama.

Well they said the shipments begin on the 15th. So keep an eye out

I have checked them


>how about mcdonalds?
>fuck you

I don't understand the appeal

Fuck off Sam and stop jewing out your show to Sup Forums.

I think u r looking for r9k

I think shipping is priority + signature and it's arrived at the stores. If I had to throw out an accurate guess, all next week is when they'll arrive. Dec 19-23

Some might arrive after Christmas but I know he said at least 1,000 copies will be shipped next week. Priority is 3 day shipping.

Sup Forums and /r9k/ have the same demographic as user bases

Quads dont lie
Wtf I hate MDE now

Watch Billy and the Clown 1 and 2. Then you'll get it.

I can stream it on if anyone is interested.
It's something like 5 hours long.

To stop the Zog-machine we have to use unconventional means.


>priority + signature
Yep. 9 bucks for shipping.

If you didn't grow up reading MAD magazine, it'll be hard to understand the appeal.

It's like Madtv for adults.

It all makes sense now


Daily reminder: That cuck Heidecker stole the idea for Cinema on the Cinema from Red Letter Media. Pretty convenient he came up with an almost carbon copy of Half in the Bag after being a guest star.

[as] is probably already regretting listening to that guy

Modern day mad

It has a Tim and Eric vibe with the trippy camera angles and shit but at its heart the comedy reminds me intrinsically of a MAD magazine that would talk about things in the most absurd and outrageous fashion. Of course it was more oriented towards children so it's more about spy vs spy and splinter-infested toilet paper.

Half the reason i bought the book was because the humor inside it was like MAD magazine but adult oriented.

Sam next time please shut the memespouting faggot up while you're doing your stand up.

otherwise it was pretty solid


Probably. Everyone should spam their twitter with today's Red Panels

That cunt needs to sell his book on Amazon.

Id absolutely buy it then, in a heartbeat.

Vapes is the only site that wanted to sell it.

Gumroad has KSTV and the ebook. But to ship the physical yeah capes was the only one okay with iy

anybody have a download link for the ebook?

Buy the book they have one after you buy iy

found a link on /lit/
can't afford groceries senpai

>MDE uses Tuvalu domain
how deep does the rabbit hole go?

>Buy the book
Fuck off Sam

You talking about the most recent gig he posted?
It was pretty good minus the retard and baby impressions

Ohh because he should just do it for free

I guess I'd have to see scans, I liked Mad. The youtube videos in OP are pretty bad though.

I always assumed that manhattan poster was either shkreli or one of the trump sons. You have no idea how disappointed I am to learn you're just another poorfag.

Just another poorfag


I've never liked you sam, you've tried to jew the jew but you've been outjewed.