Brit/pol/ - We don't always get what we ask for edition

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>Antisemitism now illegal in Britain: Theresa May confirms at PMQs today that the guidelines below will now become OFFICIAL government policy for policing hate speech

>Why we need an English Labour Party

>George Galloway: "Stop pretending that in a capitalist society, free movement of labour is anything other than a recipe for driving down wages"

>Tory Councillor who offered to donate "the steam from his piss" to Jo Cox banned from party for four years

>Isabelle Hard-on warns against Fake News™

>Douglas Murray writes on Jo Cox being used for political gain

>King Cuck: Brexit doesn't have to mean leaving the EU

Other urls found in this thread:

They may have banned National Action, but we are stronger then ever, and it increases every day!

Heil Hitler!

join the imperiu, lads

>They may have banned National Action, but we are stronger then ever, and it increases every day!

You're banned, dissolved, on government watch lists, and now illegal forever due to terrorism laws as well as antisemitism laws. You have been destroyed. You could not get any weaker if you tried.

When will Sup Forums accept that the fight as been lost?



cuck your sayin just give up and take it cause its hard now what a fag


They already have.


Why? The fight is over. You should have fought 50 years ago.

You didn't even break 100 people. What makes you think the government or media establishment will allow you to exist?

It's not "hard" it's impossible.


covert action also there not gone to charge people with belong to a antisemtic group stop being a faggot and join one and the jews arent the real problem the muzzles are

Because binning all those knives really stopped knife crime. Banning things doesn't stop anything, and in a lot of cases encourages the behaviour.

>covert action

Impossible. The government tap every single phone and net line as well as the mobile phones you all carry.

>Banning things doesn't stop anything

It does. Evidence: no nationalist parties.

>Because binning all those knives really stopped knife crime

What does it matter if a bunch of proles stab each other?

>and in a lot of cases encourages the behaviour.


I did it lads... I drank it


Well then fight for it.

>no Question Time tonight

At least the Apprentice interviews are on.

This Week has Molly!


I am sick of these fucking image captchas. Every time now they are making me complete 2 captchas just to post.
The jews at google must pay for this. They must all suffer. I will kill moot last, because I like him.
Behold the illusive Eastasianwithawhitenose.

Play the ball, not the man.

>news website has its video player on autoplay
>news website has ad banners with sound

How high is your town above sea level?

So basicly they want a world where women have the right to choose how to protect themselves.


>muh sports reference

Nice fake graph....

Make it yourself?

>>muh sports reference

Didn't expect you to know what ad hominem meant desu.

tfw live on the coast

Future archaeologists will explore your town in wet suits.


>live on top of a hill in the Midlands.
I'll be fine, except i have to live in the midlands.

>violence against men and boys is an objectively larger problem
>feminists want to exclusively fight violence against women and girls
>shut down any discussions about violence that include male victims
remember though they definitely don't hate men and definitely support gender equality for everybody. Any feminist that thinks violence against females is worse than violence against males just ISN'T A TRUE FEMINIST

Jews are like that girl in primary school that used to tell on everyone.





Anglos, what do you think about BNP and Britain First?

ah yesthe so-called morality man

I bet Pete had some serious reefer madness in his day.

didn't he just


>mother is stressed

>kills herself

>murders her 7 year old son

>all those comments saying R.I.P.

if it was a dad, he would be seen like Ian Huntely

Pretty retarded really. The BNP could have potentially been something but their leader was a total cunt and wrecked the party.

There was case a few years ago when a woman murdered her and her boyfriends three kids then killed herself because of woman-stress or something. The bf refused to allow the bitch to be buried next to their three kid's graves and all these women were condemning him and saying "let the poor tragic woman lay with her babies"...the ones she'd slaughtered.




i can live with that

More brit/pol/, less spam.

You're in the wrong thread.

Can you live with the millions of French, Italians and Germans wanting to come live in your country?

Bear in mind these will be the future inhabitants of those nations so probably 90% Muslim.

>The majority most cucked parts of Europe go underwater.

