Nuke this country.
Nuke this country
not everyone's suicidal
>implying Russia could land a single nuke on US soil
Pay denbts pasta greece.
yes, Russia can do that. That's why we can do whatever the fuck we want. We can influence your presidential elections, invade other countries and you will take it like the cucks that you are.
You didn't influence shit, Ivan, and all you invaded was a couple small fake countries that were always yours in the first place.
Keep up the good work in Syria though.
t. Neocon Zionist Jew
>That's why we can do whatever the fuck we want.
No, you do whatever you want because Obama is a pussy. That's why Iran takes US hostages and we pay them billion dollar ransoms. Those sand niggers don't even have nukes.
Russia = Slav
You don't know about Russia's secret technology, they could nuke anyone
If its true that Russia influenced the elections and exposed the corruption in our government that we all sensed but couldn't prove, I thank Putin for it.
Those aren't real slavs, check the heels.
Karina is that you?
Marco Travaglio wtf are you doing on Sup Forums?
Russia has always been a shit country, when Europe was settled they moved to the coldest most forested part of Europe they were outcasts and inbred that is why they fail at integrating with the rest of us.
т. butthurt mexican
This. Russia is one big trailer park.
>implying balcans where slavs origined and colonised from is the coldest place in europe
>and all you invaded was a couple small fake countries that were always yours in the first place.
oh the irony
You wouldn't know as your history books were burnt and banned and your forefathers story's were influenced by genocidal murderers so please don't comment on the Diaspora of Europe.
You couldn't land a single nuke. Air Force nerd here. You launch one we blow it out of the air before it even gets 1/4 the way up then we neutron bomb your country. Your best chance is a submarine and well your submarines are dilipidated pieces of shit
But we like you guys so chill
The USA and Russia are going to be good friends within 10 years
Lol you are gonna lecture me about history, emu rape child?
Hack this country.
Give the MSM a few days and we will see. Obama might let it happen.
No, dont lie to yourself. We are never going to be friends at least while nato exists. Nobody likes us here and wishes to see you nuked into nonexistence
Just stating the facts, why is the standard of living so poor in Russia? Why is there massive inequality? Not quite as bad as Pajeet's but still for a white race it's nothing to be proud of, what has Russia given the rest of the world? I don't see anything made in Russia in the modern day? You should just join the EU and catch a train to learn how to do things properly.
No they can't.
>MFW Hillary drops off the face of the Earth and the ENTIRE Westerns MSM stars crying MUH RUSSIANSSS!!!
They're are such spoiled babies that they will kill us all.
Satan 2
Also you can't stop 99.9% of Russian nukes flying your way all at once
Don't worry borscht nigger. The US is coming to liberate you!
>Russia = Slav
>1 post by this id
>Convict descendant shares his thoughts on nation which lived on their lands for thousans and thousands years.
t. Hillary Clinton
Hillary pls go
Cretin, i got a shirt with putin on it
K, where do we wait you? Where are the marines going to land in the middle of fucking winter?
We always had parasites, and inequality was way worse in Russian Empire.
>This is what he really believes
>Nuke this country
Surprisingly, that would improve it
I'm not Russian but I grew up in a trailer park so I can relate.
>no job
>hang out with petyr (Billy Bob) and vladimir (cleetus) all day
>have trashy gf that I fuck all day
>fuck her mom while she work at cashier grocery store
>twobrokedowncars.jpg in driveway
>go to community college at night but failing remedial maths
>mom is former whore, always drama at dacha
There a sort of freedom living like that. You might be poor and dumb as fuck but There is a bliss to having something new and interesting happen everyday.
You are stating a very correct problem. I talked to some of these parasites. They plainly hate all of us. All of us. And they really believe that they're unstoppable, that they have their RIGHT to grab their millions, that it's how the SYSTEM works, that they are just winners. That's horrible ideology, and it must be exterminated. Those people are a real problem.
In Soviet Russia
Country nukes you
Australia was the convict colony, not New Zealand. We have the highest human development index in the world and everyone wants to move here including Slavs from Russia. We don't let them in at all as they are always responsible for crime and credit card fraud etc. But seriously Russia is just a waste of Natural Resources I would much rather the USA be in charge of the world scene. They are educated and actually give back. Russia is all about Potato's and Vodka they have no class and are generally not liked. Their posting standards on Sup Forums are a Joke, it's like they don't teach literacy there.
Yeah we can. We know exactly where their nukes areYou'll be part of nato
We'll band together to deal with extremist
Just watch
No, you literally can't and you know only about ~40% of their launch sites. If they fling via north pole you ain't gonna stop shit either.
(Ah, and yeah, if you want to nuke Russia, plox Nuke Saint-Petersburg, not Moscow, since all that type of scum sits there.)