Seems good. Anyone know if there's plug sockets in antartica so I can plug in my hairdryer & Patio heater? long do we have to fortify switzy again and put explosive on the bridges?

does seem a bit quiet

Lads what does Za Brackpirr mean?

Not in our life times fortunately.

Everyone's in here
Just keeping this alive for the glory of Britain and to trigger climate change deniers.

beside the landscape change...what else happens?

global air temperature fluctuation is indistinguishable from error

when you're chinese and pessimistic about the future, you have taken za brackpirr

In Switzerland I think you can expect more avalanches, and eventually flooding instead of snow.
You're country doesn't do to badly with a bit of extra temperature.

It's the rest of the world going to shit around you that will cause problems.

Who told you that?

haaah its always the rest of the world......get your shit together rest of the world

>mfw I catch myself whistling the Horst Wessel song around normies

>Who told you that?
Science. Studies.

>world with no violence against females
>not a peep about violence against males

wasn't the MP on the left arrested for beating up her husband?

>Science. Studies.
Was the the name of your GNVQ?

Well done lad

What happened to QT today?

it's science

do you deny science?

are you gonna start denying gravity now?

>Fife and Edinburgh get submerged

My prayers have finally been answered

tbf it's a pretty catchy tune

u wot m8. excluding edinburgh's wogs and student trash, both of those places are super comfy

We can reclaim them once they have all drowned. Fife is full of trash and needs a reset.

>6 year old study by a single author..

Well I guess that's the whole field debunked then.

We should just ignore that fact the temperature keeps rising.

And that rising sea level, consistent and in one direction, ignore that too.

>he thinks you can measure the temperature of the past by looking at cores

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling knocks some third world cyclist over.

how will the climate in antarctica be?

westerwaldlied for me. Horst wessel is a wee bit harder to explain.

Who else is going to create a white homeland in antarctica once it all melts?

Pretty fucked lad. At least Luton gets flooded.

I think when all the various measurables point to the same thing you have your answer.

The south pole is quite interesting.
As it get warmer it actually gets more snow, and the ice around it grows in area.

The total amount of ice on it decreases overall because it's melting faster.

If we do nothing at some point huge areas will be floating and able to break off and melt quicker.

It will still be dark half the year and fucking cold during that time.
Canada and Russia are the places but they still have the winter darkness problem the further north you go.

>Canada and Russia are the places
>white homeland
>in canada
Lads out of his nut

It gives you an idea, but it isn't going to demonstrate anything relevant other than the fact that global warming isn't the main factor in flooding, it's water displacement at the ice caps. Depending on the type of ice that forms more or less water is displaced. Currently sheet ice is forming rapidly in the Antartic and permafrost is in decline hence water displacement.

>People on /britpol/ unironically support Hitler
erika master race

>YKTD nowhere to be found
H-has he finally gone lads?

taking the temperature from an uncontrolled number of stations in uncontrolled locations using various thermometer technologies is not scientific

also, it is virtually impossible to measure human emissions, and it is fallacious to point to an graph of ppm and say "here, that's us"

For me its Erika. I sometimes sing it under my breath.

Erika is fucking beautiful, top vid btw.

Erika, westerwaldlied, morgen muss mein schatz verreisen, ade mein liebes schatzerlein, ein heller und ein batzen, SS marschiert in feindesland/teufuslied, schon bluhen die heckenrosen, Lore Lore Lore.

Nazis had some top tunes. Pisses me off that they made it impossible to like prussian music though.


I'm not thinking am I?

It will be full of chinks and nigs by then.

Melting permafrost is a big problem.

It release methane which is a green house gas way more potent the CO2.

I don't, I think he was an idiot but I find some aspects of National Socialism to be very attractive.

We can only hope.

Hitler was a very smart politician but his meddling fucked over the German armed forces in many ways, and the holocaust basically soured his ideals forever.

>tfw safe
Does all of London go under?

What a shame...

hmm yes... a damn shame that....


Exactly, he was an idiot.

>Brighton wiped out as well

He's in the other thread.

Posting nonsense like this:

As if people haven't been over indulging at Christmas for centuries.
It's part of the tradition.