>believes in Holywood computer enhanced animations
Get off the Internet you autistic child
Yes we do lol. We've known for a while
We don't want war with Russia
The average American respects and likes Russia
We see Putin as kind of a joke but they see trump as a joke
Together we can rule everything and we will brothers
kek. Real tough guys, aren't ya. Russians would destroy the United States. We are a country full of Marxized pussies.
Russians won the Cold War. America is already infiltrated.
Fuck you op I was born there
Lol u cant know that. We have nukes in trains riding around 24/7 so u cant track them.
And we dont need neither you nor your pet dogs from nato. We will do it ourselves like we always did.
Daily reminder that Russians are mongols and not slavic.
>Americans believe this
As if it is smth bad.
We'll invade in the dead of night while you're all shitfaced drunk and beating your wives. So basically it could come at any time.
Your crooked government would probably march you all into the gas chambers themselves if we paid them enough.
You see always fitting the Archetypical Mass Murderer. It's like Slavs from Russia who are cold and hungry have this Vendetta against the rest of us who are actually furthering humanity. Literally Cancer.
Lul so much buthurt here. Seems like u ve been a victim of credit card fraud made by Russians. He-he-he.
>Russia is just a waste of Natural Resources
Well come and retake em, dare you?
>Russia is all about Potato's and Vodka
>it's like they don't teach literacy there.
You show zero knowledge about Russia and complain about Russians illiteracy. Notice: generally Russia bought more potatoes then sold till 2015.
>They are educated and actually give back
So russians are uneducated and Muricans are educated. How did u made that conclusion, my kind sir? Watching Hollywood movies? ha-ha-ha.
>I would much rather the USA be in charge of the world scene
Like someone cares about your opinion.
> Their posting standards on Sup Forums are a Joke
Yup lets get rid off russia then.
Being this fucking narrow minded. Jesus.
One day Iran will get a starter pack of their own.
No, its just like we want all of you to fuck off and leave us alone. But you never do, you head into my country on and on, fucking eurohomos.
But why, Mexico? You are my greatest ally.
Just what the nazis were talking about before they were grinded at moscow and stalingrad. The corrupted government, the inferior russkies.
Well, history repeats itself
This is what your grandfather is doing right now. You should go back to making more Viruses and Credit Card Scamming while the rest of get to fuck classy women who shave their arm pits.
>We can influence your presidential elections without actually doing anything to influence your presidential elections
What a world, what a world. This timeline is the shit; think I'll stick around.
Fair point, but they think we hacked US election, Brexit and whatnot.
Ok, Reading text, seeking arguments and sharing conclusions is a hard thing for you, i got it. It was a clear thing from your 1st comment tbqh.
Its just a meme, nobody believes in that.
>t. Autistic, Russian spergoid
Again, the west is looking for a boogeyman and an enemy to keep their faggot electorate calm.
>we'll do it ourselves, like we always did
Russia held the world hostage for food rations and imports for damn near a century.
Why cant we all just get along?
It's my birthday today please dont fight with each other
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
I only wish we could build some stable relationship, but it is impossible till ur under total kike control. Form a truly pro-white govt and me personally will be your agent of influence forever.
Happy birthday m8)
They didn't have jails full of niggers to unleash on you and your women.
Wish you die of every kind of cancer, traitorous dog
naw we will nuke this one
hahaha even Russians hate on each other. The Vodka must have Antifreeze in it tonight hahah.
Happy birthday! I don't want a war between us either.
US is not homogeneous, only globalist left is pushing whole this Russian boogeyman, not only because they need one, but because they actually want a war with us. But globalists are not all west.
He's right you know.
As long as he suggested his service to another country he is russian no more
western spy on the far left, look at heels
He's being facetious
Do it motherfucker,I dare you.Now pay everydaybitchhh
These imagined enemies are false, the world is rapidly heading into a Globalised State that has made Militaries and Nuclear redundant, we are fucking each other and creating new nationalities and offspring that is making the world a smaller and happier place. The whole antiquated idea that Russia is its own on Dog is bullshit. How do we infiltrate the mind of these Autistic dogs and show them that having a bit of fun and dancing the showdown of the West is liberating as Fuck?
>Vodka, Babushka, Matreshka tier.
>I don't know what is ISS
>I don't know who carries most of our astronauts there
>I don't know what's satellite and why ppl need them
>I never knew Russian scientists and inventors
>I have no idea who's Mendeelev
This man is dumb, you know.
>implying russia has nukes in the North poll.
>Implying my bunker made out of polar bears in the North Poll is weak enough to fall to a meager nuke
Stay globalised as far as possible from my country, convict descendant
t. enslaved goyim.
>What you mean? Someone assasinated a Rotschild? THIS MEANS WAR!
There is nothing to protect, no reason to be so insular and depressed why don't you get a passport to Ghana and see how much better life is doing a Tribal Dance? Create some weird radioactive children with them? Eat food that is nutritious and actually look like a Western Male rather than a Pear? Step up nigga your game is shit.